Lasst euch diese spannende Gelegenheit nicht entgehen: Taucht ein in die Diskussionen rund um Künstliche Intelligenz und ihre Auswirkungen auf Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft! Macht mit beim After-Work-Networking-Event und unterstützt dabei auch die BTA. 📅 Jetzt anmelden:
The second After-Work-Networking took place and resulted in an exciting discussion about AI. The use of AI has not been questioned by anyone; rather it is seen as a prerequisite for being able to keep up with global competition. We discussed the question ‘whether regulations represent an unnecessary hurdle or a long-term advantage for society and the economy’? Another interesting aspect came up: 'The use of AI leads to an increase in the number of applications for grants and funding and an increase in their similarity and this leads to difficulties in decision making'. As a matter of course the need of transparency in achieving scientific results with AI has been discussed intensively. There was a consensus that every result must be comprehensible and reproducible. Subsequent research must not be based on false previous results. …and a lot of other inspiring thoughts. What are your main expectations or concerns related to AI. Write it into the comments. Since the topic of AI is diverse and affects everyone, we will continue discussing it in a group during the next After-Work-Networking event. If you are interested in this issue – join in. In addition to the “AI Group”, we will also exchange career hints, experiences and ideas in our particular “Career Group”. If you are interested, then join us! Next online After-Work-Networking will take place on Jan. 21st 5 – 6.30pm