What happens when you bring together astrophysicists, politicians, journalists, influencers, comedians, activists, poets & historians to create the most empowering images possible, and raise money for a domestic violence charity?
The Let's Get Explicit Calendar, that's what.
Enjoy behind the scenes pics ft. Maddy Macrae, Saoirse Byers, April Hélène-Horton, Dr Kirsten Banks, Georgie Purcell, Rudy Jean Rigg, Esmé Louise James, AZURE Antoinette, Antoinette Lattouf, Bianca Hunt & an inflatable donut to get the vibe!
It is a rare privilege to be among so many inspiring women and non-binary people in one place - and to see each one bring to life their vision (with our amazing photographer Saoirse) in an incredibly supportive space.
I'm delighted to have put my less exciting skills to work helping out on this one (websites, printing, project management, banking and the like).
And with all profits from the $40 price going to charity (~$25 per calendar after printing & postage), I am extremely proud of every dollar we raise for GIVIT.org.au's Domestic & Family Violence Appeal, which directs funds to where they are most needed on the ground around Australia.
Here are a few typical examples of requests from GIVIT's website, to give you a sense of how much of a difference your contribution can make:
- A baby bath: Pregnant mother of 3 has had newborn baby 10 weeks early and has no baby stuff due to financial abuse.
- $50 fuel voucher: A young migrant woman escaped violence in an arranged marriage cares for her youngest but struggles to pay for what she needs
- $50 clothing voucher: Mother of 4 is a victim survivor of domestic violence and is struggling to provide essentials to her children
- $20 Kmart voucher - 51-year-old intellectually disabled lady who has escaped Domestic Violence is moving into unfurnished property
And to answer a question which might be in your mind (and that I know I needed to answer for myself before signing on) as a feminist, how does a calendar where women and non-binary people strip down sit with me?
Extremely well.
And here's why:
- Because this process is an incredibly empowering one, where each of our calendar models are in control every step of the way and making every decision about their bodies for themselves.
- Because too often, we ask women and non-binary people to make ourselves smaller, to curtail our own actions, to walk home differently or dress differently or act differently to reduce the risk of (often, though not always) male violence.
- And because we’re flipping the narrative on what is considered explicit. It’s not women using their minds and bodies of their own volition - it’s what happens when that control is taken away.
So I would love your support - whether it's buying a copy of this calendar and getting inspired every month by a new hero, or heading directly to GIVIT to make whatever contribution you can.
Links in comments - thanks for listening ❤️