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Why ASC?

We set the standard for seafood. If you see the ASC label on pack, you can be sure that your seafood was farmed with care.

Our impact

By choosing ASC labelled seafood, you are making a proven, positive impact on people and the planet.

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Join the most recognised certification programme as proof of your responsible farming practices to a global audience.

Our impact

ASC creates measurable positive change in global seafood farming.

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The ASC programme is successful because of all producers and partners involved. Read our reports and stories.


Join the most recognised certification programme and benefit from trading ASC certified seafood.

Our impact

ASC creates measurable, positive change in global seafood farming.

After certification

In addition to accessing our global network of secure and flexible supply, ASC partners benefit from marketing their ASC certified seafood.

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LLA Status: Suspended
LLA suspension can be decided by MSCI for various reasons, ranging from administrative reasons (example: non payment of royalty fees for use of the ASC logo) to integrity issues (such as failure of maintaining accurate records to demonstrate the certified origin of a product).
LLA Status : Not Applicable
– LLA was may be never needed by the company,
– Certificate holder might be using the LLA of mother/sister company
– LLA could have been terminated because the company doesn’t need one anymore,
– LLA could have been terminated because ASC Program Assurance team has detected some breaches of the clauses of the LLA,

In case you would need to purchase products from a supplier who holds a valid LLA and the supplier doesn’t have one, you may check directly with them about the reasons of absence of LLA. You can also check the suspension list where LLA suspensions/terminations taken for integrity reasons are displayed

Chain of Custody (CoC) certification assures that ASC certified seafood delivered to supply chain actors originates from a farm certified by ASC. This allows buyers to make credible claims of the sustainable origin of their seafood to their customers. Read more about traceability and our CoC certification.

Download the list of ASC Chain of Custody certified companies:

Certified Chain of Custody (CoC) supply chain actors

Note: The latest list is from  24 Oct 2024. Companies that have received its Chain of Custody certification after this date might not be listed.

Confidental Infomation