By weight of numbers alone, the Christian Brothers have possibly the worst record of abuse in Australia, and one of the worst worldwide. They are still active in Western Australia - what are they hiding, who are they protecting?
The Western Australian Community Development and Justice Standing Committee has found The Christian Brothers did not cooperate with this inquiry for reasons that are not credible. The Christian Brothers featured heavily in the shocking findings of the Royal Commission. If the Christian Brothers were genuine in their statements of concern for victims of abuse, they would have fully cooperated with the Committee to improve victim outcomes. The Christian Brothers’ failure to cooperate makes it difficult not to conclude that they are simply trying to hide information and avoid public scrutiny of the abuse of children under their care, putting the needs of their organisation and limiting their financial liability above the needs of survivors.
So far the Christian Brothers have been the defendant in 778 claims for compensation for child sexual abuse in WA across their schools and institutions, and 41 claims are yet to be resolved. These numbers do not include victims who have chosen to seek compensation through the National Redress Scheme. The Christian Brothers declined to provide any information about the abusers as requested by the Committee including how many, if any, of the Brothers had been referred to the Police for investigation.