Foto de capa de Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Angola (AHK Angola)
Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Angola (AHK Angola)

Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Angola (AHK Angola)

Sociedades de fomento mercantil - factoring

The Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Angola is the official representation of Germany in Angola.

Sobre nós

At 140 locations in 92 countries around the world, the German Chamber Network (AHKs) offers its experience, network and services to German and foreign companies to support bilateral trade. The Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Angola (AHK Angola) is part of this worldwide AHK German Chamber Network and also the official representation of the German economy in Angola. Our services include: Business Partner Mediation, Market Information and Market Research, Business and Delegation Trips, Address Research, Office-in-Office, and Tailor-made Consulting Services.

Sociedades de fomento mercantil - factoring
Tamanho da empresa
2-10 funcionários
Sem fins lucrativos
Fundada em
Business Partner Mediation, Market Information and Market Research, Business and Delegation Trips, Address Research, Office-in-Office e Tailor-made Consulting Services


  • Principal

    Via S10, Condomínio Belas Business Park - Talatona

    Torre Cuanza Sul - Sala 404

    Luanda, AO

    Como chegar

Funcionários da Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Angola (AHK Angola)


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