Immerse yourself in the world of gelato during the SIGEP exhibition in Rimini 🍦 From 18 to 22 January 2025 you can find us at the SIGEP exhibition in Rimini, Italy, the largest ice-cream exhibition where you can find the latest trends and ideas on business with handmade gelato. Don't forget to pay us a visit; hall C1 booth 048. We look forward to meeting you, see you later! 🤝
Colac - On Top Of Your Creations
Food and Beverage Manufacturing
Beerse, Antwerpen 1,083 followers
Outstanding ice cream ingredients, chocolate-, caramel- and fruit preparations. We taylor our recipe to your needs.
About us
Colac - On top of your creations! Colac was founded in 1981 with the first production run of Colac Ice Cream Paste. Colac owns the worldwide licence for this exclusive product. In the nineties, Colac expanded its production facilities in Beerse (Antwerp), to produce compounds and dessert toppings. In early 2000, further expansion, this time into conventional and organic fruit preparations meant major investments. Today, our know-how, flexible service and dedicated product approach guarantee the quality of each and every Colac product. Innovation is key for Colac. New trends in the market are monitored and translated into ideas and products. Ready to use Colac ice cream powders, sugar free dessert sauces and organic fruit preparations are all part of Colac's product development program. Moreover, a lot of attention is given to dedicated developments with a rigid focus on short & efficient lead times. New products are key for Colac's customers. Uncompromised quality along with innovation are the cornerstones of Colac's success. Quality starts with the careful selection of raw materials from reliable and sustainable sources. We are committed to producing and delivering at uncompromising quality standards. Continuous monitoring and improvements to the quality system are at the heart of the company. This quality system is audited annually by Lloyds, and BRC certified. Colac's ultimate goal is to deliver a wonderful product at a fair price.
- Website
External link for Colac - On Top Of Your Creations
- Industry
- Food and Beverage Manufacturing
- Company size
- 51-200 employees
- Headquarters
- Beerse, Antwerpen
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 1981
- Specialties
- Ice Cream Ingredients, Fruit Preparations, Desert Sauces, Compounds, Fruit Fillings, Glazes, and Fillings
Biezenstraat 27
Beerse, Antwerpen 2340, BE
Employees at Colac - On Top Of Your Creations
Thank you to all our visitors at Horeca Expo 2024! We hope you enjoyed also our Demo's & Ice Cream.
📣 We are participating in the Horeca Expo exhibition this year 2024, trade show for hospitality, mass catering & food stores. 📍 From November 17-20 you can find us at the Flanders Expo in Ghent. Be sure to pay us a visit; hall 2 booth 2022. #colac #exhibition #horecaexpo #visitus #hospitality
Gisteren kwam Trends Kanaal Z op bezoek om het te hebben over administratie in voedingsbedrijven. Zie hieronder de reportage.
🤯 Te veel, te complex en teveel wijzigingen: kmo-bedrijfsleider Geert Vermeersch getuigt dat de administratieve lasten voor voedingsbedrijven de pan uit swingen. 📢 We roepen toekomstige beleidsmakers op om de berg aan administratieve lasten te verlichten. Onze economiste Carole Dembour: "Hanteer daarbij het 1 in, 2 out-principe. Voor elke nieuwe regelgeving moet je er twee schrappen." 🔗 -- 🤯 Beaucoup trop, trop complexe et trop de changements : Geert Vermeersch, CEO d'une PME, témoigne que la charge administrative pour les entreprises alimentaires est de plus en plus lourde. 📢 Nous appelons les futurs décideurs politiques à alléger la montagne de charges administratives. Notre économiste Carole Dembour : « Pour ce faire, appliquez le principe « 1 in, 2 out ». Pour chaque nouvelle réglementation, supprimez-en deux. » 🔗 Colac - On Top Of Your Creations & Trends Kanaal Z
Own Energy generation through Solar Panels. Several years ago, Colac already chose to invest in sustainable water use. A water basin of 1.4 million liters was built under the production facility. Continuing this sustainable investment, no less than 954 solar panels were installed on our roof last year. Read all about it in our latest news item
📣 We have revamped our variegates! We have given our variegates a deliciously fresh new look to make your mouth water. The recipe and content will of course remain unchanged and as delicious as ever. Be sure to check them out on our website. 👉 #colac #revamped #newlook #icecream
We zijn op zoek naar een nieuwe Marketing Officer in Beerse, Flemish Region (#hiring). Solliciteer vandaag nog of deel deze bijdrage met uw netwerk.
📣 Doe jij al mee aan onze #wedstrijd? Win een bon t.w.v. €25 of een gratis pot pasto Luikse wafel. Wat moet je doen? 🍦 Maak met onze pasto Luikse wafel heerlijk ijs 📸Laat a.d.h.v. een smakelijke foto weten hoe jij dit gemaakt hebt 💻Deel jouw koele foto openbaar, tag ons en geef onze pagina een like Meedoen kan t.e.m. 18 april, op 23 april worden de winnaars bekend gemaakt. Deze promotie is op geen enkele manier gesponsord, goedgekeurd of beheerd door, of geassocieerd met LinkedIn. 000 📣 Vous participez déjà à notre #concours ? Gagnez un bon d'achat d'une valeur de 25 € ou un pot gratuit de pasto gaufre de Liège. Que faire ? 🍦 Réalisez une délicieuse crème glacée avec notre pasto gaufre de Liège 📸Utilisez une photo savoureuse pour nous montrer comment vous l'avez préparée. 💻Partagez votre photo en public, n'oubliez pas de nous taguer et d'aimer notre page Participer est possible jusqu'au 18 avril, les gagnants seront annoncés le 23 avril. Cette promotion n'est en aucun cas sponsorisée, approuvée ou administrée par, ou associée à LinkedIn. #wedstrijd #concours #icecream #winnen #luiksewafel #lekker #crèmeglacée