Liquid-liquid separation technology is crucial in industries like #Petrochemicals, #Pharmaceutics, and #Biochemistry. Centrifugal extractors enable efficient mixing and separation with minimal noise, vibration, and dead volume. A team of scientists led by Michael Harasek at Technische Universität Wien has developed a novel liquid-liquid extractor that improves #LLE efficiency. This compact design merges the two stages of extraction, enhancing separation and enabling automation for continuous production. Fewer mechanical parts reduce dead volume, space, and operational costs, making it time- and cost-efficient. The patented design has received positive industry feedback, suitable for both analytical-scale labs and large-scale industrial applications. #Innovation #Technology #Extraction #Separation #Efficiency #Automation #TUWtech
TU Wien Research Technology Innovation
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#Datenanalyse mit KI: Webinar am 11. März 2025 🗓️ Sie haben Daten – aber wie werden daraus wertvolle Erkenntnisse? Mit Künstlicher Intelligenz! In unserem kostenlosen Webinar zeigen wir praxisnahe Beispiele, wie Sie KI-gestützte Datenanalysen einsetzen. Sie lernen unter anderem etwas über: ✅ Zeitreihenanalysen – Trends erkennen und Nachfrage prognostizieren ✅ Clustering – versteckte Muster in Kundendaten aufdecken ✅ Large Language Models – Sprachmodelle für Automatisierung und Analyse nutzen ✅ Geförderte Rechenressourcen für Unternehmen ✅ Initiativen zur Unterstützung bei der Umsetzung ihrer KI-Projekte ➡️ Jetzt anmelden: Das Webinar wird gemeinsam vom VSC Research Center (Technische Universität Wien), EuroCC Austria und dem EDIH AI5production organisiert. #Datenanalyse #KünstlicheIntelligenz #MachineLearning #Webinar EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) EuroCC 2 and EuroCC4SEE INiTS | Vienna's High-Tech Incubator Natascha Trzepizur Michael Buchecker Thomas Mayerhofer Peter Tschuchnig Simeon Harrison
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Innovation for the Construction Industry 🚧: Mobile Bitumen Quality Scanner Bitumen is a key material in road construction, sealing, and corrosion protection. However, over time, it loses its desired properties – and traditional testing methods are often complex, time-consuming, and limited to laboratory environments. That’s about to change! Prof. Hinrich Grothe and his team at Technische Universität Wien have developed a mobile fluorescence scanner that enables fast, precise, and on-site quality control – no trained personnel required. Using LEDs to stimulate fluorescence, a photomultiplier (PMT) to capture the response, and smart software to analyze results, this scanner brings laboratory precision directly to the field. A major step towards efficient, cost-effective, and practical bitumen analysis! Interested in this technology? Leave a comment below or contact for further information. 💬👇 #Bitumen #Asphalt #RoadConstruction #Maintenance #QualityControl #TUWtech
What looks like a casual day in the snow? Well… partly! But mostly, it’s serious scientific innovation in action. Meet the prototype ski with a Textile Reinforced Concrete (#TRC) core—yes, you read that right: concrete! 🏔️🎿 This groundbreaking ski was developed by Technische Universität Wien and Ünique Skis, facilitated with prototype funding from Austria Wirtschaftsservice, and turned out to be an absolute #Joyride. Disguised in a sleek wooden design by #ÜniqueSkis, our concrete #Erlkönig (#TestMule) wowed the test riders with its intriguing dynamic performance. After a few safety turns, they couldn’t help but push the limits! But don’t just take our word for it—see for yourself! Curious for more insights or up for a test ride? Let’s talk! #Skiing #Innovation #Concrete #TUWtech
Innovative Concrete Formwork Solution: Shaping Polystyrene Sheets for Double-Curved Panels Casting complex concrete elements typically involves costly and time-consuming methods like CNC milling or 3D printing. However, these techniques face challenges in regards to scalability, cost, and material waste. A new, cost-effective solution offers a promising alternative by using XPS (polystyrene) sheets to create double-curved concrete panels. The process begins with designing in 3D software, followed by CNC milling on the XPS sheet to transfer the pattern. The sheet is then submerged in an acetone-water mixture, softening it to enable deformation under the weight of the concrete. This method offers precise control, reusability, and can be easily adapted to different sizes and shapes of concrete elements. This breakthrough bridges the gap between high-tech flexibility and low-tech affordability, enabling greater creativity in concrete casting while maintaining scalability and cost efficiency. Key Benefits: - Cost-effective for casting complex concrete forms - High precision in shaping final elements - Reusable for similar casting processes - Scalable and adaptable to different project sizes #Concrete #Construction #Formwork #SustainableDesign #BuildingSolutions #TUWtech
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KI-Mobil Austria bei fischer Edelstahlrohre Austria – Zukunftstechnologie im Praxistest Wie lässt sich Künstliche Intelligenz gezielt einsetzen, um Prozesse effizienter zu gestalten? Das KI-Mobil Austria machte Station bei fischer Edelstahlrohre Austria und bot praxisnahe Einblicke in smarte Lösungen für die Industrie. Im Fokus standen: 🚀 Intelligente Chatbots – Schnellere Kommunikation, weniger Aufwand 📊 Optimierte Produktionsplanung – Mehr Effizienz durch vorausschauende Steuerung 🔎 Gezielte Datennutzung – Wissen strukturieren und fundierte Entscheidungen treffen Der Austausch zeigte: KI ist keine Zukunftsmusik, sondern bietet heute schon greifbare Vorteile für Unternehmen. #KIMobilAustria #KIinDerPraxis #Industrie40 #EffizienzSteigern Fachverband Metalltechnische Industrie - FMTI Technische Universität Wien Fraunhofer Austria PRO-GE Fotocredit: fischer Edelstahlrohre Austria & KI-Mobil Austria
Reliable bonding is critical for microfluidic devices, ensuring leak-proof operation under real-world conditions. Our new testing method provides a fast and precise way to quantify tensile and shear strength of adhesives used in microfluidics. Using 3D-printed adapters, bonded glass slides are placed in a press, where controlled force determines the maximum adhesive strength under different stress conditions. This approach is: ✔ Fast & cost-effective ✔ Highly reproducible ✔ Adaptable for glass & polymers Applications: ◻️ Rapid evaluation of bonding protocols ◻️ Optimization of adhesive selection ◻️ Verification of supplier specifications With this method, quality control in microfluidics becomes easier and more reliable. Interested? Please contact: Raphael Pruckner Inventors: Sebastian Rudi A. Kratz-Oberländer, Mario Rothbauer, Peter Ertl #Microfluidics #BondingStrength #QualityControl #ShearStress #TensileStress
A new biochip technology enables precise, non-invasive analysis of endothelial barrier integrity. By combining trans-endothelial electrical resistance (#TEER) measurements with impedance spectroscopy, it allows real-time monitoring of cell surface coverage and barrier function. Unlike conventional TEER setups, this system integrates thin-film electrodes onto porous membranes, ensuring more reliable measurements. Its highly integrated electrodes enable studies on nanoparticle translocation across endothelial layers—crucial for atherosclerosis, drug delivery, and disease modeling. The system supports quadruple co-culture, providing insights into how (bio)chemical and mechanical stimuli affect tissue models. Key advantages: ✅ Reliable microelectrode fabrication ✅ Multi-parametric, real-time monitoring ✅ Non-invasive nanoparticle permeation assessment This breakthrough enhances microfluidic biosensing, advancing nanomedicine and cardiovascular research. More details in the attached document. Inventors: Patrick Schuller, Mario Rothbauer, Heinz Wanzenboeck, Peter Ertl #Nanotechnology #Microfluidics #Biochips #Atherosclerosis #LabOnAChip
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Save the Date Winter-Symposium 2025 des Dokoratskollegs CO2 Refinery Die Doktorand_innen und Betreuer_innen des Doktoratskollegs zeigen in gemeinsam gestalteten Tandemvorträgen ihr gewonnenes Wissen und neueste Ergebnisse, Teilnehmer_innen können mitdiskutieren und Fragen stellen. 🗓️ 25.2.2025 🕤 9:30-14 Uhr 📌 TUtheSky, Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Wien Mehr Infos und Anmeldung unter
⚡ The ‘electric pill’ for the parasympathetic nervous system 💊 A study by TU Wien reveals how nerve stimulation can be optimized by aligning it with the body's natural rhythms. This approach could significantly enhance treatment outcomes for chronic pain, inflammation, and neurological disorders. Techniques like vagus nerve stimulation, often referred to as the "electric pill," use electrodes to activate the nerve via the ear. However, the study shows this method works best when synchronized with heartbeats and breathing patterns. For example, stimulation during heart contraction (systole) and inhalation proves far more effective. “By tailoring nerve stimulation to individual physiological rhythms, this non-invasive technology holds promise for treating chronic conditions more effectively.” says Prof. Eugenijus Kaniusas from the Institute of Biomedical Electronics at TU Wien, lead author of the study. Learn more about this groundbreaking study and discover how personalized nerve stimulation could transform chronic illness treatments: TU Wien press release: Original full publication: #Innovation #HealthTech #Neuromodulation #TUWtech