The Green Collar

The Green Collar

Civic and Social Organizations

Oakleigh East, Vic 473 followers

The Green Collar - Diversity Comes in all Shapes, Sizes and Colours

About us

The Green Collar is an advocate for those who's voice often goes unheard, a registered Social Enterprise and a leader in the restorative justice and post custodial support space. We help certain marginalised people find purpose, legal support, community and ultimately employment. Our focus is primarily on those impacted by the criminal justice system, those suffering from mental health issues, oiften more specifically drug or alcohol misuse issues. We are a peer support community and make every effort to find employment for men and women who become part of our free service.

Civic and Social Organizations
Company size
11-50 employees
Oakleigh East, Vic
Privately Held
jobs, restorative justice, diversity, employment, legal, social justice, prison reform, mental health, and peer support


Employees at The Green Collar


  • Progressive award winning player in this space. Valued partner to The Green Collar and providing hope and a better future for many.

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    View profile for Stu Holmes, graphic

    Both: Founder | The Green Collar | Employment and Peer Support Services for people exiting prison | Lived Experience | Program Design Growth Manager | Recruitment United | Australia's Largest Talent Affiliate

    Harnessing Lived Experience (LE) as the Missing Link to employment and meaning Exiting prison brings two labels: a criminal record and membership in the LE community. Yet, five years post-release, I believe my Lived Experience is a vital asset that far outweighs my past. To truly reduce recidivism significantly we must create 1,000 new roles nationally in the Lived Experience employment space. These roles will harness our insights to drive change and support others. Successful reintegration relies on hope, community, education, housing, post-release support, and employment—statistically proven factors that break the cycle of recidivism. Lived Experience is more than a label; it's a robust support network that empowers those leaving incarceration. After nine months in remand, I now find that my current life and purpose —encompassing jobs, family, and recovery—is built almost entirely around this experience and lessons, growth and passion born by Living it every day. . With 25 years in employment and global talent trends, my focus has shifted to supporting the reintegration of the formerly incarcerated. In Victoria, 95% of prison leavers are male, yet the health and social services sector that supports them is 78% female. This highlights the urgent need for Lived Experience roles across all industries. And men being encouraged to join a career which is rewarding and supports the new you. Imagine 1,000 new positions where individuals with Lived Experience can contribute meaningfully—from community outreach to corporate roles—capitalising on our unique insights, instant relateability and example of what’s possible. first role post release doesn’t have to come under the umbrella of a LE career move. Employment in diverse sectors, such as traffic management or mining, offers financial stability and routine—instant employment and cash are key elements in combating recidivism. These more traditional “first jobs after jail” will provide the references, opportunity to prove your value to a company and build your reputation. It shows you can turn up and be trusted. Where to Start? Mentoring and community advocacy can be easily still activities you engage in, and therefore be well regarded in your LE career objective. Include some TAFE course in the area most RELEVANT. And in less than 2 years, you have become another successful LE practitioner, discovering the life you deserve. Identity and belonging are crucial. A vibrant community of LE advocates fosters trust, knowledge-sharing, and belief in second chances. With the right support, we guide others through their journeys. It’s essential to showcase LE on resumes, into your interview conversation and to now incorporate it into pre-release career conversations. We are creating a future where LE is a big plus and has true merit in a society seeking to repurpose and reintegrate.. It’s the positive things on the horizon which keeps us going. 1000 new roles by 2027

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  • The Green Collar reposted this

    View profile for Stu Holmes, graphic

    Both: Founder | The Green Collar | Employment and Peer Support Services for people exiting prison | Lived Experience | Program Design Growth Manager | Recruitment United | Australia's Largest Talent Affiliate

    Exiting jail provides two unavoidables 1) We will have a criminal record and that will require time and good behaviour to diminish in its impact. 2) We join the Lived Experience community. Our time incarcerated has given us something all Australian studies recognise as a positive outcome that we can draw on and assist others still in prison. I can confidently now say, 5 years since being released, that my Lived Experience is a more powerful asset than my criminal conviction is an obstacle. The industry is changing, pathways and wrap around support is being addressed from grass roots up. Keep doing the next right thing and your Lived Experience will provide you with so much more than you might think. The decision we make is how much will we use this strength, something no one else can get with any amount of study. We can all be advocates and we can all provide assistance to those exiting. Embrace your Lived Experience status. We’ve served our time, now we can start to give back and be the people we can be. Take the 2nd Chance. Contact The Green Collar to begin the conversation 1300 804 855 and we’ll gladly provide more details to you or those you work with, Here’s just a few of the benefits in harnessing this Lived Experience career. These are applicable across all of the care, mental health and support services in Australia. Improved research Lived experience expertise can help shape research questions and analysis, leading to more reliable and meaningful results. Better service outcomes Research shows that services developed and operated by the people who use them lead to improved consumer outcomes. More equitable relationships People with lived experience can challenge power imbalances and promote more equitable therapeutic relationships. Increased empathy People with lived experience can empathize with and advocate for those who are struggling. Greater understanding of conditions Lived experience can help develop a deeper understanding of the conditions affecting certain populations. Improved mental health Sharing or listening to lived experience stories can help people feel less alone and give them hope. More inclusive and impactful solutions Incorporating lived experience voices can help develop comprehensive and impactful solutions. We have known all of this for several years now and we have evidence based research and case studies abroad to support as success. Don’t let your jail time be wasted time. We have a strong network of Lived Experience Leaders who are pushing into a broader range of career choices which many exiting jail previously felt unattainable. Expect to see adjustments to the criteria which have often been barriers to care, peer support and mentorship. Some clearance take 5 years or so after prison to qualify, but there are increasingly more avenues and solutions to bypass those objections. It takes time, but with a strong network and belief in yourself this pathway starts to be attractive.

    • Prison led us here, but the experience can help us overcome our situation and discover a more meaningful life with healthy relationships
  • So much pride in this collective of Lived Experience support. It’s so important to belong and be part of a positive movement to provide a tribe for those coming out.

    View profile for Steph Maher, graphic

    Change Maker. Harm Reduction Worker. LE Consultant. Bch Nurs & Pst Grd Health Prmt

    Victorian Lived Experience Crew dinner. We have all been through tremendous hardships and the CJS, we survived and then thrived. We have come out the other side stronger, wiser, more determined and want to make positive changes in the CJS and wider community moving forward. We collaborate, share knowledge, support each other and get together when we can. #ourstoriesmatter #vicLEcrew #LivedExperience #unity #changemakers Pattie Phillips Cathy Campesato Stu Holmes Glenn B. Steph Maher

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  • Great summary on approaching work with a criminal record lurking in the background. Really important to know your rights.

    View profile for Stu Holmes, graphic

    Both: Founder | The Green Collar | Employment and Peer Support Services for people exiting prison | Lived Experience | Program Design Growth Manager | Recruitment United | Australia's Largest Talent Affiliate

    The Victorian Government should be praised for this short video on their website. It provides hope and offers valuable tips and pitfalls to be aware of. No one with a criminal record really wants to ask these questions of an employer, for obvious reasons, but it's a refreshingly simple overview and bang on.

    Job searching with a criminal record

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