3YS Owls - Governance Consultants reposted this
A little bit late due to unforeseen circumstances and a very busy end to the year, however better late than never! Congratulations to Governance Top 100 joint winner Rahul Roy and Anthony Ingegneri from IAG and the following outstanding achievers and rising star for 2024: Adrianna Bisogni - Group Company Secretary, Insignia Financial Ltd Belinda Loke – Non-Executive Director | Kids Hope Australia Ltd Genevieve Simkiss GAICD - Deputy Company Secretary, Xero Glenn Tomai - Head of Audit and Risk, RSL Queensland Jaya Prasad - Lawyer & Assistant Company Secretary, New Hope Group Corporation Limited (Rising Star) Joshua Little - Chief People & Risk Officer, Aveo Group Karen Grumley - Head of Risk and Resilience, Pacific National Raj Kumar - Executive General Manager Governance, Risk & Compliance, Delaney Kelly Golding Pty Ltd Robert Bonotto - Chief People and Corporate Officer, FUJIFILM Business Innovation Australia Pty Ltd Robin Bates- General Counsel & Company Secretary, Metro Mining Ltd (ASX:MMI) Troy Swan - General Counsel & Company Secretary, Winc Australia Proudly brought to you by 3YS Owls - Governance Consultants partnering with Computershare Australia, CTS (Corporate Technology Services) Hays, McCullough Robertson and Nasdaq Thank you to all of our sponsors, judges and panellists that have participated in this year's event which would not be possible without you! Ainslie Cunningham, Deb Anderson, Duncan Lugstein David Maffescioni, Hamish Park, Tina Kokkalis, Rachel Adams & Reece Walker #governancetop100 #governanceprofessional #RahulRoy #AnthonyIngegneri #InsuranceAustraliaGroupLimited #ExecutiveManager #Listed #thankyou #esg #companysecretary #governance #corpgov #boards #riskmanager #directors #generalcounsel #corporategovernance #compliance #riskmanagement #3ysowls #gt100 #governancetop100 #computershare #ctsav #hays #mcrlaw #nasdaq To find out more about #GovernanceTop100 and meet all of this year's finalists visit https://lnkd.in/g2vw3cpU