Washington, DC – Below is a column by Maribel Hastings from America’s Voice en Español translated to English from Spanish. It ran in several Spanish-language media outlets earlier this week: Now that some media outlets are reporting that President Joe Biden is considering extending immigration relief to certain undocumented... Continue »
Washington, DC — The drumbeat for pro-immigrant, affirmative relief is growing louder. As we highlighted earlier this week, the Biden administration is exploring executive actions to grant legal status and work permits to some long-settled undocumented immigrants, including those married to American citizens. The momentum behind this vision is... Continue »
First published February 28, 2024; last updated April 11, 2024 Topline Summary While the salience of immigration has increased, and Americans are concerned about maintaining an orderly border, the majority of the public is open to a “both/and” approach. They support a broader set of immigration solutions that pair... Continue »
Exit polls from last week’s Super Tuesday GOP primary races in Virginia, North Carolina, and California continue to reinforce the conclusion drawn from results in New Hampshire and South Carolina: a significant portion of the party’s primary base hasn’t been swayed by GOP candidates’ extreme and unworkable deterrence-only approach,... Continue »
The need for a “both/and” approach on immigration that combines a pathway to legalization and border security is getting a boost from two unlikely places: the recent Republican presidential primary races between indicted former President Donald Trump and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.  Nikki Haley garnered 40% of... Continue »
This past weekend, indicted former President Donald Trump won the South Carolina GOP primary by predictably defeating Gov. Nikki Haley in her home state but by a smaller margin than expected: 59.8% to 39.5%. CNN exit polling of the race provided some insights into the divide between the hard-core... Continue »
Watch a recording of the briefing HERE Washington, DC – In the wake of Tom Suozzi’s special election victory and news that the Biden administration may implement executive actions on the border, Democratic pollsters and strategists convened a press briefing with immigration experts focused on examining the role of... Continue »
Immigration polling from America's Voice.
Vanessa Cárdenas: “The American public is hungry for solutions and to fix our broken immigration system, recognizing rightly that immigration within a controlled and orderly system is good for America, our economy, and our future.” Washington, DC – New immigration polling from Gallup, the latest installment in their annual... Continue »
Immigration polling from America's Voice.
America is not nearly as anti-immigration as the White House and some Democrats seem to fear. Democrats can win the “solutions” debate on this issue, in part by broadening the discussion from just the myopic border focus, and by contrasting their support for a broad and balanced approach to... Continue »
Our Take on the Latest Polling and Public Opinion on Immigration Washington, DC – Recent Gallup polling and related coverage has refocused attention on American public opinion on immigration and immigrants. Below is our take, on both the Gallup poll and the larger state of play of public sentiment... Continue »