The Art of Wanting What You Have

Our definition of success is often a moving goal post. We set a milestone we hope to achieve, and we work and work until we get there. But once we do, we move the goal post further back and set a new goal. In certain circumstances this isn't a bad thing. It can look like … Continue reading The Art of Wanting What You Have

The Ordinary Moments Matter

I think we can all relate to the desire to seek the extraordinary moments. We measure our life in increments of achievements, success, and milestones. Sure, these offer a firecracker burst of excitement, but just as quickly they fade with the uncertainty of when we'll experience the next one. What I've come to realize, especially … Continue reading The Ordinary Moments Matter

5 Ways You Are Spreading Negativity Without Knowing It

The first Monday of each month, I dust off a favorite post from the Bennis Inc Blog archives and give you another chance to enjoy the wit and wisdom that’s been shared. Enjoy this month’s treasure – and if it inspires you – be sure to share it with family and friends! Would you consider yourself to … Continue reading 5 Ways You Are Spreading Negativity Without Knowing It

5 Ways You Are Spreading Negativity Without Knowing It

Would you consider yourself to be a positive or negative person? Most of us would like to identify with being a friend or co-worker who brings positive energy to the world around us. The struggle is that so often we allow negativity to creep into our thoughts and actions and before we know it, we … Continue reading 5 Ways You Are Spreading Negativity Without Knowing It

How to Love Your Career on the Days You Don’t (Guest Blog by Sarah Pike)

The following post comes to us from returning guest blogger, Sarah Pike. Sarah is a freelancer and teacher with a passion for sharing innovative ideas about entrepreneurship, productivity and company culture. Be sure to visit her author's bio below to learn more and connect! ———————————————————————————————— How to Love Your Career on the Days You Don’t You went into public relations because … Continue reading How to Love Your Career on the Days You Don’t (Guest Blog by Sarah Pike)

Finding Happiness Throughout Every Stage of Life

As a young business owner, I sometimes catch myself wishing away the present moment for a milestone in the future in which I think things will be happier, easier, more successful or less stressful. I’m just beginning my career, so there is a lot of time ahead of me before I can even think about … Continue reading Finding Happiness Throughout Every Stage of Life

You Don’t Need the Best of Everything To Make the Best of Everything

Sometimes I don’t know what to count first. My blessings—or the little moments in life that make me stop and want to count my blessings. It was the second or third time I’ve used this particular cashier at a local shop. It’s the type of job that garners little respect or attention, no matter how … Continue reading You Don’t Need the Best of Everything To Make the Best of Everything