Gonoshasthaya RNA Biotech Limited  কভার ছবি

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The deadly COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic first started in Wuhan Province China in December 2019 while the first infected patient in Bangladesh was identified on 8th March 2020. As per recent situation report by World Health Organization (WHO), more than three hundred thousand people were infected and around fifteen thousand deaths occurred in over 188 countries. However, due to lack of accessibility to proper diagnostics, it is being assumed that prevalence of COVID-19 would be much higher than reported cases. According to recent reports, undetected mild cases have led to recent SARS-CoV-2 pandemic due to failure of immediate diagnostics support to detect this highly contagious viral strain infecting mass population within a very short time. The WHO recommendation for epidemic control, based on decades of experience, was simple. Test, test, and test again in communities to find any cases. Isolate them and all their contacts through 14 days of quarantine, and bring in appropriate social distancing measure. Rapid POC tests for use at community level were identified by a WHO expert group convened in Geneva last month as the first of eight research priorities. The rapid spread of COVID-19 across the world has exposed major gaps in the abilities of most countries to respond to a virulent new pathogen. The extraordinary success of Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong in limiting the impact of the sudden acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV- 2) demonstrates that it is possible to mount an effective response to an outbreak by major investment in pandemic preparedness. Despite their proximity to China, these three regions have managed to keep case numbers and fatalities low. By learning from previous coronavirus outbreaks where these territories bore the brunt, they were able to rapidly deploy widespread testing, combine it with other measures.

Biotechnology Research
কোম্পানির আকার
51-200 কর্মচারী
সদর দপ্তর
Dhaka, Dhaka
Privately Held


এ কর্মচারী Gonoshasthaya RNA Biotech Limited

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