Environmental Services

Municipal Waste Europe is the European umbrella association representing public responsibility for waste.

About us

Municipal Waste Europe (MWE) was founded in 2008 as a non-profit organisation based in Brussels, Belgium. It is a European association made up of members across the EU, representing national public waste associations and similar national, regional or local associations. MWE is committed to a sustainable waste management that minimises the impact of waste on the environment and promotes resource efficiency, taking into account local conditions. MWE also promotes the interests of its members at European level, through joint positions on waste management issues and legislation and keeps its members informed on the latest EU policy developments. The association encourages the sharing of information among its members, including the exchange of good practice in the local management of waste. Waste management services are a crucial aspect of the social responsibility for the environment and public health in Europe. This service, including collection and treatment systems, is best developed at national, regional and local level. For these reasons and also for the reason of continuity in the delivery of this indispensable service, regardless of market forces, Municipal Waste Europe promotes waste management as a service of general interest. MWE is member of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform, the Circular Plastics Alliance and the European Stakeholder Platform Close the Glass Loop. Our office is based in 63 Rue d'Arlon, Brussels, Belgium.

Environmental Services
Company size
2-10 employees
Municipal Waste and Circular Economy




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    👚 Unusable textiles, limited solutions, downcycling, and growing piles of unsorted #textilewaste. Denmark, along with many other EU Member States, is under immense pressure as textile waste accumulates with insufficient market capacity to handle the demand. The EU must address this growing issue and support the textiles sorting and recycling sector. From 1 January 2025, Member States will be required to collect textiles separately. As we work towards a circular economy, it is essential to allocate funding and investments on #sorting and #recycling sector for textiles. In our joint statement with EuRIC - The European Recycling Industries, Municipal Waste Europe calls for decisive actions to prevent a crisis that could impact both the industry and local communities.

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    Temperaturen på tekstilmarkedet – en nødvendig omstilling 👕 Tekstilmarkedet er under massivt pres, og udfordringerne står i kø. Selvom indsamlingen af tekstilaffald er kommet godt i gang i flere danske kommuner, står vi stadig over for en række barrierer. Alt fra forvirring omkring sortering hos borgerne til en tekstilindustri, der endnu ikke reelt efterspørger de genanvendte fibre, som kan produceres fra deres egne tekstilsammensætninger, udfordrer os. En del af det tekstilaffald, vi modtager, er for beskidt eller vådt til at kunne genanvendes, hvilket resulterer i, at det må sendes til energiudnyttelse. Og det er ikke kun hos forbrugerne, at sorteringen er vanskelig. Manglende teknologi og et umodent marked betyder, at selv når tekstiler bliver indsamlet korrekt, bliver de, som markedet ser ud nu, ikke genanvendt til nye tekstiler. I stedet bliver de genanvendt som fyldmateriale eller klude. En relativt stor andel af det tekstilaffald, som indsamles i kommunerne, er genbrugsegnet. Genbrugskvaliteten af det tøj, der indsamles i tekstilaffaldet, er dog ofte ikke af så høj en kvalitet, at der er efterspørgsel efter det i Europa. Ved finsorteringen udsorteres tekstilerne i op imod 250 forskellige kategorier – både til genbrug og genanvendelse. Vi står dog lige nu i en meget kritisk global situation. Vi ser et stigende forbrug og eksport af billigt tøj produceret i Østen. Samtidig begynder flere at indsamle tøj i lignende kvaliteter, som vi også indsamler i Danmark. Alt dette presser naturligvis markedet for både genbrugstøj og det relativt umodne genanvendelsesmarked inden for tekstiler. Lagrene rundt omkring er fyldte, og industrien er under pres. Hos Ragn-Sells tror vi på, at markedet for genanvendelse af tekstiler vil modne over tid. Men det kræver investeringer, nye teknologier og politisk handling for at sikre, at vi forlænger levetiden på de tekstiler, der allerede er i omløb, og at vi samtidig reducerer forbrænding. Løsningerne ligger i mere innovation, bedre lovgivning og, ikke mindst, en kollektiv forståelse af, at vi skal forbruge mindre og genanvende mere. Vi kan simpelthen ikke fortsætte med at producere nyt tekstil i samme omfang som i dag. Vi er nødt til at skabe en markedsmekanisme, der belønner genanvendt indhold og straffer overproduktion. Producenterne af tekstil er nødt til at gentænke deres brandidentitet i forhold til at producere mere bæredygtigt – og ikke mindst meget mindre. Det er en svær, men nødvendig omstilling. Fremtiden for tekstilindustrien ligger i innovation, samarbejde og åben dialog – for vi har ikke råd til at brænde mulighederne væk. 💸

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    We can't let #textiles go to waste 👖 ❗ As of 1 January 2025 Member States are obliged to separately collect textiles with NO treatment. Enormous amount of separately collected textiles are at risk to be burnt or landfilled! 🚨 The textiles sorting and recycling sector need immediate support as they are facing an unprecedented crisis that can trigger a domino effect with costly and environmental repercussions for municipalities and citizens. EuRIC - The European Recycling Industries Textiles and MUNICIPAL WASTE EUROPE have joined forces and warn EU policymakers to prevent a disaster for the industry and local communities. In our joint statement we explain what's happening and how to fix it 👇 #wastehierarchy #circulareconomy #textilerecycling

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    Delivering a successful #WasteHierarchy in practice begins with a well informed, engaged population with a high participation rate in separate collection coupled with an effective, efficient sorting system adapted to local needs.   🏭 Last week, MWE had the opportunity to visit Bionerga N.V.’s Optimo Sorting System, the Foil-to-Foil plastic recycling facility, and the Waste-to-Energy plant in Beringen, Limburg, Flanders.   🚛 The facilities are closely interconnected, enabling the seamless sorting and capture of recyclable materials. This structure supports the sorting of 5 waste streams* collected door to door in separate bags by one vehicle in a highly efficient process.   Five waste streams sorted in one go—how is that possible?   🤖 👨👩👧👦 The Optimo facility sorts and classifies the different waste bags using a system of conveyor belts and advanced optical colour sorting technology, which separates the different coloured bags. This process becomes more efficient through the high participation of citizens, whose sorting efforts ensure a continuous supply of valuable recyclables that directly contribute to Limburg’s circular economy.   ♻ Once sorted, the waste is sent to various recycling facilities, including the adjacent Foil-to-Foil recycling plant, where polyethylene waste is transformed into clean, recycled PE pellets and goes on to the production of new products such as plastic bags, furniture, and more.   🔌 Any remaining mixed waste is directed to the Waste-to-Energy plant, which recovers energy to supply the recycling hub, households, and businesses.   The sorting plant is the heart of operations, in which waste can be tracked and analysed, providing valuable data to help municipalities tackle their waste management challenges.   Special thanks to Piet Coopman (Interafval) for organising the visit, and to Philip Peeters for the insightful guided tour. * 5 waste streams: food waste, packaging waste, garden waste, textiles, mixed waste

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    Welcome to the Board Piet, we are fortunate to have you with us!

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    🎉 MWE Welcomes Piet Coopman to the Board as Second Vice-President.   We are delighted to announce that Piet Coopman from Interafval, representing the Flemish municipalities and their intermunicipal waste management organisations 🇧🇪 , has joined the MWE Board as a Second Vice-President.   Piet has worked for Interafval for more than 14 years and serves as Coordinator since 2021. Piet’s expertise in waste management and his dedication to reducing the impact of waste in the environment will be invaluable in driving forward our mission. His work exemplifies how collaboration between citizens, municipalities, businesses, and the EU can effectively address waste challenges.

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    🎉 MWE Welcomes Piet Coopman to the Board as Second Vice-President.   We are delighted to announce that Piet Coopman from Interafval, representing the Flemish municipalities and their intermunicipal waste management organisations 🇧🇪 , has joined the MWE Board as a Second Vice-President.   Piet has worked for Interafval for more than 14 years and serves as Coordinator since 2021. Piet’s expertise in waste management and his dedication to reducing the impact of waste in the environment will be invaluable in driving forward our mission. His work exemplifies how collaboration between citizens, municipalities, businesses, and the EU can effectively address waste challenges.

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    👕 Citizens will soon be separating their #textilewaste into a new bin - but the rules for producers (Extended Producer Responsibility) are not in place and neither are sufficient sorting and recycling plants   The Waste Framework Directive (#WFD) trialogues begin this autumn, and from 1 January 2025, in accordance with the current text, all EU Member States must implement separate collection of textiles.   Over 7 million tons of textile waste will be collected annually but Europe can currently only process about 1.3 million tonnes according to the EEA. ❗ The gap is alarming. ⚖ This shortfall is already putting municipalities and sorting plants under strain as there is too much textile waste and not enough treatment capacity.    ⏳ An Extended Producer Responsibility (#EPR) scheme is being proposed in the revised WFD but the schemes will not be in place in most EU Member States in time for the separate collection obligation. The current draft leaves significant gaps, allowing producers to evade the real costs of textiles waste management.   We need an EPR that holds producers accountable for collection, transport, sorting, preparing for re-use, recycling, treatment of residual waste textiles, communication and R+D.   This can be efficiently implemented provided that municipalities and social enterprises have decision making power in the design and set up of EPR schemes.   🔥 Without this, the burden will remain on municipalities, social enterprises, and ultimately, citizens. 🖇 Read our joint position paper with RREUSE - Reuse and Recycling European Union Social Enterprises to learn more about shaping a sustainable future for textiles

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    #Ewaste is rising like a relentless tide, outpacing our ability to recycle it by X5 times The latest United Nations report warns that we are swimming against a growing wave, with a staggering 62 million tonnes of e-waste generated globally in 2022—and only 22.4% of it properly collected and recycled. As the tide continues to rise, the UN predicts that our efforts may falter further, with the collection and recycling rate expected to drop in the coming years.   ⛈ It’s clear that the world is caught in a storm of e-waste, struggling with a lack of awareness and inadequate infrastructure to recycle these valuable materials 📱   While Europe leads in the collection and recycling of e-waste, it also remains the continent that generates the most. Despite its efforts, Europe still struggles to meet its own environmental goals. 📬 This July, the European Commission issued an infringement procedure against all Member States (MS) for failing to meet the waste collection and recycling targets set by the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (#PPWD) and the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (#WEEE) Directive.   🌳 Member States now face a decisive moment. The targets for 2025, 2030, and 2035 are fast approaching. Failure to do so not only risks falling short of our environmental objectives but also diminishes Europe’s standing as a leader in sustainability.   ⛏ With the EU’s Critical Raw Materials Act (#CRMA) which entered into force in May, there is significant potential for the EU to secure its future supply of CRMs from local extraction in the EU. By planning strategically we can depend less on mining imports and focus more on the recovery of CRMs from WEEE.    💭 At Municipal Waste Europe (MWE), we believe it’s time to act. Greater investment is needed to raise awareness about waste management, promote reuse and repair and enhance our collection and recycling infrastructures. We must supercharge our investments in public awareness, spark a culture of reuse and repair, and build stronger, smarter collection and recycling infrastructures. We call on policymakers and stakeholders to prioritise these measures to ensure we meet our targets and lead by example on the global stage.   For more insights, we encourage you to read our Manifesto on the Roadmap to #Circularity 🌊 🏄♂️ Let’s work together to turn the tide on e-waste and move towards a truly circular economy.

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    As the EU is in the process of seeking a harmonisation of waste sorting systems, we would like to know what you think about the current waste sorting system in your country? Let us know what changes or improvements would you suggest for the waste sorting system in your country to make it more effective and user-friendly.

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    The Nordic pictogram system, which was initially developed in Denmark, in 2017, has proven to be a highly successful #wastemanagement solution. Its implementation in other Nordic countries has further reinforced its already significant potential for promoting #wastesorting and disposal in an environmentally #sustainable manner. The project has demonstrated how close collaboration between public and private entities can contribute to the circular transition without negatively impacting citizens' lifestyles, thus improving its public perception. Municipal Waste Europe strongly advocates the adoption of the #Nordicpictogram system as the main reference method for waste sorting in Europe. We hope that ongoing JRC research will support moves to adopt the Nordic pictogram system as the best way to harmonise the labelling of #packaging within the #EU and, hopefully, also encourage its use in future waste streams. 💫 By making waste sorting simple, intuitive, flexible, and convenient, we can become less reliant on the extraction of critical raw materials, more self-sufficient, and more environmentally responsible. Let's work towards a more sustainable future and a more circular economy, valuing waste as a resource and unlocking its tremendous unfulfilled potential.

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    4 #NordicPictogram – Waste Sorting Made Simple What Makes the Nordic Pictogram System Special? 💡 Waste sorting is a vital step towards reducing our dependence on increasingly scarce and expensive raw materials and achieving self-sufficiency for a sustainable future. However, the current waste sorting system is far from ideal. Its limitations call for a more straightforward and instinctive approach to waste sorting. 👇 Here are some reasons why the Nordic pictogram system is the way forward: ✅ Simple and intuitive: Through qualitative and quantitative experiments conducted by Bro Kommunikation and the joint Nordic pictogram association, Eupicto, it has been shown that the pictograms are easily and quickly recognisable and accessible. Using only a simple symbol, a one-word fraction name, and/or a colour, waste sorting has never been easier. 📝 Flexible and adaptable: The pictogram system can be easily adapted to future changes in #wastemanagement systems and can be adapted and organised to meet the specific needs of different municipalities. 🍃 #Sustainablyefficient: Matching labels on products and waste receptacles will encourage producers to adopt more sustainable packaging options, reduce waste and promote greater sustainability. 🚮 Advancing towards the #circulareconomy: The system will help to efficiently organise secondary materials, to recover more valuable materials from EU waste streams and to promote the circular economy. 🤝 Encouraging dialogue: The #pictogram system will promote dialogue between producers, municipalities, and other stakeholders, and will help to create a more collaborative and effective waste management system. To learn more about the effectiveness of the Nordic pictogram system, read the latest report by bro. Don't forget to visit the Eupicto page to learn more about the pictogram association.

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