Suggesting reviewers

When submitting your article you may be asked to suggest 2-3 potential peer reviewers. The editors will not necessarily invite your suggested reviewers but these suggestions can help speed up the peer review process.

Top tips for suggesting reviewers:

  • Suggest people in your field whose view of your paper you would respect
  • You do not need to know your suggestions personally and reviewers will not know you suggested them
  • Make sure that your suggestions are not current or recent colleagues of you or your co-authors
  • Suggest researchers who know the subject well and are willing to invest the time (‘big names’ will often decline)
  • Consider the diversity of your suggested reviewers with regards to the following characteristics: gender, ethnicity, career stage and geographical location
  • We encourage suggestions of reviewers from traditionally underrepresented groups
  • Submit your suggestions through ScholarOne rather then contacting them yourself
