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Kid Cudi J. Cole Failed In-Studio, Then Ghosted Me ... So No Collab, Buds!!!

Kid Cudi and J. Cole's careers both rose through hip hop's Blog Era but their interactions have been relatively light -- and it's all Cole's fault, according to Cudi!!!

On Wednesday, Cudi was giving his fans quality time with a Q&A session on X to celebrate his newly released track "Don't Worry," when someone requested that he and Cole collaborate on a song.

Cudi immediately revealed he's tried to work with Cole in the past and came off rather annoyed.

Apparently, Cole was in the studio working on Cudi's 2013 album "Indicud," but couldn't find the groove on the song.

He doesn't say which song Cole didn't finish ... but the album went on to feature the likes of Kendrick Lamar, Travis Scott and Chip Tha Ripper ... so there's a chance Cole simply got replaced.

Cudi said he reached out for Cole to run it back on his "Insano" album he released in January -- but was met with radio silence.

Kids see ghosts, indeed!!!

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