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Personalizing the way we learn languages


Most language learners spend years learning but struggle with the language they encounter in real life. We create a personalized learning journey with authentic content you find interesting and can mostly understand so you can confidently explore country, culture, and people. We are crafting the most personalized experiences for intermediate language learners by finding the best content for every individual learner! We screen the web for native real-world content and use our AI content suggestion engine to find those content pieces, that are: ❤️ engaging - because they are in a learner's field of interest 💡 comprehensible - because they match a learner's vocabulary 💪🏻 perfectly challenging - because they include words that are often used in a language We also offer the perfect reading tool to help learners read texts effortlessly while learning new words from context. They can add new words to their vocabulary or mark words they want to learn - so we can improve our suggestions.

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    184 Follower:innen

    Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir an der diesjährigen Konferenz zum Chinesischunterricht der mittleren und fortgeschrittenen Niveaustufe teilnehmen und Robert Huber zur Rolle von digitalen Medien und moderner Technologie im zukünftigen Sprachunterricht präsentieren durfte 🌍📚 Mit dem Einsatz von KI gehen wir auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse Lernender ein und adressieren somit die oftmals hohe Heterogenität von Lerngruppen. Durch unseren hohen Personalisierungsgrad sollen Lernende so früh wie möglich "die Brücke zu echten Inhalten schlagen". Wir unterstützen dabei umfassend bei der Weiterentwicklung ihrer Lese- und Hörkompetenz. Ein großes Dankeschön an die Veranstalter und alle Teilnehmenden für den inspirierenden Austausch! 🙌

    Profil von Dr. Hannes Jedeck 叶翰识 anzeigen

    Connecting European and Asian Worlds and Cultures

    Die Künstliche Intelligenz ist im Sprachunterricht angekommen. Im Forum Internationale Wissenschaft in Bonn fand am Wochenende die zweitägige Konferenz zum Chinesischunterricht der mittleren und gehobenen Niveaustufe für Bachelorstudiengänge im deutschsprachigen Raum statt (德语区大学本科中、高级汉语教学研讨会). Ausgerichtet von der Abteilung für Sinologie der Universität Bonn und unterstützt durch das Konfuzius-Institut an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn hat die Tagung gezeigt, welche Bedeutung digitale Medien und #KI heute schon im Sprachunterricht haben und welche Rolle sie in Zukunft spielen werden. Gerade auf die Lesekompetenz kommt es im fortgeschrittenen Chinesisch an - und hier kann KI mit individuell auf den Wissensstand und die Interessen der Lernenden abgestimmten Texten einen echten Mehrwert liefern. Tools wie mylingua machen dies möglich. Ich bin gespannt, wo die Reise noch hingeht! The University of Bonn Konfuzius-Institut an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn Andreas Guder 顾安达 (Gù Āndá) Susanne Baumann Susanne Löhr Anne Brennig Benjamin Creutzfeldt Dr. Julia Haes Dr. Katharina Fuchs-Bodde Alexandra Stefanov 施雅姗 Ricarda Stamms 史小樱 Robert Huber

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    Profil von Florian Räuber anzeigen

    Co-Founder @ mylingua | Personalizing language learning

    🔮 Shaping the Future of Language Learning: Personalized and Engaging Thank you Emerge's Sami Tatar for your insightful blog post about the future of AI-powered language learning. At mylingua, we are at the forefront at two of the mentioned areas: leveraging real-world content and hyper-personalization! 🗞️ Leveraging Real-world Content Traditional language learning often leaves learners bored – just think back to those dry, old textbooks from school. Generic content leads to a lack of motivation and high dropout rates, challenges well-known in the market. As Sami points out,  “what is engaging and relevant for one user is likely not for another”. The future is in personalized, engaging content!   At mylingua, we believe the answer isn't in artificial content but in bringing learners closer to the heart of the language: its culture, people, and authentic real-world content. Learners want to immerse themselves in culture as fast as possible  - ideally in areas that interest them most! 🔦 Hyper-Personalization The challenge with real world content? It’s mostly too difficult, even for intermediates. They are not ready to navigate the vast and confusing web on their own. That’s where mylingua comes in. Our AI finds the needle in the haystack of the web: real-world content pieces that are interesting and comprehensible! All by learning about the individual vocabulary and preferences of a learner. 🧠  Personalization Enables Comprehensible Input Especially for intermediate learners, comprehensible input is key. Our brains are pattern recognition machines, understanding unfamiliar bits of information when placed in familiar contexts. Translated to language learning (pun intended): learning new words subconsciously – from the context that is already understandable to you. Only a truly personalized approach can feed your brain with the right mix of content.   🇨🇳🔜🌍 Intermediate Chinese learners already enjoy this for Chinese news with mylingua and universities are integrating our tool into their courses. We are now looking for business angels and investors to help us bring our method to additional languages.

    Profil von Sami Tatar anzeigen

    Early stage investor in future of work and learning

    I'm an EXTREMELY experienced language learner. Having spent 29 years failing miserably at learning Turkish - i've tried it all: 1:1 tutoring (my very patient aunty Gül whose patience eventually ran out, and Preply), Duolingo and most recently Cactus Language Training in Holborn where I was lauded only for my impressive 50% attendance rate. This is why I'm particularly excited about the innovation AI is enabling in the language learning space: real-time conversational practice, hyper-personalisation, pronunciation, accountability, and more. All available on demand, and now in reach for so many more language learners out there. Excited to share a deep dive i've been working on covering in more detail how AI is disrupting language learning. Here’s what you can expect: 🗺 An overview of the language learning market, including a 135-company market map and anatomy of existing incumbents and their business models 🚄 Key insights into the top 10 “first movers” in AI-powered language learning 🤖 The frontiers of innovation AI is enabling, the areas we see white space and the types of AI-powered ideas we at Emerge would love to invest in Full article: https://lnkd.in/eKWmY8Dk If you are a founder building in this space, we want to hear from you : https://lnkd.in/epnUnMwk Many thanks to Emerge VPs Benjamin, Bernhard, Gustaf, Kirsten and Toby for their insights and Michelle for proofreading.

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    Thank you brutkasten for featuring our journey! ❓ Most language learners spend years learning but struggle with the language they encounter in real life. We create a personalized learning journey with authentic content learners find interesting and can mostly understand so they can confidently explore country, culture, and people. 🚀 Join us on our journey to bring this approach to more languages beyond Chinese in the future! 🇨🇳 To all Chinese language learning enthusiasts: Try our product for free and tell us your feedback on our current version. #LanguageLearning #ChineseLanguage #EdTech

    Unternehmensseite für brutkasten anzeigen

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    mylingua: Chinesisch für Fortgeschrittene mit Wiener Sprachlern-App Wer eine Sprache lernt, kennt das: Hat man einmal die Grundlagen, kann man über Essen und Wetter simple Gespräche führen. Zum fließenden Sprachgebrauch ist es meist noch ein weiter Weg. Ein Weg auf dem die Gründer Michael Golth, Robert Huber und Florian Räuber von mylingua begleiten wollen. Wie das funktioniert und welche Pläne das Startup hat, könnt ihr hier im Artikel lesen: https://lnkd.in/d78cteAX

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