Public Relations During the Holidays: How to Grab the Media’s Attention

For many businesses hoping to share a message during the holiday season, it may feel like issuing a press release or sending out a media pitch will be like screaming into the crowd at a rock concert. There is already so much noise in the atmosphere that it’s not likely you’ll gain the attention you’re … Continue reading Public Relations During the Holidays: How to Grab the Media’s Attention

Awesome Blogging Tips from Experts

For most people, starting a blog is the easy part. However, making your blog stand out from the rest is where the real challenge lies. The power and popularity of blogging are no longer up for debate. Nowadays, a staggering 91% of businesses are using content marketing. In today’s modern world, many people are making … Continue reading Awesome Blogging Tips from Experts

Embracing the Non-Monetary Benefits of Entrepreneurship

The first Monday of each month, I dust off a favorite post from the Bennis Inc Blog archives and give you another chance to enjoy the wit and wisdom that’s been shared. Enjoy this month’s treasure – and if it inspires you – be sure to share it with family and friends! I’ve shared my insight before … Continue reading Embracing the Non-Monetary Benefits of Entrepreneurship

Key Ideas that Will Make You Better at Creative Problem Solving

What is the last problem you had to solve? Maybe it was so small you hardly realized you were making choices to reach a resolution. Or maybe it was so overwhelming and stressful you never want to relive that moment again. We are challenged to solve problems each and every day. The difference between whether … Continue reading Key Ideas that Will Make You Better at Creative Problem Solving

How to Write Objectively on a Personal Topic

We all have at least one area of expertise in our life. When it comes to sharing this knowledge with other people, whether it be on our website, blog, social media or newsletter, it can be challenging to stay objective and make it relatable to an audience who doesn’t share this same expertise. A similar […]

How to Write Objectively on a Personal Topic

We all have at least one area of expertise in our life. When it comes to sharing this knowledge with other people, whether it be on our website, blog, social media or newsletter, it can be challenging to stay objective and make it relatable to an audience who doesn’t share this same expertise. A similar … Continue reading How to Write Objectively on a Personal Topic

The Number One Thing You Must Do Before You Begin Writing

There’s a widespread misconception about writing that needs to be cleared up. We read a captivating blog, spot a witty billboard or receive a thought provoking direct mail piece and assume that some very talented writer sat down, opened their mind and let the words flow onto the paper. Done! The perfect content was crafted … Continue reading The Number One Thing You Must Do Before You Begin Writing

Embracing the Non-Monetary Benefits of Entrepreneurship

I’ve shared my insight before on how fellow entrepreneurs and business owners might choose to price their services. It’s a fine balance between earning what you’re worth and remaining competitive. One of the biggest challenges comes when you’re just starting out. With little to no prior experience and only a small portfolio of work to … Continue reading Embracing the Non-Monetary Benefits of Entrepreneurship

The Best Work Comes From Complete Creative Freedom

Entrepreneurs, freelancers and contractors need to maintain some sense of creative freedom to do their job well. In fact, I feel confident enough to expand this statement to apply to every career field out there. Creativity is the lifeblood for employees at all levels. It’s what allows us to enjoy our job, maintain a feeling … Continue reading The Best Work Comes From Complete Creative Freedom

The Repercussions of a Word Smith

I didn’t always have the gift of the golden pen. At least I never considered myself as anything but an average writer throughout my earlier years. I would do the assignments asked of me in school, but rarely did I earn high marks or a place on the honor board for my work. Outside of … Continue reading The Repercussions of a Word Smith