Belangrijk nieuws voor onze sector ! De kogel is door de kerk. #kbtender #offshore #windenergie REScoop.Vlaanderen RESCOOP WALLONIE
Doctoral researcher at Ghent University (Ghent Institute for International and European Studies) | BE-WISE project
💡 Exciting news for the renewable energy sector in Belgium! Today marks a significant milestone with the launch of the first Belgian offshore tender for lot 1 (700 MW) in the Princess Elisabeth Zone (3,5GW). The winning bidder will receive authorization and the necessary permits for constructing and operating offshore installations to produce electricity from renewable energy sources. 🥇 Bidders now have eight months to prepare their submissions, after which they will have one month to finalize and submit their bids. The FPS Economy will then have up to three months (extendable once by another three months) to evaluate the bids. The winner is expected to be announced by the end of 2025. This tender introduces several innovative mechanisms, including a capability-based, two-sided Contract for Difference (CfD) and a strong focus on fixed-price Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). Candidates will be scored based on price (90%) and citizen participation (10%). For the latter, bidders must present a citizen participation plan aimed at financing up to 4% of the CAPEX through direct or indirect citizen contributions. More information can be found on the following website: 🌍 The timeline is ambitious, and the modalities are unique—making this tender a potential new benchmark for offshore wind development in Europe. Wishing the best of luck to all participants and to the FOD Economie / SPF Economie / FPS Economy in managing this transformative process. ⚡ The coming months promise to be pivotal for Belgium's energy landscape!