Last Saturday, People's Day at COP16Riyadh brought together voices from across generations and disciplines to address the profound impacts of desertification on mental health. At the Child and Youth Resilience Pavilion, we joined forces with ChildFund International, Be Well with Norah Alissa, and MentalEdGroup to explore these critical challenges, particularly for children and youth. As part of this inspiring hour, we were thrilled to spotlight the work of #TakeABreath by Goumbook, focusing on the vital connection between droughts, desertification, and air quality—and how these challenges deeply influence mental health. The session featured the expertise of community psychologist Khadiga Alsharif and clinical psychologist Norah Alissa, whose work provided invaluable insights. Youth participants also shared their personal experiences and perspectives, highlighting the importance of integrating their voices into these conversations. People learn best through play- the session was concluded with an engaging gamified activity, curated and led by MentalEdGroup’s Khaoula Miara and Assia Nait Kassi, united participants in building a collaborative Jenga tower—a powerful symbol of intergenerational resilience and teamwork. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Keeva Duffey, who not only moderated the impactful session but also brought us all together, holding space for diverse voices to collaborate and craft meaningful outcomes. People's Day at #COP16Riyadh emphasised the rights of youth and the critical importance of their integration and collaboration in shaping a healthier, more sustainable present and future—and we were honored to contribute to this vital session. #COP16Riyadh #UNCCDYouthCaucus #Youth #AirQuality #MentalHealth #Sustainability #Desertification #Droughts #ClimateChange #SustainableCommunities #Goumbook #Changingmindsets