Mothers at Risk

Mothers at Risk

Philanthropic Fundraising Services

Brussels-based international non-profit organization committed to helping save lives in pregnancy and childbirth.

About us

We provide funding and technical support to local partner organizations to improve the quality and availability of maternal and neonatal health services, with the shared goal of achieving better outcomes for mothers and babies during the pre-natal, delivery and post-natal period. Since 2009 we have supported partners and projects in 12 countries in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and Europe. Our current areas of focus: • Urban maternal and neonatal health: Ensuring access to safe, quality and respectful maternal healthcare for the urban poorest in a context of exponential global urbanization and of the detrimental impact urban inequality has on maternal and newborn health. • Innovation: Implementation of projects to test promising new ideas with strong elements of innovation, entrepreneurship, and/or use of new technologies. Our Portfolio of Projects 2020/2021: - In Senegal we have teamed with Reach for Change and the Ella Fund to launch “Innovating for Mothers” a maternal health social entrepreneurship challenge to help leverage innovative ideas to strengthen women’s access to quality care during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum. -In Brazil we are partnering with the Universidad de Campinas to roll-out a new mobile Application to ensure better adherence by healthcare staff to latest WHO recommendations for quality antenatal care for vulnerable women in the city of Guarujá - In the Democratic Republic of Congo we fund a mobile clinic that provides prenatal care in poor, under-served urban and peri-urban areas of Kinshasa with local partner NGO Lisungi - In South Africa we support our partner Ubuntu's efforts to expand the provision of prenatal and postpartum care to women in the townships of Port Elizabeth including a novel birth companion pilot program to ensure women have holistic support before, during, and after labor In Ethiopia with the Fundacion Pablo Horstmann we are co-funding the first emergency obstetric transportation service in Mekhi

Philanthropic Fundraising Services
Company size
1 employee


Employees at Mothers at Risk


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