03-10-2024 15:00
8th Comparative Law Forum : Freedom to conduct a business

Policy Roundtables and Book Talks EPRS
EPRS event
8th annual Comparative Law Forum © AdobeStock_568022512

The Forum will take place at the European Parliament (Room Spinelli 1G2) on Thursday 3 October (15:00-18:00) and Friday 4 October (10:00-13:00). You can also join online via Interactio. In either case, please register by 30 September.

Each year, the Comparative Law Library publishes a series of studies in several languages on a topic related to fundamental rights and freedoms. Each study focuses on the legal system of a State or an international organisation and follows the same pattern (history, legislation, case law and doctrine), in order to facilitate comparison between the legal systems analysed.
This year's theme is 'freedom to conduct a business' and the following jurisdictions have been covered: the European Union, Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland and the United States.
The authors of these studies will present their findings in the upcoming Comparative Law Forum. The presentation will be followed by a round table discussion between the authors and judges from the highest courts of some of these jurisdictions. You can find the programme and the studies below.