سعدنا اليوم بتوقيع اتفاقية تعاون مع الكلية الحديثة للتجارة والعلوم ، لإطلاق برنامج جديد بدعم من شركة بوينج Boeing يهدف إلى تمكين الشباب وتطوير مهاراتهم في قطاع الطيران المستدام. نفخر بهذا التعاون الذي يسهم في تعزيز الاستدامة وبناء مستقبل مشرق لشباب عُمان في هذا المجال✨ #إنجاز_عمان #injazoman
Excellent, further with due respect i would like to share a vital issue here, preparation for key disciplines are very very important but at the same time, keeping in view Oman vision 2040 i would suggest that made in Oman shall be mandatory and Oman divert their policy from consumer Centric to Power Hub of Own Producing of each and everything in their country/region through the youth of college and universities in order to have firm grip for the increase of made in Oman products exports and decrease the bills of imports/imported products. In this regards I can share a complete proposal in order to uplift the youth by all means and transforming OMAN from consumer Centric to Power Hub of Manufacturing each and every thing in their own country and can save billions of dollars within very short span of time. If you have any question you are more than welcome please for opening up new horizons for the youth and people belongs to all walks of life and setting up new landmarks not in in Oman but in the region and globally. Thank you and looking forward. Warm deep regards
Empowering the next generation is crucial for achieving commercial aviation’s net zero target by 2050. We appreciate our collaboration with inJAz Oman.
I volunteered with InJaz Bahrain and really enjoyed it. Shaikha Hessa was a great leader.
فرصة عمل اونلاين ⤵️
٤ شهرhttps://forms.gle/sTu4ykMVCxC6P6T59