Constitutional rights on the ballot

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Constitutional rights on the ballot: This topic refers to ballot measures regarding state constitutional rights related to participation in civil and political life and other explicit rights generally included in a state constitution's first article. The most notable examples include the freedom of speech, press, and assembly, and the right to vote. Debates over other topics, such as provisions related to privacy, slavery and indentured servitude, equal treatment, discrimination, criminals, accused, and victims are also included in this definition. Other related and more specific categories aggregated by Ballotpedia include: Hunting and fishing on the ballot, Suffrage on the ballot, and more.

Ballot measures lists

By state

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Alabama Voter Requirements, Amendment 1 (1962)
  2. Alabama Voter Requirements, Amendment 5 (1951)
  3. Alabama Voter Requirements, Amendment 1 (1953)
  4. Alabama Voter Registration, Amendment 1 (1962)
  5. Alabama Voting Requirements, Amendment 3 (1963)
  6. Alabama Voter Qualifications, Amendment 4 (1946)
  7. Alabama Voter Registration Qualifications, Amendment 2 (1965)
  8. Alabama Absentee Voting, Amendment 2 (1969)
  9. Alabama Rights of Crime Victims Amendment (1994)
  10. Alabama Amendment 5, "Stand Your Ground" Rights in Franklin County Churches Measure (2020)
  11. Alabama Amendment 6, "Stand Your Ground" Rights in Lauderdale County Churches Measure (2020)


  1. Alaska Prohibition of Sexual Discrimination, Amendment 2 (August 1972)
  2. Alaska Ballot Measure 3, Right to Privacy Amendment (August 1972)


  1. Arizona Proposition 103, Right to Sue for Damages from Injury or Death Amendment (1986)
  2. Arizona Proposition 104, Victims' Rights Amendment (1990)


  1. Arkansas Issue 3, Government Burden of Free Exercise of Religion Amendment (2022)


  1. California Proposition 1, Desegregation Busing Court Orders Amendment (1979)
  2. California Proposition 7, Rights of Citizens Amendment (1974)
  3. California Proposition 5, Constitutional Determinations by Administrative Agencies Amendment (June 1978)
  4. California Proposition 11, Constitutional Right to Privacy Amendment (1972)
  5. California Right to Marry and Repeal Proposition 8 Amendment (2024)
  6. California Establish University of California Online Initiative (2024)


  1. Colorado Amendment No. 3, Equality of Sexes Amendment (1972)
  2. Colorado Three-Fourths Jury Verdict and Women Jurors, Measure 3 (1914)
  3. Colorado Women on Juries, Measure 1 (1944)
  4. Colorado Women on Juries, Measure 7 (1936)
  5. Colorado Amendment No. 6, Removal of the Gender Equality Provisions Initiative (1976)
  6. Colorado Amendment 16, Freedom of Expression Initiative (1994)
  7. Colorado Removal of Exception to Slavery Prohibition for Criminals, Amendment T (2016)
  8. Colorado Constitutional Right to School Choice Initiative (2024)
  9. Colorado Amendment 63, Healthcare Choice and Coverage Initiative (2010)


  1. Connecticut Prohibition of Disability Discrimination, Question 1 (1984)
  2. Connecticut Sex Discrimination Ban, Question 1 (1974)


  1. Florida Amendment 9, Inalienable Rights Amendment (1998)
  2. Florida Amendment 2, No Deprivation of Rights on the Basis of Sex Amendment (1978)
  3. Florida Amendment 7, Disability Discrimination Prohibition Amendment (1974)
  4. Florida Amendment 1, Property Possession Amendment (2008)
  5. Florida Use of Property by Foreigners Amendment (1926)
  6. Florida Amendment 2, Constitutional Right of Privacy Measure (1980)
  7. Florida Amendment 4, Criminal Trial Procedures Amendment (1934)
  8. Florida Amendment 2, Right to Hunt and Fish Amendment (2024)
  9. Florida Right to Clean Water Initiative (2026)
  10. Florida Amendment 5, Labor Organizations and Collective Bargaining Amendment (1944)


  1. Hawaii Right to Privacy, Amendment 3 (1978)
  2. Hawaii Eliminating the Literacy Requirement to Vote, Amendment 10 (1968)
  3. Hawaii Invasion of Privacy, Amendment 4 (1968)
  4. Hawaii Gender Equality, Amendment 1 (1972)
  5. Hawaii Voting Rights of Felons, Amendment 9 (1968)
  6. Hawaii Repeal of Fractional Voting, Amendment 4 (1990)
  7. Hawaii Changing the Voting Age, Amendment 5 (1988)
  8. Hawaii Eighteen Year Old Vote, Amendment 8 (1968)
  9. Hawaii Voting Age, Amendment 3 (1972)
  10. Hawaii Voting Age, Proposition 3 (1970)
  11. Hawaii Secrecy of Voting, Amendment 4 (1978)
  12. Hawaii Miscellaneous Revisions, Amendment 33 (1978)
  13. Hawaii Traditional and Customary Rights, Amendment 29 (1978)


  1. Idaho Voting for Persons Under Guardianship, SJR 105 (1998)
  2. Idaho Chinese, Japanese and Mongolian Rights, SJR 1 (1962)


  1. Illinois Jury Act Amendment (1930)
  2. Illinois Amendment 1, Right to Collective Bargaining Measure (2022)


  1. Indiana Residency Requirements for Voting, Amendment 1 (1976)


  1. Iowa Equal Rights, Amendment 1 (1980)
  2. Iowa Militia Qualifications, Amendment 5 (1868)
  3. Iowa Legislator Qualifications, Amendment 1 (1926)
  4. Iowa Equal Rights, Amendment 1 (1992)
  5. Iowa Equal Rights, Amendment 1 (1998)
  6. Iowa Legislator Qualifications, Amendment 1 (1880)
  7. Iowa Apportionment of Senators, Amendment 3 (1868)
  8. Iowa Census Enumeration, Amendment 2 (1868)
  9. Iowa Amendment 1, Right to Keep and Bear Arms Amendment (2022)


  1. Kansas Right to Vote, Amendment 3 (1974)
  2. Kansas Voter Qualifications, Amendment 1 (1971)
  3. Kansas Amending the State Bill of Rights, Amendment 3 (1972)
  4. Kansas No State Constitutional Right to Abortion and Legislative Power to Regulate Abortion Amendment (August 2022)


  1. Louisiana Handicapped Voting Amendment (1968)
  2. Louisiana Rights of Convicted Individuals Amendment (1968)
  3. Louisiana Amendment 2, Constitutional Right to Worship in a Church or Place of Worship Amendment (October 2023)


  1. Maine Civil Rights and Prevent Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation, Question 6 (2000)
  2. Maine Discrimination Prohibition, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1963)
  3. Maine Equal Rights Provision, Constitutional Amendment 6 (1984)
  4. Maine Limiting Protected Classifications, Question 1 (1995)
  5. Maine Reject Extension of Civil Rights Protections Regardless of Sexual Orientation, Question 1 (2005)
  6. Maine Removal of Gender Biased Constitutional Language, Question 7 (1988)
  7. Maine Repeal of Ban Against Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Question 1 (1998)
  8. Maine Question 3, Right to Produce, Harvest, and Consume Food Amendment (2021)


  1. Maryland Equal Legal Rights for Women, Amendment 5 (1922)
  2. Maryland Sex Discrimination, Question 3 (1972)


  1. Massachusetts Absentee Voting Due to Physical Disability, Question 4 (1944)
  2. Massachusetts Equal Rights, Question 1 (1976)
  3. Massachusetts Question 1, Prohibition on Discrimination on the Basis of Disability Amendment (1980)
  4. Massachusetts Women's Ability to Hold Office, Question 2 (1924)
  5. Massachusetts Right to Privacy Amendment (2026)
  6. Massachusetts Question 1, Freedom of Speech Amendment (1948)


  1. Michigan Proposal 2, Search Warrant for Electronic Data Amendment (2020)
  2. Michigan Proposal 3, Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative (2022)


  1. Mississippi Voting Age, Amendment 2 (1972)
  2. Mississippi Voter Literacy, Amendment 2 (1975)
  3. Mississippi Voter Residency, Amendment 1 (1968)
  4. Mississippi Administration of Prisons, Amendment 2 (1990)


  1. Missouri Electronic Data Protection, Amendment 9 (August 2014)
  2. Missouri General Assembly Reorganization and Legislative Updates Amendment, Issue 3 (February 1924)
  3. Missouri Provisions Related to Gender Identity and Marriage Definition Amendment (2024)


  1. Nebraska Measure 424, Affirmative Action Initiative (2008)
  2. Nebraska Equal Protection, Amendment 1 (1998)


  1. Nevada Constitution Language on Voting, Question 7 (2004)
  2. Nevada Right to Vote and Hold Office Constitutional Language, Question 3 (1992)
  3. Nevada Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, Question 5 (1978)
  4. Nevada Right to Bear Arms, Question 2 (1982)

New Hampshire

  1. New Hampshire Equal RIghts Amendment (1974)
  2. New Hampshire Voting Accessibility Amendment (1984)
  3. New Hampshire Remove Provision Disqualifying Women From Voting for State Offices, Question 1 (1958)
  4. New Hampshire Criminal Insanity Standards Amendment (1984)
  5. New Hampshire Right to Legal Representation Amendment (1966)
  6. New Hampshire Free Speech Amendment (1968)
  7. New Hampshire Right to Vote Amendment (1968)
  8. New Hampshire Question 2, Right to Live Free from Governmental Intrusion in Private and Personal Information Amendment (2018)
  9. New Hampshire Prohibit Slavery and Involuntary Servitude Amendment (2024)

New Mexico

  1. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 11, Voter Qualification (1994)
  2. New Mexico Referendum: Equal Rights in Regards to Sex (1972)
  3. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Absentee Voting, Removal of Voting Restrictions for Women and Indians (1964)

New Jersey

  1. New Jersey Public Question No. 2 (1975)

New York

  1. New York Gender-Neutral Language Amendment, Proposal 1 (2001)
  2. New York Equality of Rights, Amendment 1 (1975)
  3. New York Proposal 2, Environmental Rights Amendment (2021)
  4. New York Equal Protection of Law Amendment (2024)

North Carolina

  1. North Carolina Equal Rights and Constitutional Language Amendment (1946)

North Dakota

  1. North Dakota Absent Voters Referendum (1920)
  2. North Dakota Age of Adulthood, Alternate Proposition 3 (1972)
  3. North Dakota Electors Residence Requirements Referendum (1922)
  4. North Dakota Prohibiting School Teachers Religious Dress, Initiative 1 (1948)
  5. North Dakota Residence Requirements of Electors Referendum (1920)
  6. North Dakota Vehicle Searches, Measure 6 (1992)


  1. Ohio Eligibility of Women for Appointment to Commissions Amendment (1913)
  2. Ohio Women's Eligibility for Office Provision Removal Amendment (1953)
  3. Ohio Issue 1, Right to Make Reproductive Decisions Including Abortion Initiative (2023)


  1. Oklahoma Education Qualifications to Vote, State Question 17 (August 1910)
  2. Oklahoma Women Eligible for Office, State Question 211 (September 1935)


  1. Oregon Equal Rights for Women Initiative, Measure 89 (2014)
  2. Oregon Measure 7, Equal Protection Initiative (1994)
  3. Oregon Measure Nos. 304-305, Sterilization of Criminals Referendum (1913)
  4. Oregon Measure 19, Exempt Free Speech Protection for Obscenity and Child Pornography Initiative (1994)
  5. Oregon Right to Permitless Concealed Carry Initiative (2024)


  1. Pennsylvania Question 3, Environmental Rights Amendment (May 1971)
  2. Pennsylvania Question 3, Equal Rights Regardless of Race or Ethnicity Amendment (May 2021)
  3. Pennsylvania Question 2, Declaration of Rights and Constitutional Revisions Amendment (May 1967)
  4. Pennsylvania Question 1, Interactions Between Accused Individuals and Witnesses Amendment (2003)
  5. Pennsylvania Question 2, Testimony from Children in Criminal Proceedings Amendment (2003)
  6. Pennsylvania No State Constitutional Right to Abortion Amendment (2024)

Rhode Island

  1. Rhode Island Question 1, Name Change Amendment (2010)
  2. Rhode Island Bail, Constitutional Amendment 12 (1986)
  3. Rhode Island Proposition to Amend Article 1, Section 9 of the Rhode Island Constitution - Right to Bail (1988)
  4. Rhode Island Rights of the People, Constitutional Amendment 8 (1986)
  5. Rhode Island Felon Officeholding and Voting, Constitutional Amendment 10 (1986)

South Carolina

  1. South Carolina Elector Requirements, Amendment 1 (1970)
  2. South Carolina Amendment on Legal Adults, Amendment 6 (1974)
  3. South Carolina Register to Vote Qualifications, Amendment 2 (1970)
  4. South Carolina Amendment 1, Add New Declaration of Rights and Transpose Sections of Constitution to other Articles Amendment (1970)


  1. Tennessee Constitutional Convention: Voting Age, Amendment 5 (1968)


  1. Texas Proposition 7, Equal Rights Amendment (1972)
  2. Texas Proposition 6, Women Jurors Amendment (1954)
  3. Texas Proposition 1, Conservation and Reclamation Districts Amendment (August 1917)
  4. Texas Proposition 1, Right to Farming, Ranching, Timber Production, Horticulture, and Wildlife Management Amendment (2023)


  1. Utah Constitutional Amendment C, Remove Slavery as Punishment for a Crime from Constitution Amendment (2020)


  1. Vermont Equal Rights Amendment (1986)
  2. Vermont Jury Service for Women Act (1942)
  3. Vermont Statewide Referendum: Jury Service for Women (1942)
  4. Vermont Proposal 2, Prohibit Slavery and Indentured Servitude Amendment (2022)
  5. Vermont Proposal 5, Right to Personal Reproductive Autonomy Amendment (2022)
  6. Vermont Equal Protection of Law Amendment (2026)


  1. Washington Referendum 40, Establishment of a State Women's Commission Measure (1977)
  2. Washington HJR 61, Equal Rights Regardless of Sex Amendment (1972)
  3. Washington Initiative 677, Sexual Orientation Anti-Discrimination Measure (1997)


  1. Wisconsin Grand Jury System Amendment, Question 1 (1870)
  2. Wisconsin Equality of Sexes Amendment, Question 2 (April 1973)
  3. Wisconsin Prohibit Discrimination by a Governmental Entity Amendment (2026)
  4. Wisconsin Prohibit the Closing of Places of Worship During State of Emergency Amendment (2026)


  1. Wyoming Constitutional Amendment A, Right to Make Healthcare Decisions and Direct Healthcare Payments Amendment (2012)

By year

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Massachusetts Right to Privacy Amendment (2026)
  2. Wisconsin Prohibit Discrimination by a Governmental Entity Amendment (2026)
  3. Wisconsin Prohibit the Closing of Places of Worship During State of Emergency Amendment (2026)
  4. Florida Right to Clean Water Initiative (2026)
  5. Vermont Equal Protection of Law Amendment (2026)


  1. Florida Amendment 2, Right to Hunt and Fish Amendment (2024)
  2. California Right to Marry and Repeal Proposition 8 Amendment (2024)
  3. New York Equal Protection of Law Amendment (2024)
  4. Missouri Provisions Related to Gender Identity and Marriage Definition Amendment (2024)
  5. Colorado Constitutional Right to School Choice Initiative (2024)
  6. Pennsylvania No State Constitutional Right to Abortion Amendment (2024)
  7. California Establish University of California Online Initiative (2024)
  8. Oregon Right to Permitless Concealed Carry Initiative (2024)
  9. New Hampshire Prohibit Slavery and Involuntary Servitude Amendment (2024)


  1. Louisiana Amendment 2, Constitutional Right to Worship in a Church or Place of Worship Amendment (October 2023)
  2. Ohio Issue 1, Right to Make Reproductive Decisions Including Abortion Initiative (2023)
  3. Texas Proposition 1, Right to Farming, Ranching, Timber Production, Horticulture, and Wildlife Management Amendment (2023)


  1. Illinois Amendment 1, Right to Collective Bargaining Measure (2022)
  2. Vermont Proposal 2, Prohibit Slavery and Indentured Servitude Amendment (2022)
  3. Michigan Proposal 3, Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative (2022)
  4. Iowa Amendment 1, Right to Keep and Bear Arms Amendment (2022)
  5. Vermont Proposal 5, Right to Personal Reproductive Autonomy Amendment (2022)
  6. Arkansas Issue 3, Government Burden of Free Exercise of Religion Amendment (2022)
  7. Kansas No State Constitutional Right to Abortion and Legislative Power to Regulate Abortion Amendment (August 2022)


  1. Pennsylvania Question 3, Equal Rights Regardless of Race or Ethnicity Amendment (May 2021)
  2. Maine Question 3, Right to Produce, Harvest, and Consume Food Amendment (2021)
  3. New York Proposal 2, Environmental Rights Amendment (2021)


  1. Utah Constitutional Amendment C, Remove Slavery as Punishment for a Crime from Constitution Amendment (2020)
  2. Michigan Proposal 2, Search Warrant for Electronic Data Amendment (2020)
  3. Alabama Amendment 5, "Stand Your Ground" Rights in Franklin County Churches Measure (2020)
  4. Alabama Amendment 6, "Stand Your Ground" Rights in Lauderdale County Churches Measure (2020)


  1. New Hampshire Question 2, Right to Live Free from Governmental Intrusion in Private and Personal Information Amendment (2018)


  1. Colorado Removal of Exception to Slavery Prohibition for Criminals, Amendment T (2016)


  1. Missouri Electronic Data Protection, Amendment 9 (August 2014)
  2. Oregon Equal Rights for Women Initiative, Measure 89 (2014)


  1. Wyoming Constitutional Amendment A, Right to Make Healthcare Decisions and Direct Healthcare Payments Amendment (2012)
  2. Ashland City Natural Persons Amendment (November 2012)


  1. Rhode Island Question 1, Name Change Amendment (2010)
  2. Colorado Amendment 63, Healthcare Choice and Coverage Initiative (2010)


  1. Florida Amendment 1, Property Possession Amendment (2008)
  2. Nebraska Measure 424, Affirmative Action Initiative (2008)


  1. Maine Reject Extension of Civil Rights Protections Regardless of Sexual Orientation, Question 1 (2005)


  1. Nevada Constitution Language on Voting, Question 7 (2004)


  1. Pennsylvania Question 1, Interactions Between Accused Individuals and Witnesses Amendment (2003)
  2. Pennsylvania Question 2, Testimony from Children in Criminal Proceedings Amendment (2003)


  1. New York Gender-Neutral Language Amendment, Proposal 1 (2001)


  1. Maine Civil Rights and Prevent Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation, Question 6 (2000)


  1. Florida Amendment 9, Inalienable Rights Amendment (1998)
  2. Idaho Voting for Persons Under Guardianship, SJR 105 (1998)
  3. Maine Repeal of Ban Against Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Question 1 (1998)
  4. Iowa Equal Rights, Amendment 1 (1998)
  5. Nebraska Equal Protection, Amendment 1 (1998)


  1. Washington Initiative 677, Sexual Orientation Anti-Discrimination Measure (1997)


  1. Maine Limiting Protected Classifications, Question 1 (1995)


  1. Oregon Measure 7, Equal Protection Initiative (1994)
  2. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 11, Voter Qualification (1994)
  3. Alabama Rights of Crime Victims Amendment (1994)
  4. Colorado Amendment 16, Freedom of Expression Initiative (1994)
  5. Oregon Measure 19, Exempt Free Speech Protection for Obscenity and Child Pornography Initiative (1994)


  1. Nevada Right to Vote and Hold Office Constitutional Language, Question 3 (1992)
  2. North Dakota Vehicle Searches, Measure 6 (1992)
  3. Iowa Equal Rights, Amendment 1 (1992)


  1. Hawaii Repeal of Fractional Voting, Amendment 4 (1990)
  2. Mississippi Administration of Prisons, Amendment 2 (1990)
  3. Arizona Proposition 104, Victims' Rights Amendment (1990)


  1. Maine Removal of Gender Biased Constitutional Language, Question 7 (1988)
  2. Hawaii Changing the Voting Age, Amendment 5 (1988)
  3. Rhode Island Proposition to Amend Article 1, Section 9 of the Rhode Island Constitution - Right to Bail (1988)


  1. Vermont Equal Rights Amendment (1986)
  2. Rhode Island Bail, Constitutional Amendment 12 (1986)
  3. Rhode Island Rights of the People, Constitutional Amendment 8 (1986)
  4. Rhode Island Felon Officeholding and Voting, Constitutional Amendment 10 (1986)
  5. Arizona Proposition 103, Right to Sue for Damages from Injury or Death Amendment (1986)


  1. Connecticut Prohibition of Disability Discrimination, Question 1 (1984)
  2. Maine Equal Rights Provision, Constitutional Amendment 6 (1984)
  3. New Hampshire Voting Accessibility Amendment (1984)
  4. New Hampshire Criminal Insanity Standards Amendment (1984)


  1. Nevada Right to Bear Arms, Question 2 (1982)


  1. Florida Amendment 2, Constitutional Right of Privacy Measure (1980)
  2. Massachusetts Question 1, Prohibition on Discrimination on the Basis of Disability Amendment (1980)
  3. Iowa Equal Rights, Amendment 1 (1980)


  1. Florida Amendment 2, No Deprivation of Rights on the Basis of Sex Amendment (1978)
  2. Hawaii Right to Privacy, Amendment 3 (1978)
  3. Hawaii Secrecy of Voting, Amendment 4 (1978)
  4. Nevada Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, Question 5 (1978)
  5. Hawaii Miscellaneous Revisions, Amendment 33 (1978)
  6. Hawaii Traditional and Customary Rights, Amendment 29 (1978)
  7. California Proposition 5, Constitutional Determinations by Administrative Agencies Amendment (June 1978)


  1. Washington Referendum 40, Establishment of a State Women's Commission Measure (1977)


  1. Massachusetts Equal Rights, Question 1 (1976)
  2. Indiana Residency Requirements for Voting, Amendment 1 (1976)
  3. Colorado Amendment No. 6, Removal of the Gender Equality Provisions Initiative (1976)


  1. Mississippi Voter Literacy, Amendment 2 (1975)
  2. New York Equality of Rights, Amendment 1 (1975)
  3. New Jersey Public Question No. 2 (1975)


  1. Connecticut Sex Discrimination Ban, Question 1 (1974)
  2. Florida Amendment 7, Disability Discrimination Prohibition Amendment (1974)
  3. Kansas Right to Vote, Amendment 3 (1974)
  4. New Hampshire Equal RIghts Amendment (1974)
  5. South Carolina Amendment on Legal Adults, Amendment 6 (1974)
  6. California Proposition 7, Rights of Citizens Amendment (1974)


  1. Wisconsin Equality of Sexes Amendment, Question 2 (April 1973)


  1. Alaska Prohibition of Sexual Discrimination, Amendment 2 (August 1972)
  2. Colorado Amendment No. 3, Equality of Sexes Amendment (1972)
  3. Maryland Sex Discrimination, Question 3 (1972)
  4. North Dakota Age of Adulthood, Alternate Proposition 3 (1972)
  5. Texas Proposition 7, Equal Rights Amendment (1972)
  6. Washington HJR 61, Equal Rights Regardless of Sex Amendment (1972)
  7. Mississippi Voting Age, Amendment 2 (1972)
  8. Hawaii Gender Equality, Amendment 1 (1972)
  9. Hawaii Voting Age, Amendment 3 (1972)
  10. Kansas Amending the State Bill of Rights, Amendment 3 (1972)
  11. New Mexico Referendum: Equal Rights in Regards to Sex (1972)
  12. Alaska Ballot Measure 3, Right to Privacy Amendment (August 1972)
  13. California Proposition 11, Constitutional Right to Privacy Amendment (1972)


  1. Kansas Voter Qualifications, Amendment 1 (1971)
  2. Pennsylvania Question 3, Environmental Rights Amendment (May 1971)


  1. Hawaii Voting Age, Proposition 3 (1970)
  2. South Carolina Elector Requirements, Amendment 1 (1970)
  3. South Carolina Register to Vote Qualifications, Amendment 2 (1970)
  4. South Carolina Amendment 1, Add New Declaration of Rights and Transpose Sections of Constitution to other Articles Amendment (1970)


  1. Alabama Absentee Voting, Amendment 2 (1969)


  1. Hawaii Eliminating the Literacy Requirement to Vote, Amendment 10 (1968)
  2. Hawaii Invasion of Privacy, Amendment 4 (1968)
  3. Hawaii Voting Rights of Felons, Amendment 9 (1968)
  4. Hawaii Eighteen Year Old Vote, Amendment 8 (1968)
  5. Mississippi Voter Residency, Amendment 1 (1968)
  6. Tennessee Constitutional Convention: Voting Age, Amendment 5 (1968)
  7. Louisiana Handicapped Voting Amendment (1968)
  8. New Hampshire Free Speech Amendment (1968)
  9. Louisiana Rights of Convicted Individuals Amendment (1968)
  10. New Hampshire Right to Vote Amendment (1968)


  1. Pennsylvania Question 2, Declaration of Rights and Constitutional Revisions Amendment (May 1967)


  1. New Hampshire Right to Legal Representation Amendment (1966)


  1. Alabama Voter Registration Qualifications, Amendment 2 (1965)


  1. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Absentee Voting, Removal of Voting Restrictions for Women and Indians (1964)


  1. Maine Discrimination Prohibition, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1963)
  2. Alabama Voting Requirements, Amendment 3 (1963)


  1. Alabama Voter Requirements, Amendment 1 (1962)
  2. Alabama Voter Registration, Amendment 1 (1962)
  3. Idaho Chinese, Japanese and Mongolian Rights, SJR 1 (1962)


  1. New Hampshire Remove Provision Disqualifying Women From Voting for State Offices, Question 1 (1958)


  1. Texas Proposition 6, Women Jurors Amendment (1954)


  1. Ohio Women's Eligibility for Office Provision Removal Amendment (1953)
  2. Alabama Voter Requirements, Amendment 1 (1953)


  1. Alabama Voter Requirements, Amendment 5 (1951)


  1. North Dakota Prohibiting School Teachers Religious Dress, Initiative 1 (1948)
  2. Massachusetts Question 1, Freedom of Speech Amendment (1948)


  1. Alabama Voter Qualifications, Amendment 4 (1946)
  2. North Carolina Equal Rights and Constitutional Language Amendment (1946)


  1. Colorado Women on Juries, Measure 1 (1944)
  2. Massachusetts Absentee Voting Due to Physical Disability, Question 4 (1944)
  3. Florida Amendment 5, Labor Organizations and Collective Bargaining Amendment (1944)


  1. Vermont Jury Service for Women Act (1942)
  2. Vermont Statewide Referendum: Jury Service for Women (1942)


  1. Colorado Women on Juries, Measure 7 (1936)


  1. Oklahoma Women Eligible for Office, State Question 211 (September 1935)


  1. Florida Amendment 4, Criminal Trial Procedures Amendment (1934)


  1. Illinois Jury Act Amendment (1930)


  1. Florida Use of Property by Foreigners Amendment (1926)
  2. Iowa Legislator Qualifications, Amendment 1 (1926)


  1. Massachusetts Women's Ability to Hold Office, Question 2 (1924)
  2. Missouri General Assembly Reorganization and Legislative Updates Amendment, Issue 3 (February 1924)


  1. Maryland Equal Legal Rights for Women, Amendment 5 (1922)
  2. North Dakota Electors Residence Requirements Referendum (1922)


  1. North Dakota Absent Voters Referendum (1920)
  2. North Dakota Residence Requirements of Electors Referendum (1920)


  1. Texas Proposition 1, Conservation and Reclamation Districts Amendment (August 1917)


  1. Colorado Three-Fourths Jury Verdict and Women Jurors, Measure 3 (1914)


  1. Ohio Eligibility of Women for Appointment to Commissions Amendment (1913)
  2. Oregon Measure Nos. 304-305, Sterilization of Criminals Referendum (1913)


  1. Oklahoma Education Qualifications to Vote, State Question 17 (August 1910)

Before 1900

  1. Iowa Militia Qualifications, Amendment 5 (1868)
  2. Iowa Apportionment of Senators, Amendment 3 (1868)
  3. Iowa Census Enumeration, Amendment 2 (1868)
  4. Wisconsin Grand Jury System Amendment, Question 1 (1870)
  5. Iowa Legislator Qualifications, Amendment 1 (1880)

Did not make ballot

Did not make ballot

  1. Arizona Centennial Committee Initiative (2010)
  2. Arizona Free to Work (2008)
  3. Arkansas Child Neglect Investigation Reform Initiative (2010)
  4. Arkansas Civil Rights Act Amendment (2016)
  5. California Confidentiality of Personal Identifying Information (2014)
  6. California Initiative to Eliminate Environmental Protection Laws and Agencies (2012)
  7. Colorado Environmental Rights Amendment (2014)
  8. Colorado Probate Ward Bill of Rights Initiative (2014)
  9. Florida's Nursing Home Rights Initiative (2008)
  10. Florida Children's Right Not to be Abused (2008)
  11. Missouri Petitioning at Missouri Career Centers Amendment (2016)
  12. Montana Prohibit Warrantless Digital Communication Searches Initiative (2014)
  13. New Jersey Right to Privacy from Government Intrusion Amendment (2015)
  14. Oklahoma State Question 749 (2010)
  15. Oregon Ballot Measure 145 (2008)
  16. Oregon Natural Individual Rights Amendment (2014)
  17. Utah Affirmative Action Amendment (2010)
  18. Washington Rights of Minors Initiative (2008)
  19. California "Definition of a Person" Amendment (2016)
  20. Oregon Private Voter Information Initiative (2018)
  21. Missouri Anti-Discrimination in Employment Initiative (2018)
  22. Colorado Right to Local Self-Government Amendment (2016)
  23. Oregon Prohibit Discrimination on Basis of Vaccination Status Initiative (2018)
  24. Massachusetts Repeal Authority for Public Tolling Initiative (2018)
  25. Minnesota Equal Rights Regardless of Gender Amendment (2020)
  26. Maine Equal Rights Regardless of Sex Amendment (2020)
  27. Rhode Island Right to an Adequate Education Amendment (2022)
  28. Hawaii Environmental Rights Amendment (2022)
  29. Missouri Parental Rights over Minor Children Initiative (2022)
  30. Oklahoma Establish Rights of Unborn Persons Amendment (2022)
  31. Maine Environmental Rights Amendment (2022)
  32. Maine Equal Rights Regardless of Sex Amendment (2022)
  33. California Holocaust Denial Speech Restrictions Initiative (2016)
  34. Montana Right to Hunt and Fish Amendment (2024)
  35. Oklahoma State Question 829, Abolish Oklahoma Turnpike Authority and Remove Tolls Initiative (2024)
  36. Oklahoma State Question 831, Constitutional Right to Healthcare Initiative (2024)
  37. Texas Parental Right to Direct Child's Education Amendment (2023)
  38. Texas Parental Right to Direct Upbringing, Education, and Health Care of Children Amendment (2023)
  39. California Right to Education Amendment (2024)
  40. Colorado School Funding Initiative (2023)
  41. Massachusetts Definition of a Person Initiative (2024)
  42. California Establish Right to Public Education Initiative (2024)
  43. Florida Right to Clean Water Initiative (2024)
  44. Maine Equal Rights Under the Law Amendment (2024)
  45. Maine Right to Personal Reproductive Autonomy Amendment (2024)
  46. Minnesota Equal Under the Law Amendment (2024)
  47. Oklahoma Right to Keep and Bear Arms Amendment (2024)
  48. Arizona "Parents' Bill of Rights" Amendment (2024)
  49. California Right to Public Education Initiative (2024)
  50. Oregon Right to Safe Levels of Greenhouse Gases Initiative (2024)
  51. Oregon Right to Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions Initiative (2024)
  52. Oregon Right to Adequate Public Education Amendment (2024)
Voting on Constitutional Rights
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Ballot Measures
By state
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Not on ballot

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Measures by state