Experimental Poultry Centre’s cover photo
Experimental Poultry Centre

Experimental Poultry Centre


Our mission: reduce emission, improve animal welfare and economic well-being and employment of poultry farmers

About us

The Experimental Poultry Centre (Proefbedrijf Pluimveehouderij) is the Belgian research institute for applied poultry research since 1993. The Experimental Poultry Centre performs research in the same conditions as in commercial practice. Theoretical knowledge is tested and demonstrated under field circumstances. There is a focus on poultry industry’s efficiency and economic sustainability next to solutions for public concerns on animal welfare, both for laying hens and broilers. Through direct communication with the poultry farmers, current topics can be investigated to address the present and upcoming questions and needs from the field. The Experimental Poultry Centre has all the necessary facilities for this purpose, and it has become an internationally respected center for expertise that works closely with Flemish universities and other important national and international research centers. A team of experienced experts (7 researchers and 12 animal caretakers) can guarantee state-of-the-art practical poultry research. In 2014 the Experimental Poultry Centre opened new sheds for both laying hens and broilers at its location in Geel. The construction and use of the experimental sheds will be completely in line with the new European legislation. The layerhouse has a total capacity of 31 000 laying hens and contains 12 independent test sections with one type of furnished cage (4 identical sections with 3072 laying hens each) and two different types of aviaries (8 sections with 4 identical sections of 1920 and 4 identical sections of 2650 laying hens each). These research facilities enable comparative research of different topics in different housing systems and different commercial lines of laying hens among others. The new broiler house has a capacity of 18 000 broilers and has 8 climate independent sub-units. Together with the remaining sheds the total broiler capacity will be 42 000.

Company size
11-50 employees
Government Agency
pluimveehouderij, praktijkonderzoek leghennen, praktijkonderzoek vleeskuikens, bestrijding bloedluizen, reductie emissies, informeren pluimveesector, hittestress bestrijden in de pluimveehouderij, dierenwelzijn bevorderen, circulaire landbouw, alternatieve eiwitten, Precision Livestock Farming, klimaatbeheersing, and smart farming


Employees at Experimental Poultry Centre


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