New Ad Urges Iowans to Caucus for Palin


Run, Sarah, Run!

A pro-Palin group in Iowa has started running a new ad urging her to run.

By CMAG on Publish Date December 29, 2011.

The underground movement to draft Sarah Palin into the Iowa caucuses has moved onto television, with a group called Sarah Palin’s Iowa Earthquake running ads across the state.

The ad is decidedly low-tech and has run on some of Iowa’s smaller broadcast stations like WOI in Des Moines, a sign that the group is not putting much money behind its campaign.

But what the commercial lacks in sophistication it makes up for in audacity. “Crony capitalism and corruption in government is eating this country alive,” says the message on screen, which is displayed in simple white font against a black backdrop as a montage of still photos of Ms. Palin flash by. “This disease must be addressed by our next president or the crooks will still be running your candy store.”

The ad ends with Ms. Palin’s voice, taken from a political rally, saying, “God bless you, Iowa!” and it implores viewers, “Please, caucus for Sarah Palin.”

The group that placed the ad has been calling local television stations to inquire about their rates in recent days, explaining itself as an organization that is pushing Ms. Palin through Facebook. A Facebook page called “ Sarah Palin’s Earthquake Movement” urges fans to donate money through a PayPal account. “The cost of one 10 pm news show slot is $500.00 just to give you an idea of how fast the funds can go,” it says. “Primetime shows are anywhere from $1500.00 to $3500.00. If you can, please donate.” So far the page has nearly 1,300 “Likes.”

The group has also created a similar radio ad urging Iowans to “vote rogue” and caucus for the former Alaska governor.