Rejection is part of research—but so is growth. At CMCRC, we’re a collaboration of researchers at all stages—honours, masters, PhD, early career, mid-career, late-career, and clinical researchers—supporting each other through the highs and lows. Learning to navigate rejection is a vital skill, especially for neurodiverse researchers who may experience it more intensely. As a community, we normalise these challenges, share strategies, and support each other—because when you're breaking new ground, rejection, redirection, and course correction aren’t just inevitable; they’re essential. With the right support, it’s easier to find the growth opportunity within the setback. #CMCRC #ResearchCommunity #RejectionIsPartOfTheProcess #InclusiveResearch
Professor of Allied Health at University of Sydney and Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District (NBMLHD)
Research Rollercoaster Last year I spent months writing, revising, seeking input, gathering and cajoling partners, filling in forms, getting advice and pouring myself into writing a grant application. Yesterday I received (embargoed) notification that it was unsuccessful, and not just unsuccessful, but not of a standard worth full consideration by an assessment panel of my peers. This is an experience many of those I am connected with here have shared, or will do in the future. It is not unusual for researchers. Earlier in my career, I convinced myself that the appropriate response to the feelings of hurt and rejection are something to be ignored, got over and moved on from. I think differently now, getting this news is a kick in the guts, feeling hurt is function of being a human and I think being human (aside from being unavoidable) makes me a better researcher. The real challenge for me is to avoid interpreting rejection of my work as a reflection of my value as a person. At least part of what I feel is because my own sense of worth is tied too closely with my work, sorting that out is a work in progress. Yesterday I received another email; an invitation to give a keynote presentation at an international conference. I could copy and paste the previous paragraph and substitute joy and validation, for hurt and rejection. Most importantly: The real challenge for me is to avoid interpreting validation of my work as a reflection of my value as a person. Reflecting on my day, a piece of Rudyard Kipling's poem ‘If’ came into my mind: If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same;