ANAD School Ambassador Program
Did you know that only 1 in 5 adolescents with an eating disorder actually seek treatment. This has to change ASAP!
The ANAD School Ambassador Program (ASAP) is a new initiative to empower students interested in bringing awareness of eating disorders and available support and educational resources to their school community. We hope this program will help create life-changing conversations at schools across the country.

What is ASAP?
ANAD has created a hub of materials aimed at supporting students who want to bring change to their school or university. Through training, guides, and other resources, this program will make advocacy easier and change possible. We’re always open to new ideas and want to help support you in any way we can!
At ANAD, we believe in the power of peer support and recognize that the voice and experience of our peers can have a tremendous impact. That’s why we look forward to the opportunity to help empower ambassadors in their communities.

Who can participate?
In addition to being passionate about mental health and eating disorder awareness, we look for ANAD School Ambassadors who meet the following requirements:
- Belief in ANAD’s core values and mission
- Enrolled High School or College Student in the US
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills
- Ability to commit a couple of hours each month to this program
Become An ANAD School Ambassador!
Step 1: Research What Already Exists
Familiarize yourself with your school’s requirements to start a new student-led organization or initiative. Check to see what resources are already available.
Step 2: Secure A Faculty Advisor
Every ANAD School Ambassador Program club or awareness initiative is required to have a faculty advisor to assist them in creating change at their school. We recommend reaching out to teachers in the mental health, nutritional health, psychology, or student support departments at your institution. We’ve even included a packet below to help explain the program in more detail!
Advisors will help you meet all of your school’s specific requirements for on-campus activities and will also help in the continuation of the program after you graduate!
Step 3: Complete the ANAD School Ambassador Application
After you complete the application, we’ll be in touch to set up a time to meet you virtually. We can help you decide the best next steps for starting your group or planning your initiative. This is also a great time to ask any questions you have about the program or ANAD!
Step 4: Complete ANAD Training Modules & Receive Access to Ambassador Hub
We’ve created several short, engaging videos to help you learn more about eating disorders, engaging in conversations, and creating change at your school. These resources will help you better understanding the organization, our mission, and effective ways to connect with your peers.
Oh and did you know that all ambassadors will also receive access to ongoing training and support?! We’ve got you!
Step 5: Start The Conversation of Change!
It’s official, you’re an ANAD School Ambassador!
If you start a chapter, think about names for the group. Leveraging social media and school media platforms like a newsletter offer numerous benefits for promoting eating disorder awareness and education within a high school or college. These avenues can also help you find others in your community who are passionate about the cause!
We’ll meet you regularly to check in to see how things are going and to support your efforts in any way we can!
While there is always strength in numbers, starting a group is completely optional. Either way, you’ll be connected with other ANAD school ambassadors across the country!
While the time commitment may vary depending on the size of your organization, school, and outreach, we encourage you to prepare to spend around 6-8 hours each month on this initiative.
We’re here for you every step of the way. Following onboarding training, you’ll have access to our Ambassador Resource Hub and our comprehensive High School Ambassador Guide full of tips, tricks, and how-to’s! We’ll also connect you with other ambassadors and organizations across the country for collaborative opportunities.
Unfortunately, as a nonprofit within limited resources, we’re unable to financially support your initiatives but we do offer fundraising support and a comprehensive guide to help you raise the funds your group may need.