Making Christmas A Celebration Not An Obligation: The essentials for reducing holiday stress

If the advertisements, TV specials, and store decorations aren’t enough of an indication – the holidays are here! And so begins the preparation and the stress that often accompanies this season. I have never decorated for Christmas before Thanksgiving and only once did I give in to Black Friday shopping (and believe me, that was … Continue reading Making Christmas A Celebration Not An Obligation: The essentials for reducing holiday stress

Making Christmas A Celebration Not An Obligation: The essentials for reducing holiday stress

If the advertisements, TV special and store decorations aren’t enough of an indication – the holidays are here! And so begins the preparation and the stress that often accompanies this time of year. I have never begun decorating before Thanksgiving and only once did I give in to Black Friday shopping (and believe me that … Continue reading Making Christmas A Celebration Not An Obligation: The essentials for reducing holiday stress

A Non-Traditional Administrative Professional’s Day

This is the first Administrative Professionals Day that I haven't worked in a traditional office to enjoy the flowers, cards and generous spread of cookies and cakes that seem to always accompany this holiday. But I realized, that while I work in a non-traditional office, I do have an Administrative Assistant, she's just a non-traditional … Continue reading A Non-Traditional Administrative Professional’s Day