China Chamber of Commerce to the EU (CCCEU) 欧盟中国商会

China Chamber of Commerce to the EU (CCCEU) 欧盟中国商会

International Trade and Development

An active bridge-builder to help Chinese enterprises in Europe chart the way for increased China-EU economic interaction

About us

Founded by Bank of China (Luxembourg) S.A., China Three Gorges (Europe) S.A. and COSCO Europe GmbH in August 2018, the Brussels-based China Chamber of Commerce to the EU now represents up to 60 Members and chambers in the Member States, covering about 1,000 Chinese enterprises in the EU. CCCEU is a platform between China and the EU and it strives to serve the best interests of enterprises investing in the EU; to reflect their opinions, suggestions and concerns to related European institutions or member states; and to explore ways to enhance the image of Chinese businesses in the multicultural continent. Contact us at

International Trade and Development
Company size
2-10 employees


Employees at China Chamber of Commerce to the EU (CCCEU) 欧盟中国商会


  • Our report is out! ⬇️⬇️ 📘 Chinese:… 📗 English: Press releases 👇👇 🇨🇳 欧盟中国商会与罗兰贝格联合发布中企在欧发展报告 欧盟营商环境总体评分连续第五年下行 中企吁请欧盟保持公平和开放… 🇬🇧 A Climate of Uncertainty: Chinese Businesses in the EU Voice Concerns as Confidence Slips #CCCEU #EUChina

  • 🚨 Reminder: Tomorrow, CCCEU & Roland Berger launch their report on Chinese Enterprises in the EU 🚀 📊 Dive into insights on how Chinese companies view the EU business environment. 🗓️ Don’t miss it! 👥 In-person: 💻 Online: #EU #China #Business

    🌟 Exciting Event Alert! 🌟 China Chamber of Commerce to the EU (CCCEU) 欧盟中国商会, in collaboration with renowned global consultancy Roland Berger , is thrilled to invite you to the launch of our flagship report: “Facing Challenges, Forging Ahead: CCCEU Report on the Development of Chinese Enterprises in the EU 2024/2025” 📅 Date: Monday, December 9 🕚 Time: 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM 📍 Location: University Foundation, Egmontstraat 11, 1000 Brussels This in-depth report is based on a four-month survey of some 200 Chinese companies operating across the EU, offering valuable insights into: ✅ Business performance and confidence in the EU ✅ The EU’s economic security strategy ✅ Foreign Subsidy Regulation and EV investigations ✅ Digital transition and key trends shaping the future With around 300 actionable recommendations, the report provides a roadmap to enhance China-EU cooperation and mutual growth. Following the press conference, join us for a networking reception with industry leaders. 🔗 Reserve your spot here: Let’s shape the future of China-EU collaboration together. We look forward to seeing you there! #CCCEU #ChinaEU #BusinessInsights #EconomicDevelopment

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  • China Chamber of Commerce to the EU (CCCEU) 欧盟中国商会 reposted this

    🌟 Exciting Event Alert! 🌟 China Chamber of Commerce to the EU (CCCEU) 欧盟中国商会, in collaboration with renowned global consultancy Roland Berger , is thrilled to invite you to the launch of our flagship report: “Facing Challenges, Forging Ahead: CCCEU Report on the Development of Chinese Enterprises in the EU 2024/2025” 📅 Date: Monday, December 9 🕚 Time: 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM 📍 Location: University Foundation, Egmontstraat 11, 1000 Brussels This in-depth report is based on a four-month survey of some 200 Chinese companies operating across the EU, offering valuable insights into: ✅ Business performance and confidence in the EU ✅ The EU’s economic security strategy ✅ Foreign Subsidy Regulation and EV investigations ✅ Digital transition and key trends shaping the future With around 300 actionable recommendations, the report provides a roadmap to enhance China-EU cooperation and mutual growth. Following the press conference, join us for a networking reception with industry leaders. 🔗 Reserve your spot here: Let’s shape the future of China-EU collaboration together. We look forward to seeing you there! #CCCEU #ChinaEU #BusinessInsights #EconomicDevelopment

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  • 🌟 Exciting Event Alert! 🌟 China Chamber of Commerce to the EU (CCCEU) 欧盟中国商会, in collaboration with renowned global consultancy Roland Berger , is thrilled to invite you to the launch of our flagship report: “Facing Challenges, Forging Ahead: CCCEU Report on the Development of Chinese Enterprises in the EU 2024/2025” 📅 Date: Monday, December 9 🕚 Time: 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM 📍 Location: University Foundation, Egmontstraat 11, 1000 Brussels This in-depth report is based on a four-month survey of some 200 Chinese companies operating across the EU, offering valuable insights into: ✅ Business performance and confidence in the EU ✅ The EU’s economic security strategy ✅ Foreign Subsidy Regulation and EV investigations ✅ Digital transition and key trends shaping the future With around 300 actionable recommendations, the report provides a roadmap to enhance China-EU cooperation and mutual growth. Following the press conference, join us for a networking reception with industry leaders. 🔗 Reserve your spot here: Let’s shape the future of China-EU collaboration together. We look forward to seeing you there! #CCCEU #ChinaEU #BusinessInsights #EconomicDevelopment

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  • 💫🌍CCCEU Weekly Updates   Greetings! This week marks the countdown to the EU power transition, with new Commissioners starting in December. The EU’s priorities include innovation, decarbonisation, and security. After Northvolt’s bankruptcy, France, Germany, and Sweden are calling for more EU support for battery production. In Brussels, the China-EU steering committee meets on innovation policy, while the EU seeks WTO approval for trade dispute measures. In Barcelona, Chery’s Spanish plant launches its first model, and from Berlin, German Foreign Minister Baerbock will visit China soon. Enjoy this week’s CCCEU Update on China-EU relations and have a great weekend!   ⬇️

  • 千里相隔远 文化共融生 茅台集团访欧团到访商会,就国际化发展进行交流👏   11月27日,中国贵州茅台酒厂(集团)有限责任公司党委委员、副总经理涂华彬一行到访商会,商会秘书长方东葵与涂华彬一行举行工作会谈。 涂华彬向方东葵介绍了茅台国际化的战略规划、近年来茅台国际化的实践。涂华彬表示,作为有着悠久历史和传承的企业,茅台一直以来秉持“顺天敬人、明理厚德”的核心价值观,匠心酿造、精益求精。茅台在国际化的道路上,除了向世界传达茅台的品质之外,也在努力实践探索如何讲好茅台的故事,向世界传递中国文化,并以更开放的姿态布局国际化市场运营,让世界爱上茅台,让茅台香飘世界。 方东葵向涂华彬介绍了欧洲市场的容量与需求情况,欧洲作为企业国际化形象与全球品牌知名度的战略高地以及国际标准话语权的优势地位。方东葵表示,茅台的故事,远不止于酒。他高度评价茅台在企业国际化过程中向世界传递中国文化、促进中欧民心互通、促进中欧人文交流所做的积极努力和贡献。 双方还就如何充分利用中欧地理标志保护与合作协定、以及欧洲各国文化交流的舞台,积极拓展茅台在欧洲的市场,让更多欧洲人了解作为中国文化一部分的茅台等问题进行了深入交流。

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  • 商会董事会暨执委会拜会蔡润大使 期待中欧建交50周年为经贸合作注入更多新动能 2024年11月22日下午,欧盟中国商会会长、中银欧洲董事长刘坚东率领商会董事会暨执委会成员拜访我驻欧盟使团团长蔡润大使,就商会工作、中欧经贸关系、明年中欧建交50周年等议题进行交流。中国驻欧盟使团彭刚公使出席会议。 蔡润大使欢迎刘坚东会长履新。他介绍了对新时期下中欧关系发展的看法,并表示明年正逢中欧建交50周年,期待商业界继续挖掘中欧经贸发展的潜力与机遇,开拓中欧合作新领域;希望欧盟中国商会进一步维护在欧中企合法权益,推动欧盟为中方企业提供公平、公正和非歧视的营商环境。 刘坚东会长感谢使团及经商处对商会工作的指导与支持。他向大使介绍了商会工作,表示商会肩负“商通中欧、共创繁荣”的光荣使命,未来将继续做好对在欧中企的服务,倾听企业声音及关切,维护在欧中企利益,树立中企在欧形象。 欧盟中国商会副会长、中远海运欧洲董事长傅向阳,欧盟中国商会副会长、联想控股副总裁、卢森堡国际银行副董事长李璟,欧盟中国商会副会长、联通欧洲总经理薛文霞,华为欧洲公共及政府事务副总裁、驻欧盟首席代表文涵,欧盟中国商会理事、蔚来汽车欧洲副总裁张晖,欧盟中国商会董事、新华网欧洲总经理潘治,中移国际英国有限公司企业业务总监姬东和隆基欧洲公司北欧代表处负责人黄俊分别向蔡大使介绍了有关情况。各代表表示,期待在中欧建交50周年之际,发挥商界作用与力量,为中欧新时期深化合作注入新动能。 欧盟中国商会商会秘书长方东葵、中银欧洲布鲁塞尔分行行长庄雪慧及商会秘书处等人员一同参会。

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  • 🚗🌐 Invitation! Join the 11th TIAA Conference & Intelligent Connected Vehicle Innovation Conference! 🚀 Join it from December 11-13, 2024, in Chengdu, Sichuan Province for an exciting event hosted by TIAA and UESTC! This conference will bring together global leaders and experts in autonomous driving, intelligent vehicles, new energy, and more. Highlights: 🔧 8 Specialized Forums covering autonomous driving, vehicle data security, and intelligent cockpits.
🌐 Exploring cross-border collaboration across regions like ASEAN, EU, South Asia, and Central Asia.
🚗 Hands-on experience with cutting-edge technology demos! 🌐 Free entry for TIAA members, UESTC faculty, students, and speakers.
📧 Register now: Contact Luning Jin at Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be part of the future of mobility! #TIAA2024 #SmartTech #AutonomousDriving #Innovation #FutureOfMobility #IntelligentVehicles #GlobalCollaboration

  • 🌐 China Chamber of Commerce to the EU (CCCEU) 欧盟中国商会 and gunnercooke Successfully Host Webinar on #CSDDD and #FLR Compliance to Guide Chinese Businesses 🌐     On November 19, 2024, the webinar titled “Corporate Sustainable Development: How Chinese Enterprises in Europe Can Navigate CSDDD & FLR Compliance”, co-organized by China Chamber of Commerce to the EU (CCCEU) 欧盟中国商会 and the global law firm gunnercooke gunnercooke Germany, concluded successfully. The virtual event brought together representatives from 100+ Chinese enterprises and organizations, highlighting the growing interest and need for insights on navigating these critical regulatory frameworks.   The webinar commenced with opening remarks from CCCEU Secretary General Mang Dongkui, who underscored the significance of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and Foreign Labour Reporting (FLR) as pivotal EU initiatives aimed at enhancing sustainability across global supply chains. He highlighted the profound implications of these regulations for corporate compliance and long-term competitiveness, emphasizing their impact on every aspect of supply chain management. In the first session,Dr. Eike W. Grunert, Partner at Gunnercooke, provided an overview of the #CSDDD, covering its background, framework, and corporate obligations. He explained the directive’s requirement for companies to conduct due diligence across their supply chains, identify risks, and implement mitigation measures, while also highlighting its alignment with the German Supply Chain Act (#SCA).  In the second session, Mr. Felix Thiede, Partner at Gunnercooke, provided an in-depth overview of compliance with the FLR, focusing on its enforcement mechanisms and its significant impact on supply chain management. He emphasized that the regulation applies to all products entering the EU, regardless of the company’s size or location.    During a lively Q&A session, critical issues were addressed, including the scope of the CSDDD, the urgency of preparation, the differences between the CSRD and CSDDD, and practical suggestions for Chinese companies to comply with both the CSDDD and FLR.    The webinar, moderated by Linlin Liang, offered participants valuable insights into the EU’s two new sustainability regulations, along with practical guidance on compliance strategies. The CCCEU reaffirmed its commitment to supporting Chinese enterprises in navigating these complex regulations and achieving sustainable development in the EU, offering continued policy interpretation and resource assistance.

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  • 新质生产力赋能外贸新发展 中欧新能源汽车产业合作空间广阔 中汽中心副总经理龚进峰到访商会👏🤝 11 月 18 日,中国汽车技术研究中心有限公司副总经理龚进峰及多家车企代表到访欧盟中国商会,方东葵秘书长与团组一行举行工作会谈。 方东葵向龚进峰一行介绍了商会在欧盟对中国产电动车启动反补贴调查以来所做的工作,感谢中汽中心及国际中心(日内瓦),中汽研欧洲检测公司等下属机构一直以来与商会的密切互动。他积极评价中汽中心为打造标准、法规国际交流所做的努力,及助力新能源汽车为代表的新质生产力在欧发展所发挥的作用。 龚进峰介绍了刚在日内瓦成功举办的中国汽车标准国际中心CASIC论坛的相关情况。他表示国际中心一直致力于打造标准、法规沟通交流的开放窗口与合作平台,充分发挥日内瓦作为国际标准法规协调中心的地位和作用,拓展国际合作广度与深度。龚进峰还介绍了由国际中心和欧洲汽车工业协会共同编写的《中欧汽车产业图谱》的主要内容。 双方还就未来进一步协同合作,促进中欧汽车产业的合作深入交换了意见。 中汽中心标准院院长王兆、标准院院长助理郭淼、国际中心首席代表保翔、中银欧洲布鲁塞尔分行行长庄雪慧,以及一汽、华为、蔚来、吉利等车企代表参加会议。

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