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Essential Insights

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Bespoke advice on geopolitics, strategy, governance, leadership, ethics, sustainability, integrity, Foreign affairs

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Essential Insights provides bespoke advice, coaching and tools on geopolitics, governance, business strategy, ethics and international affairs to business and thought leaders, helping them to optimise achievements and strengthen their leadership.

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Brussels , Brussels
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  • Essential Insight #17 As the European Union takes decisive action on defence investment and preparedness, another landmark union was launched in Brussels yesterday : the Union of Skills. Urgent need for European workforce to wake up and prepare for global environment where non-EU workers are much better prepared and ready to work. Challenges of AI-driven manufacturing and services will rise exponentially and, come quantum computing, even logarithmically. Industry knows the challenges and takes skills development into its own hands: interesting insights at Union of Skills launch from ReKnow (Renault Group university) and Cisco.

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    Essential Insight #16 : a new European Defence Union? As the EU gears up its defence posture, it is worth recalling the European Defence Community, a treaty agreed among 6 Member States in 1954 ! but then rejected by the French Senate. Here are its first treaty articles : QUOTE ARTICLE 1 By the present Treaty the High Contracting Parties institute among themselves a European Defense Community, supranational in character, consisting of common institutions, common armed Forces and a common budget. ARTICLE 2 1. The objectives of the Community shall be exclusively defensive. 2. Consequently, under the conditions provided for in the present Treaty, it shall ensure the security of the member States against any aggression by participating in Western Defense within the framework of the North Atlantic Treaty and by accomplishing the integration of the defense forces of the member States and the rational and economic utilization of their resources. 3. Any armed aggression directed against any one of the member States in Europe or against the European Defense Forces shall be considered as an attack directed against all of the member States. The member States and the European Defense Forces shall furnish to the State or Forces thus attacked all military and other aid and assistance in their power. ARTICLE 3 1.   The Community shall accomplish the goals assigned to it by employing the least burdensome and most efficient methods. It shall intervene only to the extent necessary for the fulfillment of its mission and with due respect to public liberties and the fundamental rights of the individual. It shall see to it that the proper interests of member States are taken into consideration to the full extent compatible with its own essential interests. 2.   In order to enable the Community to accomplish its mission, the member States shall place at its disposal appropriate contributions determined under the provisions of Articles 87 and 94 below. ARTICLE 4 The Community shall pursue its action in cooperation with the free nations and with all organizations whose goals are the same as that of the Community. ARTICLE 5 The Community shall cooperate closely with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.  UNQUOTE The relevance of this 1954 treaty text today is obvious : - a 'European Defence Union' is mentioned as a key objective in Defence Commissioner Kubilius' mission letter (were they aware of the 1954 treaty text?) - Europe needs immediate political decisions and huge investment in defence and security - there is precedent. No need to reinvent the wheel - essential caveat : the 1954 European Defence Union was preceded, in 1952, by the 'European Political Community'. That was also swept under the table in 1954. Not sure the required political unanimity and ambition are around today. Clearly, we need all EU citizens on board : they need to want this, and to contribute to it financially. We can't afford a second failure.

  • Essential Insight #16 : a new European Defence Union? As the EU gears up its defence posture, it is worth recalling the European Defence Community, a treaty agreed among 6 Member States in 1954 ! but then rejected by the French Senate. Here are its first treaty articles : QUOTE ARTICLE 1 By the present Treaty the High Contracting Parties institute among themselves a European Defense Community, supranational in character, consisting of common institutions, common armed Forces and a common budget. ARTICLE 2 1. The objectives of the Community shall be exclusively defensive. 2. Consequently, under the conditions provided for in the present Treaty, it shall ensure the security of the member States against any aggression by participating in Western Defense within the framework of the North Atlantic Treaty and by accomplishing the integration of the defense forces of the member States and the rational and economic utilization of their resources. 3. Any armed aggression directed against any one of the member States in Europe or against the European Defense Forces shall be considered as an attack directed against all of the member States. The member States and the European Defense Forces shall furnish to the State or Forces thus attacked all military and other aid and assistance in their power. ARTICLE 3 1.   The Community shall accomplish the goals assigned to it by employing the least burdensome and most efficient methods. It shall intervene only to the extent necessary for the fulfillment of its mission and with due respect to public liberties and the fundamental rights of the individual. It shall see to it that the proper interests of member States are taken into consideration to the full extent compatible with its own essential interests. 2.   In order to enable the Community to accomplish its mission, the member States shall place at its disposal appropriate contributions determined under the provisions of Articles 87 and 94 below. ARTICLE 4 The Community shall pursue its action in cooperation with the free nations and with all organizations whose goals are the same as that of the Community. ARTICLE 5 The Community shall cooperate closely with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.  UNQUOTE The relevance of this 1954 treaty text today is obvious : - a 'European Defence Union' is mentioned as a key objective in Defence Commissioner Kubilius' mission letter (were they aware of the 1954 treaty text?) - Europe needs immediate political decisions and huge investment in defence and security - there is precedent. No need to reinvent the wheel - essential caveat : the 1954 European Defence Union was preceded, in 1952, by the 'European Political Community'. That was also swept under the table in 1954. Not sure the required political unanimity and ambition are around today. Clearly, we need all EU citizens on board : they need to want this, and to contribute to it financially. We can't afford a second failure.

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    View profile for Ghislain D'hoop

    Founder & President, Essential Insights Co-Founder and President, Team Humanity Intl. Distinguished Fellow, Transatlantic Policy Network Hon. Ambassador of Belgium

    Essential Insight #15 Two pearls of wisdom from giants of 20th century literature. Mark when they were written. Of particular resonance in today's geopolitical environment. " Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. " W.B. Yeats, The Second Coming, 1919 " The tyrant's device: Whatever Is Possible Is Necessary." W.H. Auden, Marginalia, 1966 One could ask : where is our conviction? Where our intensity?

  • Essential Insights reposted this

    View profile for Ghislain D'hoop

    Founder & President, Essential Insights Co-Founder and President, Team Humanity Intl. Distinguished Fellow, Transatlantic Policy Network Hon. Ambassador of Belgium

    Essential Insight #14 When a bully wants to buy your most precious assets, never give in. Protect yourself. Gear up. Engage the enemy. Respond by using bully and guerrilla tactics yourself. Use their language against them. Use their intimidation against them. You will always be more honourable than they are, even if you use their methods. And you are stronger, precisely because you live and work by the rules.

  • Essential Insights reposted this

    View profile for Ghislain D'hoop

    Founder & President, Essential Insights Co-Founder and President, Team Humanity Intl. Distinguished Fellow, Transatlantic Policy Network Hon. Ambassador of Belgium

    Essential Insight #14 When a bully wants to buy your most precious assets, never give in. Protect yourself. Gear up. Engage the enemy. Respond by using bully and guerrilla tactics yourself. Use their language against them. Use their intimidation against them. You will always be more honourable than they are, even if you use their methods. And you are stronger, precisely because you live and work by the rules.

  • Essential Insight #12 Zelenskiy highlights major investment opportunities in Ukraine In a must-read Reuters interview, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy still stresses crucial importance of security guarantees but reveals remarkable insights into investment opportunities and partnerships. Main emphasis on energy and gas hub, rare metals and minerals, industrial capacity, postwar reconstruction. Messages surely not lost on the US President but to be heeded by European investors and governments alike. Other sectors such as agribusiness, defence industry, steel and metallurgy, chemicals, IT are not mentioned in the interview but present substantial postwar development perspectives.

  • We are coining a new concept : indignation diplomacy. A much-used, but often ineffective tool. Open conflicts such as Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Palestine generate considerable indignation about the violation of international law and humanitarian principles by certain perpetrators. Rightly so. Verbal condemnation, fueled by indignation, is an essential diplomatic tool and a key component of rules-based international behaviour. All-out indignation and condemnation remain a fundamental principle of humanity, civilisation and progress. They are to be cherished and defended. But when they are expressed without context or nuance, without other accompanying measures, they rarely achieve long-term objectives required for constructive international relations. All diplomatic tools require balance. A global action or initiative, on its own, may procure instant gratification and media attention but has little or no staying power. Diplomats are not activists. Ministers are much more than social media influencers. Their actions serve the greater good and long-term goals. The immediate satisfaction of voicing your unmitigated indignation about unacceptable human rights or international law violations has consequences, in the long-term. In particular, it may complicate your outreach to potential allies you need to actually achieve your essential long-term goals. Indignation diplomacy is best applied as part of a package of measures that includes confidence-building, long-term investment in partnerships and constructive outreach. If indignation is your chief international relations tool, you will soon find yourself on the margins of global power projection. Shouting from the sides instead of being in the middle of things: it's a decision to make each time before you act or post. True to our own beliefs, we thought long and hard before posting this. Interested in your views, as always.

  • More spending on defence and foreign policy is required. How to engage the public in taking responsibility to achieve this? A simple, effective tool : war bonds. The Treasury emits AAA bonds with an interest rate slightly above the average, to be repaid over 15 or 20 years. These attractive, low-risk investments are open to subscription by the public and institutional investors. In doing so, everyone participates in the efforts to strengthen our defence posture, achieve NATO goals and support diplomatic action to defend our values and our civilisation.

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