Martin Bichler, TU MünchenFollow
Ulrich Frank, University of Duisburg-EssenFollow
David Avison, ESSEC Business School, FranceFollow
Julien Malaurent, ESSEC Business SchoolFollow
Peter Fettke, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Saarbrücken, GermanyFollow
Dirk Hovorka, The University of Sydney, AustraliaFollow
Jan Krämer, University of Passau, GermanyFollow
Daniel Schnurr, University of Passau, GermanyFollow
Benjamin Mueller, University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands.Follow
Leena Suhl, Universität Paderborn, GermanyFollow
Bernhard Thalheim, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, GermanyFollow
Recommended Citation
Bichler, Martin; Frank, Ulrich; Avison, David; Malaurent, Julien; Fettke, Peter; Hovorka, Dirk; Krämer, Jan; Schnurr, Daniel; Mueller, Benjamin; Suhl, Leena; and Thalheim, Bernhard
"Theories in Business and Information Systems Engineering,"
Business & Information Systems Engineering:
Vol. 58: Iss. 4, 291-319.
Available at:
Since July 21, 2016