The trailer for Presence has been released online. Directed by Steven Soderbergh with a screenplay written by David Koepp, the movie stars Lucy Liu, Chris Sullivan, Callina Liang, Eddy Maday, West Mulholland, and Julia Fox.
Here is the plot synopsis:
“A family moves into a suburban house and becomes convinced they’re not alone.”
Additionally, two posters were released in conjunction with the trailer, which you can look at below:
Our editor-in-chief, Joey Magidson, was among the ones who saw the movie at Toronto International Film Festival and had this to say, “Presence manages to be extremely confident in its experimental nature. It’s only when things get more traditional, or when the film takes a hard turn in the final section, that it feels like a lesser work. However, when it comes to Soderbergh, even a lesser work is still one more than worthy of serious consideration.” You can read his full review of the movie here.
Watch the full trailer, below: