If you use public relations tactics and hope to get results that really only marketing can produce, you’re going to be frustrated and likely begin to doubt the effectiveness of using PR to grow your business. The same is true if you mistakenly use marketing tactics and hope to get results that are more PR-related. … Continue reading How Public Relations is Different than Marketing
Why a Basic Knowledge of Photography Will Improve Your Public Relations
Photography is a powerful tool that can help you convey a message or establish a brand. Specifically in the Public Relations industry, one great image can be the difference between having your press release picked up or not. Although photography won’t make up for poorly crafted content, visuals can go a long way toward making … Continue reading Why a Basic Knowledge of Photography Will Improve Your Public Relations
A Changing Industry: Why Public Relations is Now Personal Relations
Public Relations. When broken down it quite literally means relating (i.e. communicating) with the public. Yet, the term “public” is no longer as fitting as we move into an ever-increasingly personal society where we share intimate information with one another every day. Within our social circles, technology has granted us the ability to know what … Continue reading A Changing Industry: Why Public Relations is Now Personal Relations