Start the year checking out this wonderful resource, a must-read for soil health enthusiasts and all our project stakeholders!
📚 The Soil Atlas 2024 by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung highlights why soils are essential for life. With striking visuals and insights, it reveals the challenges facing the soils we rely on every day. A must-read for anyone passionate about soil! Check the 12 brief lessons about soils explained in the Atlas. 1. Soil is the most biodiverse habitat on Earth, crucial for our survival. 2. Healthy soils store more carbon than forests, key for climate action. 3. Soils act as natural water reservoirs, reducing droughts and floods. 4. One-third of the world’s soils are degraded. Over 60% in the EU are damaged. 5. Europe leads in soil sealing, preventing water absorption and increasing floods. 6. Industrial farming harms soil fertility with chemicals and monocultures. 7. Land used for livestock feed could grow food for people. Choose plant-based! 8. Desertification is rising due to climate change and unsustainable farming. 9. Sustainable farming practices need stronger policy support in the EU. 10. 1% of farms control 70% of agricultural land. Soils must be treated as a common good. 11. Land grabs displace communities. Climate policies must protect land rights. 12. Since 2012, over 2,100 people have died in land conflicts. Protect human rights! Check it out ⤵️