We invite you to discover The Vines Foundation! 🌎🌱 The Vines Foundation is a catalyst for positive change in the Uco Valley of Mendoza. Our vision is to see the Uco Valley flourish as a model of sustainable development, with our initiatives serving as a blueprint for community-centric progress. The Foundation is dedicated to uplifting the Tunuyán community through various initiatives: from operating community kitchens and providing educational resources to rescuing and rehabilitating homeless animals. We take this opportunity to introduce one of our initiatives. We are excited to announce the launch of the Mobile Spay/Neuter Program in partnership with the Municipality of Tunuyán. Learn more at www.vinesfoundation.org #TheVinesFoundation #SustainableDevelopment #CommunitySupport #AnimalWelfare #Tunuyán
MÓVIL DE CASTRACIÓN DE LA FUNDACIÓN THE VINES Gracias al generoso aporte de uno de los owners de The Vines of Mendoza - Vineyards & Luxury Resort a nuestra Fundación, pudimos adquirir un móvil que adaptamos para la castración de perros y gatos. Luego de todos los trámites necesarios y de las negociaciones con el Municipio de Tunuyán, acordamos un trabajo conjunto, fomentando así la participación público-privada en el desarrollo de la comunidad, que es el pilar fundamental de la Fundación The Vines. Ayer fue el primer día de actividades, y la convocatoria superó nuestras expectativas: se castraron 29 perros y gatos, de los 150/180 que estimamos castrar por mes. Esto demuestra la necesidad de la comunidad y la efectividad de la comunicación del municipio. Contamos con un equipo interdisciplinario formado por profesionales de la Fundación y del Municipio, quienes estarán a cargo del trabajo en el móvil de castración y estarán disponibles para consultas de los vecinos. Este es un gran paso para nuestra Fundación, que seguirá trabajando en proyectos de colaboración mutua, tanto con empresas como con el gobierno, para fomentar el desarrollo de la comunidad del Valle de Uco. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPAY/NEUTER MOBILE UNIT OF THE FOUNDATION Thanks to the generous contribution from one of the owners of The Vines of Mendoza - Vineyards & Luxury Resort t to our Foundation, we were able to acquire a mobile unit that we adapted for the spaying and neutering of dogs and cats. After completing all the necessary procedures and negotiations with the Municipality of Tunuyán, we agreed on a joint effort, thus promoting public-private participation in community development, which is the fundamental pillar of The Vines Foundation. Yesterday was the first day of activities, and the turnout exceeded our expectations: 29 dogs and cats were spayed/neutered, out of the 150/180 we estimate to spay/neuter per month. This demonstrates the community's need and the effectiveness of the municipality's communication. We have an interdisciplinary team comprised of professionals from the Foundation and the Municipality, who will be in charge of the work in the spay/neuter mobile unit and will be available for consultations from the residents. This is a significant step for our Foundation, which will continue working on mutual collaboration projects with both businesses and the government to promote the development of the Uco Valley community. Gracias al equipo! Thanks to the team! Juan Lucas Sbriglio Cecilia Bravo #BelenMartinez #EmirAndraos #MunicipalidadDeTunuyan