Pushing buttons and boundaries, creating impact with every step. That's what Masjien stands for. Another mantra is 1 + 1 = 3 as we can do so much more, together. Jasmien & Ann often discuss strategy, scalability and growth but in the end our most important metrics are impact and joy. Be the change in the world you would like to see and have fun while doing it. Or as Jan says, fall in love with the problem. Let us know if you have the same crush! #strategy #impact #movement #changemakers #teammasjien
Building, coaching, and experimenting in the world of impact. Always open to meeting good people and meaningful projects.
Building a big company vs. an impactful one. I have the amazing luck to occasionally be a jury-member in incubator, accelerator and investment teams. And one of the key-metrics that's always there is "potential for scaling". On the other hand, a metric that's rarely part of an evaluation is "relevance of the idea" or "scaling the impact". Sure, if increasing the value of shares is your main metric, scale matters. But when you're serious about solving a bigger societal problem, shouldn’t you focus your business strategy on designing solutions that prioritize impact over size? How about aiming for redundancy? Building your company in such a way it's super easy to copy. Designing solutions that are open, replicable, and encourage others to build on them. Or building a strategy focused on structural collaborations within your value-chain, and building the possibility for your peers to expand in new directions rather than expanding your own organization... Building a good strategy on impact isn't easy (but scaling a company isn't either!), but in the long run, credibility, integrity and network are much more valuable than growth. And in the end it always boils down to falling in love with the problem, not the solution. #Impact #Sustainability #SystemsThinking #Entrepreneurship