Deze week deelde Raf zijn expertise rond coaching met de interim managers van 3W tijdens hun masterclass. In dit seminarie lag de focus op Leadership Team Coaching & Executive Coaching, aangepast aan het doelpubliek van interim managers. Geeft u uw medewerkers binnenkort een boost aan de hand van een training in coaching? Ontdek ons volledige aanbod op de website:
Yesterday we gathered with our Interim Managers for our final masterclass of 2024 at the offices of fellow Select Group member iSTORM - IT RECRUITMENT EXPERTS For our last edition we put the focus on coaching, as this is another invaluable competency for Interim Managers. We teamed up with Raf Vanzeer (Select Beople), who enlightened our interim managers about coaching aspects. After sharing the basic techniques, we took a deep dive into Leadership Team Coaching and Executive Coaching. Our interim manager shared their experiences in small groups, putting the theory into practice. Our masterclasses are always a great moment of connection: meeting fellow interim managers and learning from each others experience. Thank you, Raf Vanzeer from Select Beople for sharing your expertise during this masterclass. A big thank you as well to Bart Scheepens and Christoph Maassen from iStorm for welcoming us in your beautiful offices and last but not least, a big thank you to all participants for your enthusiasm and active participation during this masterclass.