Dear customers, business partners, and all AVILOO friends 😊 🎄 ⛄ 💛 We are incredibly grateful for a very exciting business year, filled with many important new partnerships worldwide and the continued success of the AVILOO story. Our remarkable journey will continue in 2025 with new developments in battery testing that will strengthen the e-mobility world. Stay tuned! Wishing you wonderful holidays – we’ll see you again in 2025, recharged and ready to go! #FastestBatteryTest #SoH #EV #PlugInHybrid #StateofHealth
AVILOO Battery Diagnostics
Dateninfrastruktur und -analytik
Wiener Neudorf, Österreich 3.843 Follower:innen
World market leader in battery diagnosis for e-cars and plug-in hybrids.
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Externer Link zu AVILOO Battery Diagnostics
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- Dateninfrastruktur und -analytik
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- 51–200 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Wiener Neudorf, Österreich
- Art
- Privatunternehmen
- Spezialgebiete
- Batterydiagnostics, State of Health Calculation, Batterymonitoring, Battery Field Data und battery diagnostics
IZ NÖ-Süd, Straße 16, Objekt 69/5
Wiener Neudorf, Österreich 2355, AT
Beschäftigte von AVILOO Battery Diagnostics
The AVILOO FLASH Test emerged as winner in a nationwide study conducted in the Netherlands for independence and reliability in battery testing. BOVAG, the Dutch association representing businesses in the mobility sector, and the Association of Electric Drivers (VER) compared #batterytests from five providers and published their findings: All benefits of the FLASH Test, like e.g. buyers’ certainty and profit maximization, naturally apply to the Dutch market as well. Moreover, we would like to emphasize that our method - currently utilized by 153 car dealers in the Netherlands - is tamper-proof, easy to use with plug-and-play functionality, and it covers 95% of all electric vehicles (#EVs) and plug-in hybrid vehicles (#PHEVs) available. A standout feature of the 3-minute FLASH Test is its precision in analysis, capable of detecting cell defects and highlighting them in the test report with 'Red Flag' alerts. Check out today’s post from our Dutch reselling partner Elgersma BV here: #IndustryStandard #UsedEV #BatteryCondition #SoH #BatteryDefect
🌎 AVILOO conquers the US 📌 We are excited to announce the establishment of AVILOO Inc. in #Denver, Colorado. By setting up this local branch, we are expanding into another highly promising market and bringing our solutions closer to our customers. Currently, the global market share of EV sales in the #US is much lower than in Europe. However, projections indicate that this share will grow by approximately 34% by 2030. Alongside this increasing #EVadoption rate comes a rising demand for reliable information about the #StateofHealth (#SoH), capacity, and defect-free condition of used EV batteries. #AVILOO is recognized as the industry standard in many markets worldwide. Our fast and independent battery tests cover the majority of #EV and plug-in hybrid models registered in the United States. This enables us to offer the proven, significant benefits to US EV buyers, drivers, and #cardealerships. AVILOO battery test certificates provide buyers with assurance about the condition of the battery, while offering used car dealers a more transparent pricing process with greater potential for profit maximization. #EVBatteryTesting #BEV #PHEV #BatteryDefect #eMobility
🌎 AVILOO is part of the 14 EIC-backed companies currently joining the „EIC USA Soft-landing Programme for Cleantech 2024“ in San Francisco & Silicon Valley, California. In a highly motivated group of delegates from the selected #EUeic-supported companies, our Founder and COO Wolfgang Berger represents us in this mission. AVILOO’s diagnostics, recognized as the worldwide industry standard, greatly support the car dealership sector by enabling significant profit maximization and providing transparency regarding battery conditions and residual values of used EVs and plug-in hybrids. These benefits, along with many other facts about the #AVILOO #FLASHTest - the fastest comprehensive battery analysis available, are the focus of Wolfgang Berger’s discussions in workshops and meetings with local top leaders. We thank those responsible for the EIC Soft-landing Programme for their mentorship and their special services, supporting the internationalisation of European innovations. #EUeic #eMobility #BatteryTesting #SoH #BatteryDefects #EV #PluginHybrid
The #EUeic USA Soft-landing week kicks off today bringing together 14 EIC-backed #cleantech companies for an immersive week in Silicon Valley. This programme will feature the European Union Delegation to the United States and top US partners including INSEAD SF Hub, Stanford University School of Sustainability, Bay Area Council and Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center. The week will emphasise on: ✨ Tailored workshops to refine US market strategies 🎯 Exclusive matchmaking and pitching opportunities 🤝 Mentorship and expert guidance to accelerate growth Don't miss their journey! Meet the 14 innovative companies 👉 Jean-David Malo FibriTech
📢 Les tests AVILOO parlent désormais le “DoIP” 🚀 Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer que les tests de batteries AVILOO, devenus la référence mondiale du diagnostic pour les véhicules électriques et hybrides rechargeables, sont désormais compatibles avec la technologie DoIP (Diagnostics over Internet Protocol). Notre FLASH Test, en 3 minutes, peut désormais collecter les données des batteries traitées dans le cadre du nouveau protocole de communication DoIP et les intégrer à ses paramètres dynamiques et algorithmes sophistiqués. De plus en plus de constructeurs abandonnent les anciens systèmes CAN pour adopter le DoIP. Parmi les pionniers figurent Mercedes-Benz (avec les modèles EQE et EQS par exemple), Volvo, Renault et Polestar. D’autres suivront très bientôt. A partir de maintenant, les avantages de nos certificats de tests indépendants de batteries – comme la maximisation des profits, la transparence et la fiabilité – s’étendent également aux acteurs du marché de l’occasion et aux utilisateurs de véhicules intégrant la technologie DoIP. Plus d'infos sur les câbles DoIP pour les nouveaux clients et actuels détenteurs de licences: Communiqué de Presse: #VoituresElectriques #DoIP #SoH
AVILOO Battery Diagnostics hat dies direkt geteilt
📢 AVILOO battery tests speak “DoIP”! 🚀 So happy to share that AVILOO’s industry standard for testing used EV and plug-in hybrid batteries is DoIP-enabled. Our 3-minute AVILOO FLASH Test can now capture battery data from the new DoIP communication technology in automotive electronics to incorporate it into its own dynamic parameters and sophisticated algorithms. An increasing number of manufacturers are transitioning from the old CAN systems to DoIP (Diagnostics over Internet Protocol). Early adopters include Mercedes-Benz with EQE and EQS, Volvo, Renault and Polestar, with more OEMs to follow. As of now, the benefits of our independent battery test certificates – such as profit maximization, transparency and certainty – are also available to EV remarketers and users of vehicles controlled via DoIP. Information on the DoIP cable for new customers and current license holders: Press Release English: Press Release German: #doip #ev #batterytest #pluginhybrid #cardealership #evleasing #communicationprotocol #independentbatterytest #batterydefects #SoH #StateofHealth #Batteryperformance
📢 AVILOO battery tests speak “DoIP”! 🚀 So happy to share that AVILOO’s industry standard for testing used EV and plug-in hybrid batteries is DoIP-enabled. Our 3-minute AVILOO FLASH Test can now capture battery data from the new DoIP communication technology in automotive electronics to incorporate it into its own dynamic parameters and sophisticated algorithms. An increasing number of manufacturers are transitioning from the old CAN systems to DoIP (Diagnostics over Internet Protocol). Early adopters include Mercedes-Benz with EQE and EQS, Volvo, Renault and Polestar, with more OEMs to follow. As of now, the benefits of our independent battery test certificates – such as profit maximization, transparency and certainty – are also available to EV remarketers and users of vehicles controlled via DoIP. Information on the DoIP cable for new customers and current license holders: Press Release English: Press Release German: #doip #ev #batterytest #pluginhybrid #cardealership #evleasing #communicationprotocol #independentbatterytest #batterydefects #SoH #StateofHealth #Batteryperformance
🔔 Battery Aging in Practice With the decisive support of AVILOO, providing anonymized real-life data and battery testing expertise, P3 Group, Stuttgart, created an extensive analysis on the lifespan of EV drive batteries. P3’s White Paper, linked below, pictures its outcome, clearly showing that EV batteries last far longer than often claimed. It also covers facts about appropriate EV usage to contribute to a battery’s State-of-Health (SoH) and longevity, and, in consequence, to strongly influence the vehicles residual value. AVILOO's battery diagnoses, the fastest detailed and independent testing methods worldwide, deliver precise results about the SoH, the remaining capacity and probable defects down to cell level. The benefits of our industry standard of battery diagnosics for EV-buyers, dealerships and remarketers are clear: Certainty through a recognized battery certificate, transparency in pricing, profit maximization and simplifying selling/buying procedures. 🦉 Free White Paper download:
🌟From German Bestseller to Global Reach: EV Battery Facts Unveiled 🌟 A couple days ago, we launched our Whitepaper in German, and the response was overwhelming! The incredible insights into EV battery performance sparked discussions across the industry. Now, we’re excited to share the English version with a broader audience. 🌍 This study, conducted with AVILOO Battery Diagnostics, combines data from over 7,000 vehicles, breaking down myths about EV battery aging and capacity loss. Special thanks to Nikolaus Mayerhofer and Johannes Huber for their outstanding collaboration! 🚀 What’s Inside: ✅ Proven Endurance: Over 80% capacity retained after 200,000 km—a testament to the durability of modern EV batteries. 🔍 Real-World Power: Field data beats lab results, offering a clear picture of what batteries deliver in everyday life. ♻️ More Than a One-Time Use: Batteries shine with opportunities for second-life applications and sustainable recycling. 👩🔬 Our P3 experts— Markus Hackmann, Heiko Knörzer, Jannik Pfeuffer, and Paul Jeckel — present actionable insights for manufacturers, fleet operators, and EV enthusiasts alike. 🔗 Now available in English: We can’t wait to hear your thoughts—let’s shape the future of electromobility together! #EVInnovation #Sustainability #GlobalImpact #SecondLifePotential
AVILOO is represented by Nikolaus Mayerhofer (Founder and CTO) and Matthieu Peugeot (Sales Manager) at the 2024 Automotive Summit hosted by The Vehicle Remarketing Association (VRA) in Coventry, UK, today. As global providers of the industry standard for EV battery testing, our expertise is in high demand at this key event. We are very delighted to contribute to the discussion. In addition to our information booth, Nikolaus Mayerhofer holds an engaging presentation, covering the following topics: - Within the branch currently applied calculation and analysis methods for EV battery State-of-Health: Resistance-based SoH, capacitive SoH, and energetic SoH. - The trend towards standardisation of SoH measurement, focusing on Energetic SoH Measurement – the future "SoCe”. - AVILOO's support for the Energetic SoH Measurement, which has been the method of choice at AVILOO since starting our battery testing in 2017. - Application of Energetic SoH Measurement in the software of the world’s fastest comprehensive battery test – the AVILOO FLASH Test. We thank VRA for addressing this important topic today and for having us. Free download of the AVILOO "SoH White Paper": #ProfitMaximization #VRASeminar2024 #Remarketing #CarDealers #SoH #UsedEV #Batterytesting
👍 Wir durften die P3 Group bei der Erstellung einer umfangreichen Analyse zur Lebensdauer von EV-Antriebsbatterien mit anonymisierten AVILOO Real-Life-Daten und unserer Expertise unterstützen. Der Outcome, gerade veröffentlicht als White Paper, macht deutlich, dass Akkus von E-Fahrzeugen weit länger halten, als oftmals behauptet, und somit die ‚Lebensdauer‘ der Batterie kein Hindernis für einen Umstieg in die E-Mobilität ist. Im White Papier kannst Du auch nachlesen, durch welches Lade- und Nutzungsverhalten Du als EV-Fahrer zur Langlebigkeit und zum Gesundheitszustand beitragen kannst. Die unabhängigen, umfassenden AVILOO Batterietests bieten Dir Sicherheit und geben Dir genaue Hinweise, ob der Umgang mit Deinem EV zuträglich für den ‚SoH, - State of Health – ist. P3-Group White Paper: Pressestimmen: Auch wir danken dem Team von P3 für die spannende Zusammenarbeit, es war uns ein Vergnügen 😊
🌟 Whitepaper-Launch: Die Wahrheit über E-Auto-Batterien 🌟 Wie leistungsfähig sind Elektrofahrzeugbatterien wirklich? Gemeinsam mit AVILOO Battery Diagnostics haben wir Daten von über 7.000 Fahrzeugen analysiert – und die Ergebnisse sind beeindruckend! ✨ Was wir herausgefunden haben: ✅ Hohe Belastbarkeit: Auch nach 200.000 km behalten die meisten Batterien über 80% ihrer Kapazität – ein starker Beweis für ihre Langlebigkeit. 🚗 Echte Daten, echte Insights: Echtdaten aus dem Alltag schlagen Laborwerte – sie zeigen, was Batterien im realen Leben wirklich draufhaben. 🌍 Nachhaltigkeit mit Potenzial: Von Second-Life-Anwendungen bis zum Recycling – Batterien leisten mehr, als man denkt. Dieses Whitepaper wäre ohne die großartige Unterstützung von AVILOO Battery Diagnostics, Nikolaus Mayerhofer und Johannes Huber nicht möglich gewesen – danke für eure Expertise und die spannenden Daten! Unsere P3-Experten Markus Hackmann, Heiko Knörzer, Jannik Pfeuffer und Paul Jeckel teilen ihre wichtigsten Erkenntnisse mit euch – fundiert, praxisnah und wegweisend. 🔗 Neugierig geworden? Hier geht’s zum Whitepaper: Wir freuen uns auf eure Gedanken und Diskussionen.