ID: 1411.6346

Sparse Univariate Polynomials with Many Roots Over Finite Fields

November 24, 2014

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Qi Cheng, Shuhong Gao, J. Maurice Rojas, Daqing Wan
Computer Science
Number Theory
Symbolic Computation

Suppose $q$ is a prime power and $f\in\mathbb{F}_q[x]$ is a univariate polynomial with exactly $t$ monomial terms and degree $<q-1$. To establish a finite field analogue of Descartes' Rule, Bi, Cheng, and Rojas (2013) proved an upper bound of $2(q-1)^{\frac{t-2}{t-1}}$ on the number of cosets in $\mathbb{F}^*_q$ needed to cover the roots of $f$ in $\mathbb{F}^*_q$. Here, we give explicit $f$ with root structure approaching this bound: For $q$ a $(t-1)$-st power of a prime we give an explicit $t$-nomial vanishing on $q^{\frac{t-2}{t-1}}$ distinct cosets of $\mathbb{F}^*_q$. Over prime fields $\mathbb{F}_p$, computational data we provide suggests that it is harder to construct explicit sparse polynomials with many roots. Nevertheless, assuming the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis, we find explicit trinomials having $\Omega\left(\frac{\log p}{\log \log p}\right)$ distinct roots in $\mathbb{F}_p$.

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Roots of Sparse Polynomials over a Finite Field

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Estimating the Number Of Roots of Trinomials over Finite Fields

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Zander Kelley, Sean Owen
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We show that univariate trinomials $x^n + ax^s + b \in \mathbb{F}_q[x]$ can have at most $\delta \Big\lfloor \frac{1}{2} +\sqrt{\frac{q-1}{\delta}} \Big\rfloor$ distinct roots in $\mathbb{F}_q$, where $\delta = \gcd(n, s, q - 1)$. We also derive explicit trinomials having $\sqrt{q}$ roots in $\mathbb{F}_q$ when $q$ is square and $\delta=1$, thus showing that our bound is tight for an infinite family of finite fields and trinomials. Furthermore, we present the results of a lar...

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Sub-Linear Root Detection, and New Hardness Results, for Sparse Polynomials Over Finite Fields

April 5, 2012

89% Match
Jingguo Bi, Qi Cheng, J. Maurice Rojas
Number Theory
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We present a deterministic 2^O(t)q^{(t-2)(t-1)+o(1)} algorithm to decide whether a univariate polynomial f, with exactly t monomial terms and degree <q, has a root in F_q. A corollary of our method --- the first with complexity sub-linear in q when t is fixed --- is that the nonzero roots in F_q can be partitioned into at most 2 \sqrt{t-1} (q-1)^{(t-2)(t-1)} cosets of two subgroups S_1,S_2 of F^*_q, with S_1 in S_2. Another corollary is the first deterministic sub-linear algo...

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Root Repulsion and Faster Solving for Very Sparse Polynomials Over $p$-adic Fields

July 19, 2021

87% Match
J. Maurice Rojas, Yuyu Zhu
Number Theory
Computational Complexity

For any fixed field $K\!\in\!\{\mathbb{Q}_2,\mathbb{Q}_3,\mathbb{Q}_5, \ldots\}$, we prove that all polynomials $f\!\in\!\mathbb{Z}[x]$ with exactly $3$ (resp. $2$) monomial terms, degree $d$, and all coefficients having absolute value at most $H$, can be solved over $K$ within deterministic time $\log^{7+o(1)}(dH)$ (resp. $\log^{2+o(1)}(dH)$) in the classical Turing model: Our underlying algorithm correctly counts the number of roots of $f$ in $K$, and for each such root gen...

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Sharp bounds for the number of roots of univariate fewnomials

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A complexity chasm for solving univariate sparse polynomial equations over $p$-adic fields

February 29, 2020

87% Match
J. Maurice Rojas, Yuyu Zhu
Number Theory
Computational Complexity
Symbolic Computation

We reveal a complexity chasm, separating the trinomial and tetranomial cases, for solving univariate sparse polynomial equations over certain local fields. First, for any fixed field $K\in\{\mathbb{Q}_2,\mathbb{Q}_3,\mathbb{Q}_5,\ldots\}$, we prove that any polynomial $f\in\mathbb{Z}[x]$ with exactly $3$ monomial terms, degree $d$, and all coefficients having absolute value at most $H$, can be solved over $K$ in deterministic time $O(\log^{O(1)}(dH))$ in the classical Turing ...

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Explicit factorization of $x^n-1\in \mathbb F_q[x]$

April 24, 2014

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F. E. Brochero Martínez, C. R. Giraldo Vergara, Oliveira L. Batista de
Information Theory
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Number Theory

Let $\mathbb F_q$ be a finite field and $n$ a positive integer. In this article, we prove that, under some conditions on $q$ and $n$, the polynomial $x^n-1$ can be split into irreducible binomials $x^t-a$ and an explicit factorization into irreducible factors is given. Finally, weakening one of our hypothesis, we also obtain factors of the form $x^{2t}-ax^t+b$ and explicit splitting of $x^n-1$ into irreducible factors is given.

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On the number of distinct roots of a lacunary polynomial over finite fields

August 23, 2020

85% Match
Jozsef Solymosi, Ethan P. White, Chi Hoi Yip
Number Theory

We obtain new upper bounds on the number of distinct roots of lacunary polynomials over finite fields. Our focus will be on polynomials for which there is a large gap between consecutive exponents in the monomial expansion.

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Computing sparse multiples of polynomials

September 16, 2010

85% Match
Mark Giesbrecht, Daniel S. Roche, Hrushikesh Tilak
Symbolic Computation
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We consider the problem of finding a sparse multiple of a polynomial. Given f in F[x] of degree d over a field F, and a desired sparsity t, our goal is to determine if there exists a multiple h in F[x] of f such that h has at most t non-zero terms, and if so, to find such an h. When F=Q and t is constant, we give a polynomial-time algorithm in d and the size of coefficients in h. When F is a finite field, we show that the problem is at least as hard as determining the multipl...

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The estimation of the number of Irreducible Binomials

September 19, 2019

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Fabio Enrique Brochero Martínez, Jesus Lays Grazielle Cardoso Silva de
Number Theory

Let $\mathbb{F}_q$ be the finite field with $q$ elements, and $T$ a positive integer. In this article we find a sharp estimative of the total number of monic irreducible binomials in $\mathbb F_q[x]$ of degree less or equal to $T$, when $T$ is large enough.

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