Here we are. Don't forget to register!
1 DAY TO REGISTER! 📚 ⚖️ 📱 Save your 🪑 at the conference: ⭐ Mie Oehlenschläger, our keynote, is an expert in technology ethics and policy. She is advising private and public actors on the relation of children and technology in Denmark and the EU. ⭐ Pieter Bastin is a Steiner Waldorf media education teacher who will keep us energised with a couple of interactive practices straight from his classroom. ⭐ Christopher Clouder has a role of closing the conference with words of wisdom and inspiration. He is the chairman of the Alliance for Childhood - European Network Group, the host of Quality of Childhood Talks in the European Parliament. ⭐ Tijl Van Handenhoven is a 16 year old guitarist from the Steiner school De Zonnewijzer in Leuven, who will at the end transform the conference into a concert. 🔎 Check the full programme here: Looking forward to having you with us in Brussels! ✨