The 2nd Women TechEU call for projects results are out! At Euro-Funding Europe we are very proud to have helped already a number of successful applicants 🚺 💪 🚀 !
Attention! Appeals are only being accepted through the appeals form linked in your ESR report and the Women TechEU website: . Any other kind of appeal (including email) will not be accepted. The form will go offline when the appeals period ends - no appeal will be accepted after this. *If an applicant believes there was an error in the assessment of their proposal or that the eligibility checks were incorrectly applied, potentially affecting the funding decision, they may file a complaint. Complaints, which should include a detailed explanation AND @ evidence of the alleged error, must be submitted within seven (calendar) days from the date of receiving the evaluation results. As the results were released on 29th November, the deadline for submitting complaints will be 6th December 23:59 (Brussels Time) CET For more information please refer to the guidelines on our website: