আমাদের সম্পর্কে
Our world today is not the same as the world 60 years ago, our world has a twin: the virtual one. Likewise, businesses today, in order to be successful have to appeal to both. A physical enterprise can’t survive without it’s online counterpart and vice versa. In a world, where as we grow bigger each year, where as you seek out riskier (ad)ventures, we shall be here for you. To help your online endeavours reach their full potential, we here at Ravdeus abide by a promise: to leave a mark for the better. But above all, to live in the vision for good.
- ওয়েবসাইট
এর জন্য বহিঃসংযোগ Ravdeus
- ইন্ডাস্ট্রি
- Advertising Services
- কোম্পানির আকার
- 11-50 কর্মচারী
- সদর দপ্তর
- Dhaka, Bangladesh
- ধরণ
- Self-Owned
- প্রতিষ্ঠিত
- 2018
House 14 Road 8 Sector 11
Dhaka, Bangladesh 1230, BD