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ECTA - European Clean Trucking Alliance

ECTA - European Clean Trucking Alliance

Truck Transportation

Driving the shift to zero-emission trucks across Europe for a climate-neutral future.

About us

Driving the shift to zero-emission trucks across Europe for a climate-neutral future.

Truck Transportation
Company size
11-50 employees



  • 🚨 Job Alert! 🚨 🚛 Are you passionate about clean transport & EU policy, and ready to drive change towards zero-emission trucking in Europe? 🌍 The European Clean Trucking Alliance (ECTA) is actively looking for a Consultant to provide the secretariat function in the push for zero-emission road freight! This is your chance to work at the heart of a diverse coalition dedicated to transforming Europe's trucking sector. 🔹 What’s in it for you? ✔️ Work on cutting-edge EU transport & climate policies ✔️ Engage with key industry & policy stakeholders ✔️ Help shape the advocacy strategies that will decarbonize road freight 🔗 More details & application here: #JobAlert #CleanTransport #CleanTrucking #ZeroEmission #PolicyAdvocacy

  • Want to know how 5 powerhouses driving European logistics are performing in their transition to #ZeroEmissions trucking ? Join our hybrid event to hear how fast Poland, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain and Sweden are transitioning to #ElectricTrucks and the supporting ecosystem they've put in place to support that shift.

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  • ECTA - European Clean Trucking Alliance reposted this

    𝗩𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗲𝗯𝘁 💚 𝗶𝗻 𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗘𝗹𝗲𝗸𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁ä𝘁 – 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗼 𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗚𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝘇𝘂𝗺 𝗙𝗲𝗶𝗲𝗿𝗻 Für Verliebte ist der 14. Februar ein großer Tag. Auch für den Logistikdienstleister Contargo ist der diesjährige Valentinstag 💚 ein bedeutsames Datum: Er feierte in Neuss heute einen wichtigen Meilenstein auf dem Weg zu klimafreundlichen Logistiklösungen 🌱. Contargo eröffnete dort offiziell seine Ladeinfrastruktur für Elektro-Lkw 🔋🚚. Insgesamt will das Unternehmen in Kooperation mit der Shell-Tochter SBRS GmbH an 15 Standorten von Emmerich bis Weil am Rhein das größte private Ladenetz mit bis zu 90 Ladepunkten errichten. Aktuell umfasst die alternativ angetriebene Flotte des Unternehmens knapp 60 Elektro-Zugmaschinen unterschiedlicher Fabrikate, in Bälde sollen es 90 sein. Ich habe mich sehr über die Möglichkeit gefreut, eine hochkarätig besetzte Podiumsdiskussion im Rahmen dieser Feierlichkeiten moderieren zu dürfen 😀. Besetzt war sie mit 🔹Kristin Kahl, Verantwortliche fürs Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement bei Contargo 🔹Achim Puchert, CEO bei Mercedes-Benz Trucks 🔹 Hendrik Haßheider, Leiter des Referats klimafreundliche Nutzfahrzeuge und Infrastruktur im Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr, 🔹Andreas Stahl, Geschäftsführer von SBRS, und 🔹 Henrik Schneider, Inhaber von SCM for Logistics. Gemeinsam diskutierten wir über die Potenziale und Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Elektro-Lkw und sprachen über die nötigen Rahmenbedingungen, damit die Antriebswende eine Erfolgsgeschichte 👍 wird. Klemens Rethmann, Vorstandssprecher der Rethmann-Gruppe, zu der auch Contargo gehört, sagte, dass die 2018 getroffene Entscheidung, Elektro-Lkw anzuschaffen, nicht allen leicht gefallen sei. „Viele hatten noch Diesel ⛽ im Blut.“ Doch die Entscheidung sei richtig gewesen. Contargo sei dadurch in der Lage, die CO2-Emissionen im Landverkehr um mehr als 90 Prozent zu reduzieren ⬇️. Er ist überzeugt, dass die E-Mobilität auch die wirtschaftlichste Antriebsart werden wird. Bundesverkehrsminister Volker Wissing zog eine positive Bilanz des KsNI-Förderprogramms. „Davon haben Hunderte Unternehmen profitiert“, erklärte der Politiker. Mehr als 6.000 Null-Emissions-Lkw seien dadurch auf die Straße gekommen. Jürgen Albersmann, CEO von Contargo, warb für eine Wiederauflage eines Förderprogramms. Der Intermodalverkehr ist für ihn ein ideales Einsatzgebiet für Elektro-Lkw im Vor- und Nachlauf. Intermodalverkehre seien ressourcenschonend, planbar, geeignet für große Gütermengen, schafften beim Fahrermangel Entlastung und seien ein Mittel auf dem Weg zu einer resilienteren Wirtschaft. Herzlichen Dank für die Organisation und Ausrichtung dieser wertvollen Veranstaltung 🙏 . Wir konnten wichtige Botschaften in die Welt tragen! Fotos: Rathmann Constanze Edelmann Sascha Hähnke Heike Nicolaisen Peter Smodej Christoph Kösters Hans Pieper #nachhaltigkeit #antriebswende #elektromobilität #intermodalverkehr #klimaschutz

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  • ECTA - European Clean Trucking Alliance reposted this

    As a business operating at size and scale, reducing transport #emissions is an important focus. To advance our efforts, PepsiCo France is hitting the road with a brand-new fleet of electric trucks! 🚛⚡ In partnership with logistics experts GXO Logistics, Inc., these #ZeroEmission electric trucks are now replenishing stocks and delivering for customers in the Paris region. This solution offers a cleaner, quieter, and smoother driving experience. With every kilometer traveled, it helps reduce emissions in our supply chain and support our #PepsiCoPositive journey. We aspire to expand this initiative – stay tuned for more updates!

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    View profile for Andrew Davenport

    Head of Transportation Zone Europe at Nestle

    Very happy to share a collaboration with have with our friends @sennder to bring to life more electric trucks operating for Nestlé, this time in Germany. 🚚 🔋 Sennder have been working to make EV operations cost-effective by: 🔹 Consolidation of loads for greater efficiency 🔹 Putting in in place strategic overnight depot charging 🔹 Enabling smart scheduling to align driver hours & charging It is important partnerships like this one with that are key to helping us to decarbonise our logistics across Europe. 🤝 Please watch the full case study here: #wedeliverfornestle #sennder #nestle Fabio Ciani Matthias Fleischer Otto Gussenhoven Julius Koehler

    sennder and Nestlé: Driving Decarbonization with Advanced Electric Transport Solutions

  • ☀️🔋Clean trucking doesn’t stop with zero-emission vehicles - it extends to the energy powering them. Renewable energy sources like solar and wind are key to making freight truly sustainable. Here’s why: ✅ Solar and wind power reduce emissions across the entire supply chain. ✅ Renewable energy integration supports grid decarbonization. By combining zero-emission trucks with renewable energy, we can create a truly sustainable transport system. 🌍 #RenewableEnergy #CleanFreight #SustainableTransport

  • 💡 💰 Financing the Road to Zero-Emission Freight 🚛🔋 The transition to #zeroemission #trucking is within reach - but financial support is the key to unlocking its full potential. 🌍 ECTA’s recent study on the financing of zero-emission trucks highlights innovative solutions to help fleet operators transition seamlessly. Key Insights from the Study: ✅ EU Funding: Leveraging EU funding mechanisms can reduce upfront costs for fleet operators and encourage adoption. ✅ Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborations between governments and private stakeholders can scale investments in infrastructure and technology. ✅ Targeted Incentives: Tailored subsidies, tax benefits, and low-interest financing can make zero-emission trucks more accessible, particularly for small and medium-sized businesses. ✅ Business Model Innovation: Flexible financing options, like leasing and pay-per-use models, can lower financial barriers to fleet transition. The Path Forward: Transitioning to clean trucking requires bold financial solutions and collaborative action. By addressing financial challenges head-on, we can make zero-emission freight affordable, accessible, and the standard across Europe. 🚛💶 Read the full study below 👇 and join us in driving sustainable trucking for Europe’s transport future! #CleanTrucking #ZeroEmission #SustainableTransport #FinancingSolutions #ECTA #ClimateAction

  • ECTA - European Clean Trucking Alliance reposted this

    🔵 €1.4 billion to support Poland's eHDV sector and vehicle charging infrastructure   📈 Poland has received approvals from the European Investment Bank for aid programs amounting a total of nearly €1.5 billion. The funds will be used to develop high-power charging infrastructure, as well as to support the purchase of heavy-duty electric vehicles (N2 and N3 category).   🛣 The approval of the subsidiary program (called “Support for the purchase or lease of zero-emission vehicles of the N2 and N3 categories”) is an important step in the transformation of the heavy transport sector. The TSL industry has long been waiting for this decision. Thanks to the program, transport companies will be able to modernize their fleets, which will contribute to increasing their competitiveness in the European market. 💬 "Poland, despite its leading position in heavy transport, has still not started the transformation of its heavy-duty fleet to zero-emission with sufficient speed, which in the coming years could lead into transport exclusion in the extreme. Currently, there are only about 100 electric heavy-duty vehicles (eHDVs) on Polish roads" – explains Piotr Ziółkowski, PSNM Committee Coordinator for Logistics and Transportation.   🚚 The TSL industry accounts for 6% of Poland's GDP, bringing together 125,000 companies, employing around 750,000 people.   👉 The EIB has also approved a program called “Construction/expansion of power grids for public high-power charging stations”. Its goal is to develop power infrastructure to support the establishment of public charging stations located along major TEN-T routes, in logistics centers, operational bases and intermodal terminals. The program's budget is also €465 billion (PLN 2 billion).

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  • 🏋 🚛 Did you know that adapting EU weight and dimension regulations could make zero-emission trucking more efficient? The Weights & Dimensions Directive plays a critical role in enabling cleaner and greener transport solutions. ⚖️⚡ By increasing maximum allowable weights for #electric and #hydrogen trucks, trucks can account for heavier batteries and fuel cell systems without compromising cargo capacity. These changes are essential to make #zeroemission #trucking competitive with diesel alternatives. At ECTA, we’re working to ensure that regulations evolve to support innovation and sustainability in freight. 🌍💡Let’s move forward, together and check our latest position on the topic! #CleanTrucking #PolicyImpact #ZeroEmissionTrucking #ECTA

  • 🚚 What’s it like to drive a zero-emission truck? 🎤 We spoke to drivers who are leading the way in clean freight to understand the benefits, challenges, and opportunities of transitioning to electric and hydrogen vehicles. Their feedback includes: ✅ Lower operational noise and better driving comfort. ✅ Getting used to charging times on routes - and planning accordingly. ✅ Pride in being part of the solution to climate change. At ECTA, we’re committed to improving driver experience as part of the zero-emission transition. Let’s empower those who keep Europe moving! 🌍 👇 If you want to know more you can read our study and watch our video series on this topic. 📖 Our study: 🎬 Our video series: with Contargo, FERCAM, Primafrio, GEODIS and Klumpp Müller GmbH & Co. KG

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