Foto de portada de Transmodal Worldwide Logistics
Transmodal Worldwide Logistics

Transmodal Worldwide Logistics

Transporte, logística, cadena de suministro y almacenamiento

Rosario, Santa Fe 1011 seguidores

Sobre nosotros

Transmodal, founded in 1992, was the first international logistics provider of the Argentine coast. Since our establishment, we understand that supply chains are the backbone of international trade and therefore offer highly efficient logistics solutions for exporters and importers. In today's globalized environment, companies increasingly require more certainty about when and how your shipments arrive at the final destination. Because of this in TRANSModal select the best options for global supply chains, both in handling and shipping or international land transport in full containers (FCL) or consolidated cargo (LCL), air transport. We combine our services with counseling, specialized information and logistical studies options tailored to the needs of each client. To provide these services, we have a global network of associated companies worldwide and highly qualified professionals that allow us to coordinate shipments with the highest quality standards to or from anywhere in the world..

Sitio web
Transporte, logística, cadena de suministro y almacenamiento
Tamaño de la empresa
De 2 a 10 empleados
Rosario, Santa Fe
De financiación privada
Transporte Maríimo, Transporte Terrestre, Transporte Áereo, Couriers Importación - Exportación, Mudanzas Internacionales, Gestión de cadenas de suministros, Coordinación de operaciones en puerto/aeropuerto/depósito fiscal y coordinación de envíos internacionales puerta a puerta


  • Principal

    Jujuy 1983

    Piso 1 Oficinas 1 a 3

    Rosario, Santa Fe, AR

    Cómo llegar

Empleados en Transmodal Worldwide Logistics


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