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Heverlee, Flanders 785 followers

Facilitated learning journeys to make sense, transform, reorganize and act to regenerate life during societal collapse

About us

And Now What challenge you to face the reality of our times and our predicament and transform anticipation of collapse into courageous and compassionate living. We invite you, your communities and your organizations to become more collapse-aware, contemplate what this means for you and all you love, go deep into places of not knowing and discomfort, and find wise sources of nourishment and growth; all so we can bring our best selves to alleviate suffering and celebrate and serve precious Life in these times. We offer four services that progress across fractal scales; from conversations that transform individuals, to engagements that transform whole systems: * Courageous Conversations * Coaching and Mentoring * System Sensing and Facilitation * Whole Systems Design

Business Consulting and Services
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2-10 employees
Heverlee, Flanders
Privately Held
Facilitation, Collapse Awareness, Keynote Listening & Synthesis, Overshoot, Systems Facilitation, Climate Anxiety Coaching, Regenerative Business Mentoring, Regenerative Community Engagement, Whole Systems Design, Courageous Conversations, and Poetry


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    89 seconden Gisteren schreef ik in mijn dagelijkse post ( over hoe multinationals als het ware een vrijgeleide krijgen om met name in Afrika door te gaan met de vernietiging van de biodiversiteit. En die post werd heel wat minder vaak gelezen dan ik gewoon ben. Toeval of niet? Daarom vandaag nog iets over de alarmbel waarover de klassieke media weinig berichten: de doomsday clock. Dit naar aanleiding van een tentoonstelling in de Banque nationale de France in Parijs die nog tot 8 juni loopt met tal van kunstwerken over hoe mensen door de eeuwen heen de naderende apocalyps hebben verbeeld ( Het is natuurlijk geen toeval dat die tentoonstelling net nu loopt. Want de oorlogs- en klimaatdreiging zorgen ervoor dat de voorspelling over het einde van de wereld niet langer uit de mond komt van één of andere dorpsgek, maar ook van gerespecteerde wetenschappers. Met brengen Anne Billen en Neil Davidson onder de aandacht dat het belangrijk is om ons voor te bereiden op een naderende ineenstorting. En volgens de groep experts van de Doomsday Clock waren we begin 2025 89 seconden verwijderd van het einde van de wereld, het dichtst dat we ooit bij middernacht zijn gekomen. Die experts, ook bekend als The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, is geen groep gestoorde gekken, maar heeft bij zijn leden 13 gewezen Nobelprijswinnaars. In 2020 zei Rachel Bronson, voorzitter en CEO van het Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, dat "de tijd tussen de wereld en een catastrofe nu wordt uitgedrukt in seconden, niet in uren of minuten". We waren toen 100 seconden verwijderd van het einde van de wereld. Ondertussen zijn het er dus 11 minder. Het is duidelijk dat zij met "het einde van de wereld" ook niet bedoelen dat onze planeet er niet meer zal zijn. Die zal niet zomaar vergaan. De vraag is of wij er nog op zullen kunnen leven. Kunnen we de klok nog terugdraaien? Kan na deze liminale fase een prachtige nieuwe wereld ontstaan? Waarin genoeg is voor iedereen? Waarvan liefde, solidariteit en empathie de motoren zijn? Niemand die het weet. Maar wat we alvast wel kunnen proberen is samen aan een #zebraeconomoie werken. Samen door een andere bril kijken dan deze die mensen en planeet nu zoveel kwaad doet. En daar positieve verhalen over vertellen zoals we doen met

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    View profile for Anne Billen

    Facing reality, Living the question

    Time to stop this insanity, and move on to something better that is at the same time very old (one could say: humans evolution has primed us for this) and radically new: #bioregioning. Curious what that means, and how it’s gaining momentum very fast worldwide as we speak? Join AndNowWhat in teaming up with the Design School for Regenerating Earth (link in comments) and r3.0! Together with our partners at Equinox Collective we are preparing a confluence for our North Sea River Basins bioregion in September 2025. Stay tuned!

    View profile for Ralph Thurm

    Founder A|HEAD|ahead, Co-Founder r3.0 & Managing Director OnCommons gGmbH

    A Sunday Thought (#129): ‘Tariff Wars’ - Bioregional Resilience as the Antidote For all of us trained in the very basic principles of sustainability, looking at the current wave of insane US-induced trade tariff wars against many countries (for blurring own political and economic shortcomings) is reaching pure surrealism, but at the same time remind us of the mechanics of the current colonial and exploitative economic system design. Making imports more expensive is a pointer to the fact that own products either show deficiencies, or were sold or perceived as too expensive. Globalized production supply chains also mean that there’s no black and white where a product is produced in totality. If BMW cars have parts coming from more than a dozen countries and are assembled in major plants in the US, plummeting car sales endanger US jobs too! It is known that trade tariffs make all lose. But as ‘power over’ rules, the trade tariff circus is a normalized element for a long time. Has anybody said this is totally inhumane or against any sustainability logic? Seldomly, also due to the even more insane decrees that Trump signed (US AID, DEI, deportations, laying off of federal employees, sanctions against the International Court of Human Rights, …). One level of insanity is ‘trumped’ by an even more insane level. Having immersed myself deeply into the logic of bioregioning, collapse resilience strategies and economic designs representing aspects like governance, sociocratic and prosocial discussion processes, currencies, geolocical and cultural assets defining bioregions, trade principles in and between bioregions, as well as general aspects of fair, just and humane living, all the above surrealism of trade wars would simply not exist. Trade wars are tactical maneuvers, existing to extort, deriving from the mindset of ‘one man’s gain is another man’s pain.’ In reality, when players all see themselves as somehow superior, they will in the end all go on a downward spiral. While they all start from the idea to win or to have a playmass for extortion, the past showed that all loose and nobody wins. Wouldn’t it be better to design regenerative economics in which tariffs are non-existing? All that stress induced, all the threat to employers, families; all the distortions to continuity, all the extra footprint through circumvention attempts. Lots of collateral damage of a system that - let’s be clear about that - is costing lives every single day. Is that what we want? Why spending energy normalizing idiocy? You may ask ‘yeah, but what can I do if this idiotic system prevails?’ Well, I it all starts with your first step. What bioregion do I live in? Are there people working on this in my bioregion? What role could I play? How to re-organize my life? There are answers to all these questions, and online formats to join. Consider joining the Design School for Regenerating Earth. Immerse yourself in r3.0’s work. Excite others! Be part of the antidote!

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    View profile for Anne Billen

    Facing reality, Living the question

    What’s your story? Becoming #collapseaware set me on a journey to #collapseacceptance and committing to do my part in building #collapseresilence. Neil Davidson and I shared our stories in the comments of the powerful testimony by Jem Bendell. We would love to hear yours. And explore how we can weave them together, in service of all of Life.

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    View profile for Anne Billen

    Facing reality, Living the question

    This podcast is absolutely fabulous as an introduction to 'bioregioning' as an inspiring vision of a more viable future (with DEEP roots in our collective human history) AND a way of building #collapseresilience. For all those who like to learn about this truly transformative movement that is an antidote to the slurs of bad news on our SM and MSM feeds these days. Enjoy - and for those living in the North Sea / Flanders / Netherlands bioregion: please get in touch if this resonates, and you want to explore how to be part of this! Thank you once more Daniel Christian Wahl for your great work!

    View profile for Daniel Christian Wahl

    PhD, MSc, BSc, FRSA; Author of Designing Regenerative Cultures, RSA Bicentenary Medal for Regenerative Design 2021 recipient, catalyst, mentor, educator, activist, speaker, bioregional weaver, regenerative agroforestry

    Who else has the feeling that as nation-state politics of 'power over' and 'them against us' shows off its degenerative patterns more and more, there is a quiet (r)evolution gathering strength as people everywhere remember that our species successful long term survival pattern was/is one of bioregioning? In case you missed this reality roundtable on Bioregioning on Nate Hagens Great Simplification podcast, here it is: In just one week: Nate released this episode last Sunday Bioregional Weaving Labs Collective ran the Bioregional Hope event on Monday (see Systemic Design Labs ⎟ETH Zurich / MonViso Institute announced the Bioregional Sensing event in April: and r3.0 ran a great event on the history of bioregioning on Turtle Island: Design School for Regenerating Earth announced their new learning journey: the The BioFi Project launched their 'BioFi Cultivator' ... and the regional collaborations here have applied for 1.4M in funding to continue our bioregional regeneration work in the Tramuntana mountain range and on Mallorca and the Balearic Islands (en Castiliano: and in English: ) Great work everyone! Bill Baue Samantha Power Joe Brewer Isabel Carlisle Tijn Tjoelker Penny L. Heiple Brandon Letsinger Karie Crisp Dr. Lyla June Johnston Tobias Luthe ... and many many more! Bioregional Regeneration Rising!

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    View profile for Anne Billen

    Facing reality, Living the question

    This is awesome! A perfect antidote for the s**tshow of the ongoing social and political collapse featuring a dementing convicted criminal being handed the power levers of a crumbling empire. Really excited to see so many friends and super inspiring people doing the weaving of networks and liminal cells of Horizon 3! We’re in existential danger, right now - AND: we don’t give up! Quite the contrary: we’re gaining momentum in the regenerative/bioregionaling movement. A movement that has deep roots in old and recent history, and has all the potential and resources to offer a meaningful and healing alternative for the millions who are hungry for exactly this! Thank you, dear Daniel, for your amazing work. You are one of the Lighthouses out there in these darkening times. Your book, the many, many articles and talks and podcasts, your brilliant curation work and relentless and generous support for other changemakers, and your walk the talk have earned you Elder status in the movement. AndNowWhat

    View profile for Daniel Christian Wahl

    PhD, MSc, BSc, FRSA; Author of Designing Regenerative Cultures, RSA Bicentenary Medal for Regenerative Design 2021 recipient, catalyst, mentor, educator, activist, speaker, bioregional weaver, regenerative agroforestry

    What a lovely celebration of the growing bioregioning movement Bioregional Weaving Labs Collective organised yesterday! It was so nice to meet some of the regional initiatives in Europe and listen to their stories. Joe Brewer and Samantha Power brought in perspectives from the Americas and the Design School for Regenerating Earth Tijn Tjoelker shared his work on the evolving Bioregional Weaving Guide The day before Nate Hagens released the first roundtable conversation on 'Bioregioning 101' with Isabel Carlisle Samantha Power and myself, exploring the work of Bioregional Learning Centre and The BioFi Project among other things: One feeling that I had listening to all of it, was the sense that much of what the Ecovillage pioneers around the world experimented with since the 60s and many of the collective experiences and stories held within the global networks of GEN - Global Ecovillage Network and Gaia Education would support these fledgling initiatives in evolving their work. ... and what's more, the experienced and skilled practitioners in these global networks and the initiatives they are involved in are key collaborators in spreading bioregioning even further. I put together some of the resources (all free to download books) that have been produced to hold this lore/learning: The 4 Keys - offer collections of articles by Ecovillage pioneers structured into the 4 dimensions of Gaia Education's whole systems design mandala for village/community/bioregional regeneration: Gaian Economics (edited by Helena Norberg-Hodge of Local Futures) Designing Ecological Habitats Beyond you and me The Song of the Earth and then there is: Ecovillage Living: Restoring the Earth and her People and this even older classic: Builders of the Dawn ... other weaves that were missing yesterday (no critique, it was abundant as it was): - the work of r3.0 curated by Bill Baue and Ralph Thurm who have also done some amazing work laying foundations for a bioregional futures - the work of Dr. Stuart Cowan and the Buckminster Fuller Institute who have supported many bioregional initiatives through their design studios - the work of the Systemic Design Labs ⎟ETH Zurich that is fundamentally based on a scale-linking design approach with bioregions at the focus: - the work of Isabel Carlisle and the Bioregional Learning Centre - the work of Oscar Gussinyer and Erika Zárate through/with Resilience Earth - David Hodgson work with the Global Regeneration CoLab - Glenn Page and COBALD - Brandon Letsinger I loved seeing so many friends and fellow network weavers on the call. The movement is growing and its diversity is its strength. Regeneration Rising!

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    View profile for Anne Billen

    Facing reality, Living the question

    Goed werk, LINC! Stroop de mouwen maar op, want in de komende jaren zal het almaar moeilijker worden om waar en onwaar uit elkaar te houden. We need all the help we can get!

    View profile for Pieter Rombouts

    ✓ Directeur bij LINC vzw

    Haaa, 'Blue Monday'. Ik heb vandaag weeral zo-veel nonsens zien passeren over de "meest deprimerende dag van het jaar" dat ik graag nog eens meld dat dit verhaaltje een schoolvoorbeeld is van fake news. Een reclamestunt van een reisbureau, dat ergens begin jaren 2000 een psycholoog inschakelde om een dwaze formule te bedenken. En die man deed dat natuurlijk, want voor geld danst de beer! (Met dank aan DALL-E om dit zo mooi te illustreren.) Heel wat media namen het persbericht indertijd klakkeloos over. Ik mag hopen dat dat nu niet meer het geval is. Toch is het vandaag de dag niet evident om als burger te kunnen onderscheiden wat waar is en wat fake. Daarom bieden we met LINC vzw workshops aan over hoe je je weg kan vinden in het overaanbod van informatie dat via alle mogelijke kanalen op je afkomt. Professor Leo Neels gaf me indertijd mee: "Een journalist heeft drie taken: checken, checken en nog eens checken." Dat moeten we nu ook doen als burgers, want sociale media hebben geen filter of gatekeepers (meer). We gaan daarom ook met deCheckers samenwerken om van factchecken een gewoonte te maken. Op de dag van de inauguratie van president Trump is één ding zeker: van geldgeile techreuzen moeten we op dat vlak niets verwachten. Wat van deze dag alsnog een Blue Monday maakt...

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    View profile for Jem Bendell

    collapse readiness and recovery

    Without pretending what's happening or possible, what are you still optimistic about? A year ago in a Buddhist monastery I wrote the following: I’m more than optimistic that many people will live bravely in truth and love, without attachment to ideas of impact, progress or salvation. I’m more than optimistic that many people will try to reduce harm for others, the young, and wider life, without resorting to aggression. I’m more than optimistic that many people will allow the ecological predicament to reveal the dysfunction of modern societies, including systems of imperialism and capitalism. I’m more than optimistic that many people will allow the despair from realising the ecological predicament to transform their identity and worldview. I’m more than optimistic that many people will continue to analyse ‘the abyss’ to identify where action might still be useful, rather than exit from such difficult inquiry to assume either salvation or extinction. I’m more than optimistic that many people will resist the panicked responses of elites and the many forms of denial that will be promoted to us. I’m more than optimistic that many people will seek to make amends for our own past contributions to destruction and inertia. I’m more than optimistic that many people will escape carbon tunnel vision, to contribute to action on forests and ocean health, while balancing priorities compassionately. I’m more than optimistic that many people will not disregard or dismiss these positive responses because we don’t claim that they will stop climate change from exacting catastrophic damage. I’m more than optimistic that many people will discover personal benefits from their acceptance of collapse and will gravitate to the more mystical teachings of world religions and wisdom traditions. I’m more than optimistic that many people will sense that the universe is eternally creative and will inevitably produce future sentient beings that experience life as meaningful. I’m more than optimistic because I know that the responses I’ve listed above are real for many people already.

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    View profile for Neil Davidson

    Systems Lens & Poet at And Now What

    Anne Billen and I at AndNowWhat are pleased to be involved again with Joe Brewer and Penny L. Heiple's Design School for Regenerating Earth. See Joe's post below to see how to get involved with a growing global cohort of Earth Regenerators as the Learning Journeys continue.

  • AndNowWhat reposted this

    View profile for Anne Billen

    Facing reality, Living the question

    Get inspired by the insights the desert has to offer on how to navigate our predicament. Joe Brewer connects the dots for us, in this short video. If you are eager to learn more, and connect with like minded people, consider joining the Design School for Regenerating Earth (link in comments). Neil Davidson and I really appreciate the treasure throve of knowledge and wisdom and the vibrant, co-creating, hands-on community there. #facingreality #livingthequestions #collapse #collapseacceptance #collapsepreparedness

  • AndNowWhat reposted this

    Mark your calendars: On January 20th we'll transform Blue Monday—known as the "most depressing day of the year"—into a day of Active Hope 💙 Coinciding with the inauguration of the Trump presidency in the US, the 20th of January symbolises a new political era, in a world that looks more and more divided. That’s why on this day we want to bring the larger bioregional community together around an alternative vision for the future — a vision of Bioregional Hope. What if we moved beyond nation-states and began organizing ourselves bioregionally — to reconnect with the unique landscapes we call home, while being part of a larger, interconnected whole? During this event, we’ll premiere 7 short films, each featuring 3 bioregional changemakers, brought together by Bioregional Weaving Labs across Austria, Greece, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Spain, who are protecting, restoring, and regenerating their lands and seas 🌍 We invite you to virtually travel to at least two bioregions, watch their films and interact live with the changemakers. There will also be inspiring guest speakers and we’ll end with a clear call to action to get involved in the larger bioregional movement 🌱 Come join us on the evening of January 20th from 7:00 - 9:00 PM CET, bring some regenerative popcorn and wine 🍿🍷 a cup of tea or coffee 🍵☕ to transform Blue Monday into a celebration of Bioregional Hope ✨ The link to sign up can be found in the comments 👇 #activehope #bioregionalhope #bioregioning #bioregions #bioregionalweavinglabs --- Bioregional Hope is organised by the Bioregional Weaving Labs Collective. It’s our mission to mobilise 1 million changemakers to restore, protect and regenerate 1 million ha of Europe’s land and sea by 2030. Let’s rewrite the story of Blue Monday—together.

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