Am 25. und 26. November fand das Jugendparlament zur Überarbeitung des Berufsbildungsgesetzes statt. 41 Jugendliche aus 14 berufsbildenden Schulen und 10 Gemeinden brachten ihre Perspektiven ein, um die Ausbildung zukunftsfit zu machen – mit Blick auf den Arbeitsmarkt und einen EU-Beitritt. 🇲🇪 Der OeAD unterstützte das Projekt, das gemeinsam mit dem Parlament Montenegros organisiert wurde, und setzte ein starkes Zeichen für partizipative Gesetzgebung. #Berufsbildung #Jugendparlament #Montenegro #OeAD
The OeAD-GmbH – Agentur für Bildung und Internationalisierung has been actively supporting Western Balkan countries in the development of their educational systems on behalf of the Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung more than 20 years. A standout example of this cooperation is the “Youth Parliament,” which convened yesterday and today in the Montenegrin Parliament to work on new legislation for Vocational Education and Training. It is truly impressive to witness how students have formed fictional political parties and are navigating the parliamentary processes of opinion-building, discussion, and – who knows – perhaps even the adoption of a new law. Employees of the Montenegrin Ministry of Education are also present to observe which inputs from the youth could potentially be incorporated into a draft law. Congratulations to the Montenegrin Ministry of Education and the Montenegrin Parliament for this outstanding initiative promoting civic engagement. And special recognition to the Austrian Parliament, which co-developed this concept with Montenegro 10 years ago based on the Parliament's “#Demokratiewerkstatt”! Aleksandar Klarić Andjela Jaksic - Stojanovic Brigitte Kuchar Viktoria Kuzmits Barbara Schrotter Österreichisches Parlament Katharina Stourzh