'Doctor Who: Flux'
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The Doctor is Back! ‘Doctor Who: Flux’ Trailer Delivers Some Familiar Faces And New Ones

As Jodie Whittaker‘s run as The Doctor begins to wind down, it looks like the series is ramping things up with a six chapter series called, Doctor Who: Flux. The trailer promises some old faces including the Ood, Cyberman, the hidden faces of The Weeping Angels and more.

Speaking of faces expect to see some new ones. Series regulars Bradley Walsh and Tosin Cole made their final appearances in the New Year’s Day Doctor Who special. For Flux John Bishop and Jacob Anderson, may step into their place in the TARDIS. We can expect more adventures in little blue box that’s bigger on the inside with returning companion, , and Whittaker as they travel all wibbly wobbly timey wimey’ through space and time.

The six part series will be followed by three special episodes in the following months. As Whittaker and series showrunner, Chris Chibnall step down, fan favorite Russell T. Davies will pick back up the showrunner torch. It is a torch he reignited back in 2005 after a long hiatus of Doctor Who from the airwaves.

The new season of Doctor Who begins airing weekly on BBC America starting on October 31. Check out the trailer below.


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Written by Steven Prusakowski

Steven Prusakowski has been a cinephile as far back as he can remember, literally. At the age of ten, while other kids his age were sleeping, he was up into the late hours of the night watching the Oscars. Since then, his passion for film, television, and awards has only grown. For over a decade he has reviewed and written about entertainment through publications including Awards Circuit and Screen Radar. He has conducted interviews with some of the best in the business - learning more about them, their projects and their crafts. He is a graduate of the RIT film program. You can find him on Twitter and Letterboxd as @FilmSnork – we don’t know why the name, but he seems to be sticking to it.
Email: filmsnork@gmail.com

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