Habits For A Happier Life At Home

Building and maintaining good habits can provide our lives with a positive framework, but these habits don’t simply happen by chance. It’s pretty easy to fall into bad habits that impede life around the house. A happy routine can support a happy mood, so if we stick to positive routines around our homes, we stand … Continue reading Habits For A Happier Life At Home

11 Habits of Highly Efficient People

There are a ton of cheesy memes and inspirational quotes out there that allude to this one truth – we all have the same 24 hours in a day. So why then does it feel like some people can accomplish so much more with their time while others are spinning their wheels? If you believe … Continue reading 11 Habits of Highly Efficient People

The Power of Habit–And Making Your Bed (Guest Blog by Todd Shirley)

This week's post comes from returning guest blogger, Todd Shirley. Todd is a talented writer with a wealth of knowledge to share. I hope you are inspired to leave a comment or engage in conversation after reading this post. To learn more about Todd, please visit his biography at the end and check out his … Continue reading The Power of Habit–And Making Your Bed (Guest Blog by Todd Shirley)

What I wish My College Professors Would Have Taught Me: Tardiness is Unacceptable

There are some things that can and will never be taught in the classroom. Maybe it’s because those topics are seen as too radical or have been flagged as a lawsuit risk, but truly these are the missing pieces of wisdom that leave many college grads as an incomplete puzzle with still much to figure … Continue reading What I wish My College Professors Would Have Taught Me: Tardiness is Unacceptable