The Solex Project is a applied demonstration of using renewable energy to compete with fossil-fuel based commercial manufacturers in an open market.
The solar farm provides energy for an ice-works to produce commercial quantities of ice to compete with fossil fuel based products. Not only are greenhouse gas emissions avoided through the use of solar energy but considerable reductions are made by avoiding transport costs.
Competitors face high costs of transport and storage when product is manufactured out of the region. Solex Solar ice is produced on site with only the capital cost of the solar generation system to be recovered. That is a significant economic advantage.
The Solex Project not only avoids GHG emissions and reduces fossil fuel consumption but it also serves as a case study model from reducing existing GHG emissions through the Chattamarra Project trial to repair rangelands degradation.
The Solex Project also serves as a research/demonstration facility to demonstrate to researchers and the broader population how fossil fuel dependency can be substituted not only for economic benefit but also to provide benefits to society and the natural environment.
An example of benefits to tertiary education can be found at Edith Cowan University students are regular visitors to the Solex Project as part of their annual natural science study tours.
Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing
Company size
1 employee
Carnarvon, Western Australia
renewable energy, ice, carbon credits, and environment rehabilitation
Adjunct Professor at Curtin Law School Curtin University
I listened to the authors' presentation yesterday and my heart jumped as I thought finally Federal Parliament had realised what must be done, I came in after the presentation had started and did not know who was speaking. Sadly I found that it was not government ministers and somewhat disappointed to know that it is not the end but rather not even the beginning. That said, I believe this plan must be implemented if not 50 years ago then today or at least tomorrow. I encourage everybody to get behind this and take it to your local, state and federal representatives. Please help those who are trying to help us and the planet.
This is an excellent example of the Triple Bottom Line in action. The authors demonstrate you can make money helping the environment.
Congratulations on a very comprehensive research report and recomendations.
Adjunct Professor at Curtin Law School Curtin University
I can think of at least three other examples without even checking the top 20 shareholders of rare earths companies. Finally, someone has picked it up. Will anything really be done about it though?