
Feed a smile



            The Lavender Field for Feed a Smile
            ********The Charity Sim***********
The Lavender Field for Feed a Smile is the Second Life charity sim for the Real Life non-profit, registered charity organizations Live and Learn in Kenya NGO - Germany and Live and Learn in Kenya Int'l - Nakuru, Kenya (LLK)

Enjoy hours of live music, art and photo exhibits, DJ events, charity shops and a beautiful place to hang out with friends or alone. There is so much to see here.


Understanding Science: How Computers Work


                                                         by Dr. Phil Youngblood

"The last two presentations in this series explored particle physics, the world of the very small, and our solar system, the much larger space that surrounds our more familiar world.   In this episode we will explore one area of how science is applied to create technology by examining how the very small, and relatively simple, world of computer electronics is employed to create the more familiar and complex worlds we represent on devices we can carry around with us.

First, we will briefly look at how transistors, the components that create the ‘1s and 0s’ used to store and transmit everything, are made so small that billions can fit into the chips that form the ‘brains’ and ‘memory’ of every computer.

Then we will step through how transistors and other circuitry work together to create the logic of an electronic calculator.

Finally, we will step through how the processor, the ‘brain’ behind operations, works with memory and peripheral units to process a computer program (commonly called an application or app) that instructs your computer to do all the wondrous things we do with them these days."
